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       mongo - MongoDB Shell


       mongo  is  an  interactive JavaScript shell interface to MongoDB, which provides a powerful interface for
       systems administrators as well as a way for developers to test queries and operations directly  with  the
       database.  mongo  also  provides  a  fully functional JavaScript environment for use with a MongoDB. This
       document addresses the basic invocation of the mongo shell and an overview of its usage.


       mongo [--shell] [--nodb] [--norc] [--quiet] [--port <port>] [--host  <host>]  [--eval  <JavaScript>]  [-u
       <username>]  [--username  <username>]  [-p  <password>] [--password <password>] [--help] [-h] [--version]
       [--verbose] [--ipv6] [database] [file.js]


              Enables the shell interface after evaluating a JavaScript file.  If you invoke the  mongo  command
              and  specify  a JavaScript file as an argument, or use --eval to specify JavaScript on the command
              line, the --shell option provides the user with a shell prompt after the file finishes executing.

       --nodb Prevents the shell from connecting to any database instances. Later,  to  connect  to  a  database
              within the shell, see mongo-shell-new-connections.

       --norc Prevents the shell from sourcing and evaluating ~/.mongorc.js on start up.

              Silences output from the shell during the connection process.

       --port <port>
              Specifies  the  port  where  the  mongod  or  mongos instance is listening. Unless specified mongo
              connects to mongod instances on port 27017, which is the default mongod port.

       --host <hostname>
              specifies the host where the mongod or mongos is running to connect to as <hostname>.  By  default
              mongo will attempt to connect to a MongoDB process running on the localhost.

       --eval <javascript>
              Evaluates a JavaScript expression specified as an argument to this option. mongo does not load its
              own environment when evaluating code: as a result many options of the shell  environment  are  not

       --username <username>, -u <username>
              Specifies  a  username  to  authenticate  to  the  MongoDB  instance.  Use in conjunction with the
              --password option to supply a password.  If you specify a username and password  but  the  default
              database  or  the  specified  database  do  not  require  authentication,  mongo will exit with an

       --password <password>, -p <password>
              Specifies a password to authenticate to  the  MongoDB  instance.   Use  in  conjunction  with  the
              --username option to supply a username. If you specify a --username without the --password option,
              mongo will prompt for a password interactively, if the mongod or mongos requires authentication.

       --authenticationDatabase <dbname>
              New in version 2.4.

              Specifies the database that holds the user's (e.g --username) credentials.

              By default, mongo assumes that the database name specified in the  db  address  holds  the  user's
              credentials, unless you specify --authenticationDatabase.

              See userSource, /reference/privilege-documents and /reference/user-privileges for more information
              about delegated authentication in MongoDB.

       --authenticationMechanism <name>
              New in version 2.4.

              Specifies the authentication mechanism. By default, the authentication  mechanism  is  MONGODB-CR,
              which  is  the  MongoDB  challenge/response  authentication  mechanism.  In the MongoDB Subscriber
              Edition, mongo also includes support for GSSAPI to handle Kerberos authentication.

              See /tutorial/control-access-to-mongodb-with-kerberos-authentication for  more  information  about
              Kerberos authentication.

       --ssl  Enable connection to a mongod or mongos that has SSL encryption.

       --sslPEMKeyFile <filename>
              New in version 2.4.

       Note   The  default  distribution  of MongoDB does not contain support for SSL. To use SSL you can either
              compile MongoDB with SSL support or use the MongoDB Subscriber  Edition.  See  /administration/ssl
              for more information about SSL and MongoDB.

       Specifies the .pem file that contains both the SSL certificate and key. Specify the file name of the .pem
       file using relative or absolute paths

       Required  when  using  the  --ssl  option  if  the  mongod  or  mongos  has  sslCAFile  enabled   without

       --sslPEMKeyPassword <value>
              New in version 2.4.

       Note   The  default  distribution  of MongoDB does not contain support for SSL. To use SSL you can either
              compile MongoDB with SSL support or use the MongoDB Subscriber  Edition.  See  /administration/ssl
              for more information about SSL and MongoDB.

       Specifies the password to decrypt the root certificate chain specified by --sslPEMKeyFile.

       Only required if the certificate-key file is encrypted.

       --sslCAFile <filename>
              New in version 2.4.

       Note   The  default  distribution  of MongoDB does not contain support for SSL. To use SSL you can either
              compile MongoDB with SSL support or use the MongoDB Subscriber  Edition.  See  /administration/ssl
              for more information about SSL and MongoDB.

       Specifies  the  .pem  file that contains the certificate from the Certificate Authority. Specify the file
       name of the .pem file using relative or absolute paths

       --help, -h
              Returns a basic help and usage text.

              Returns the version of the shell.

              Increases the verbosity of the output of the shell during the connection process.

       --ipv6 Enables IPv6 support that allows mongo to connect to the MongoDB instance using an  IPv6  network.
              All MongoDB programs and processes, including mongo, disable IPv6 support by default.

       <db address>
              Specifies the "database address" of the database to connect to. For example:

              mongo admin

              The above command will connect the mongo shell to the admin database on the local machine. You may
              specify a remote database instance, with the resolvable  hostname  or  IP  address.  Separate  the
              database name from the hostname using a / character. See the following examples:

              mongo mongodb1/admin

              Specifies  a  JavaScript  file  to run and then exit.  Must be the last option specified.  Use the
              --shell option to return to a shell after the file finishes running.

          mongo maintains a history of commands in the .dbshell file.

