bionic (1) mseed2sac.1.gz

Provided by: mseed2sac_2.2+ds1-3_amd64 bug


       mseed2sac - miniSEED to SAC converter


       mseed2sac [options] file1 [file2 file3 ...]


       mseed2sac  converts  miniSEED  waveform  data  to SAC format.  The output SAC file can be either ASCII or
       binary (either byte-order), the default is binary with the same byte-order  as  the  host  computer.   By
       default all aspects of the input files are automatically detected.

       If  an  input  file name is prefixed with an '@' character the file is assumed to contain a list of input
       data files, see INPUT LIST FILES below.

       A separate output file is written for each continuous time-series in the input data.  Output  file  names
       are of the form:


       For example:

       Files  that  would  have  the  same  file name due to having the same start time will be kept separate by
       adding a digit to file name.  The -O argument changes this behavior to allow overwriting of existing file

       If the input file name is "-" input miniSEED records will be read from standard input.

       The SAC header variable KHOLE is used synonymously with the SEED location code.  Any location codes found
       in the input miniSEED or metadata file are put into the KHOLE variable.


       -V     Print program version and exit.

       -h     Print program usage and exit.

       -H     Print extended program usage with all options and exit.

       -v     Be more verbose.  This flag can be used multiple times ("-v -v" or "-vv") for more verbosity.

       -O     Overwrite an existing files instead of generating new file names.

       -k lat/lon
              Specify station coordinates  to  put  into  the  output  SAC  file(s).   The  argument  format  is
              "Latitude/Longitude"  e.g.  "47.66/-122.31".   Coordinates specified with this option override any
              coordinates found in the metadata file.

       -m metafile
              Specify a file containing metadata such as coordinates, elevation, component orientation,  scaling
              factor,  etc.  For each time-series written any matching metadata will be added to the SAC header.
              See METADATA FILES below.

       -M metaline
              Specify a "line" of metadata in the same format as expected for the METADATA FILES.   This  option
              may be specified multiple times.

       -msi   Convert  any  component  inclination  values in a metadata file from SEED (dip) to SAC convention,
              this is a simple matter of adding 90 degrees.

       -E event
              Specify event parameters to add to the SAC file in the following format:


              For example:

              The parameters later in the string are optional.

       -l selectfile
              Limit to miniSEED records that match a selection  in  the  specified  file.   The  selection  file
              contains  parameters  to match the network, station, location, channel, quality and time range for
              input records.  This option only trims data to SEED record granularity,  not  sample  granularity.
              For more details see the SELECTION FILE section below.

       -f format
              The  default  output  format  is  binary  SAC with the same byte order as the host computer.  This
              option forces the format for every output file:

              1 : Alphanumeric SAC format
              2 : Binary SAC format, host byte order (default)
              3 : Binary SAC format, little-endian
              4 : Binary SAC format, big-endian

       -N netcode
              Specify the network code to use, overriding any network code in the input miniSEED.

       -S station
              Specify the station code to use, overriding any station code in the input miniSEED.

       -L location
              Specify the location code to use, overriding any location code in the input miniSEED.

       -C channel
              Specify the channel code to use, overriding any channel code in the input miniSEED.

       -r bytes
              Specify the miniSEED record length in bytes, by default this is autodetected.

       -i     Process each input file individually.  By default all  input  files  are  read  and  all  data  is
              buffered  in memory before SAC files are written.  This allows time-series spanning mutilple input
              files to be merged and written in a single SAC file.  The intention is to  use  this  option  when
              processing large amounts of data in order to keep memory usage within reasonable limits.

       -ic    Process  each  input  channel  individually.   Similar to the -i option, except this instructs the
              program to create write SAC files for each channel (determined when the  input  channel  changes).
              Data should be well ordered by channel for best results.  This option can be used to reduce memory
              usage for very large input files containing many channels.

       -dr    Use the sampling rate derived from the start and end times and the number of  samples  instead  of
              the  rate specified in the input data.  This is useful when the sample rate in the input data does
              not have enough resolution to represent the true rate.

       -z zipfile
              Create a ZIP archive containing all SAC files instead of writing individual files.  Each  file  is
              compressed with the deflate method.  Specify "-" (dash) to write ZIP archive to stdout.

       -z0 zipfile
              Same  as  "-z"  except  do not compress the SAC files.  Specify "-" (dash) to write ZIP archive to


       A metadata file contains a list of station parameters, some of which can be stored  in  SAC  but  not  in
       miniSEED.   Each  line  in a metadata file should be a list of parameters in the order shown below.  Each
       parameter should be separated with a comma or a vertical bar (|).  DIP CONVENTION: When comma  separators
       are  used  the  dip  field  (CMPINC)  is  assumed to be in the SAC convention (degrees down from vertical
       up/outward), if vertical bars are used the dip field is assumed to be in  the  SEED  convention  (degrees
       down from horizontal) and converted to SAC convention.