          Note   mongo does not recorded interaction related to authentication in the  history  file,  including
                 authenticate and db.addUser().

              Versions  of  Windows  mongo.exe  earlier  than 2.2.0 will save the .dbshell file in the mongo.exe
              working directory.

          mongo will read the .mongorc.js file from the home directory of the user invoking mongo. In the  file,
          users  can  define  variables, customize the mongo shell prompt, or update information that they would
          like updated every time they launch a shell. If you use the shell to evaluate  a  JavaScript  file  or
          expression  either  on  the  command line with --eval or by specifying a .js file to mongo, mongo will
          read the .mongorc.js file after the JavaScript has finished processing.

          Specify the --norc option to disable reading .mongorc.js.

          Created by mongo when editing a file.  If the file exists mongo will append an integer from 1 to 10 to
          the time value to attempt to create a unique file.

          Created  by mongo.exe on Windows when editing a file.  If the file exists mongo will append an integer
          from 1 to 10 to the time value to attempt to create a unique file.

       EDITOR Specifies the path to an editor to use with the edit shell command.  A JavaScript variable  EDITOR
              will override the value of EDITOR.

       HOME   Specifies  the path to the home directory where mongo will read the .mongorc.js file and write the
              .dbshell file.

              On Windows systems, HOMEDRIVE  specifies  the  path  the  directory  where  mongo  will  read  the
              .mongorc.js file and write the .dbshell file.

              Specifies  the  Windows  path to the home directory where mongo will read the .mongorc.js file and
              write the .dbshell file.


       The mongo shell supports the following keyboard shortcuts: [1]

                             │KeybindingFunction                              │
                             │Up arrow           │ Retrieve   previous   command    from │
                             │                   │ history                               │
                             │Down-arrow         │ Retrieve next command from history    │

                             │Home               │ Go to beginning of the line           │
                             │End                │ Go to end of the line                 │
                             │Tab                │ Autocomplete method/command           │
                             │Left-arrow         │ Go backward one character             │
                             │Right-arrow        │ Go forward one character              │
                             │Ctrl-left-arrow    │ Go backward one word                  │
                             │Ctrl-right-arrow   │ Go forward one word                   │
                             │Meta-left-arrow    │ Go backward one word                  │
                             │Meta-right-arrow   │ Go forward one word                   │
                             │Ctrl-A             │ Go to the beginning of the line       │
                             │Ctrl-B             │ Go backward one character             │
                             │Ctrl-C             │ Exit the mongo shell                  │
                             │Ctrl-D             │ Delete  a  char  (or  exit  the mongo │
                             │                   │ shell)                                │
                             │Ctrl-E             │ Go to the end of the line             │
                             │Ctrl-F             │ Go forward one character              │
                             │Ctrl-G             │ Abort                                 │
                             │Ctrl-J             │ Accept/evaluate the line              │
                             │Ctrl-K             │ Kill/erase the line                   │
                             │Ctrl-L or type cls │ Clear the screen                      │
                             │Ctrl-M             │ Accept/evaluate the line              │
                             │Ctrl-N             │ Retrieve next command from history    │
                             │Ctrl-P             │ Retrieve   previous   command    from │
                             │                   │ history                               │
                             │Ctrl-R             │ Reverse-search command history        │
                             │Ctrl-S             │ Forward-search command history        │
                             │Ctrl-T             │ Transpose characters                  │
                             │Ctrl-U             │ Perform Unix line-discard             │
                             │Ctrl-W             │ Perform Unix word-rubout              │
                             │Ctrl-Y             │ Yank                                  │
                             │Ctrl-Z             │ Suspend (job control works in linux)  │
                             │Ctrl-H             │ Backward-delete a character           │
                             │Ctrl-I             │ Complete, same as Tab                 │

                             │Meta-B             │ Go backward one word                  │
                             │Meta-C             │ Capitalize word                       │
                             │Meta-D             │ Kill word                             │
                             │Meta-F             │ Go forward one word                   │
                             │Meta-L             │ Change word to lowercase              │
                             │Meta-U             │ Change word to uppercase              │
                             │Meta-Y             │ Yank-pop                              │
                             │Meta-Backspace     │ Backward-kill word                    │
                             │Meta-<             │ Retrieve the first command in command │
                             │                   │ history                               │
                             │Meta->             │ Retrieve the last command in  command │
                             │                   │ history                               │

       [1]  MongoDB  accommodates  multiple  keybinding,  Since  2.0,  mongo  includes  support  for basic emacs


       Typically users invoke the shell with the mongo command at the  system  prompt.  Consider  the  following
       examples for other scenarios.

       To connect to a database on a remote host using authentication and a non-standard port, use the following

       mongo --username <user> --password <pass> --hostname <host> --port 28015

       Alternatively, consider the following short form:

       mongo -u <user> -p <pass> --host <host> --port 28015

       Replace <user>, <pass>, and <host> with the appropriate values for your situation and substitute or  omit
       the --port as needed.

       To  execute  a JavaScript file without evaluating the ~/.mongorc.js file before starting a shell session,
       use the following form:

       mongo --shell --norc alternate-environment.js

       To print return a query as JSON, from the system prompt using the --eval option, use the following form:

       mongo --eval 'db.collection.find().forEach(printjson)'

       Use single quotes (e.g. ') to enclose the JavaScript, as well as the additional  JavaScript  required  to
       generate this output.


       MongoDB Documentation Project

       2011-2013, 10gen, Inc.