       Metdata fields:
       Network (KNETWK)
       Station (KSTNM)
       Location (KHOLE)
       Channel (KCMPNM)
       Latitude (STLA)
       Longitude (STLO)
       Elevation (STEL), in meters [not currently used by SAC]
       Depth (STDP), in meters [not currently used by SAC]
       Component Azimuth (CMPAZ), degrees clockwise from north
       Component Incident Angle (CMPINC), degrees from vertical
       Instrument Name (KINST), up to 8 characters
       Scale Factor (SCALE)
       Scale Frequency, unused
       Scale Units, unused
       Sampling rate, unused
       Start time, used for matching
       End time, used for matching

       Example with comma separators (with SAC convention dip):

       IU,ANMO,00,BH1,34.945981,-106.457133,1671,145,328,90,Geotech KS-54000,3456610000,0.02,M/S,20,2008-06-30T20:00:00,2599-12-31T23:59:59
       IU,ANMO,00,BH2,34.945981,-106.457133,1671,145,58,90,Geotech KS-54000,3344370000,0.02,M/S,20,2008-06-30T20:00:00,2599-12-31T23:59:59
       IU,ANMO,00,BHZ,34.945981,-106.457133,1671,145,0,0,Geotech KS-54000,3275080000,0.02,M/S,20,2008-06-30T20:00:00,2599-12-31T23:59:59
       IU,ANMO,10,BH1,34.945913,-106.457122,1767.2,48.8,64,90,Guralp CMG3-T,32805600000,0.02,M/S,40,2008-06-30T20:00:00,2599-12-31T23:59:59
       IU,ANMO,10,BH2,34.945913,-106.457122,1767.2,48.8,154,90,Guralp CMG3-T,32655000000,0.02,M/S,40,2008-06-30T20:00:00,2599-12-31T23:59:59
       IU,ANMO,10,BHZ,34.945913,-106.457122,1767.2,48.8,0,0,Guralp CMG3-T,33067200000,0.02,M/S,40,2008-06-30T20:00:00,2599-12-31T23:59:59

       Example with vertical bar separators (with SEED convention dip):

       IU|ANMO|00|BH1|34.945981|-106.457133|1671|145|328|0|Geotech KS-54000|3456610000|0.02|M/S|20|2008-06-30T20:00:00|2599-12-31T23:59:59
       IU|ANMO|00|BH2|34.945981|-106.457133|1671|145|58|0|Geotech KS-54000|3344370000|0.02|M/S|20|2008-06-30T20:00:00|2599-12-31T23:59:59
       IU|ANMO|00|BHZ|34.945981|-106.457133|1671|145|0|-90|Geotech KS-54000|3275080000|0.02|M/S|20|2008-06-30T20:00:00|2599-12-31T23:59:59

       As a special case '--' can be used to match an empty location code.

       For each time-series written, metadata from the first line with matching source name parameters (network,
       station, location and channel) and time window (if specified) will be inserted into the SAC header.   All
       parameters are optional except for the first four fields specifying the source name parameters.

       Simple  wildcarding:  for the source name parameters that will be matched a '*' character in a field will
       match anything.  The BHZ metadata lines above, for example, can be (almost) summarized as:

       IU,ANMO,*,BHZ,34.9459,-106.4571,1671,145,0,0,Geotech KS-54000,3456610000,0.02,M/S,20,2008-06-30T20:00:00,2599-12-31T23:59:59


       A selection file is used to match input data records based on  network,  station,  location  and  channel
       information.   Optionally a quality and time range may also be specified for more refined selection.  The
       non-time fields may use the '*' wildcard to match multiple characters  and  the  '?'  wildcard  to  match
       single  characters.   Character  sets  may also be used, for example '[ENZ]' will match either E, N or Z.
       The '#' character indicates the remaining portion of the line will be ignored.

       Example selection file entires (the first four fields are required)
       #net sta  loc  chan  qual  start             end
       IU   ANMO *    BH?
       II   *    *    *     Q
       IU   COLA 00   LH[ENZ] R
       IU   COLA 00   LHZ   *     2008,100,10,00,00 2008,100,10,30,00


       If an input file is prefixed with an '@' character the file is assumed to contain  a  list  of  file  for
       input.   Multiple  list  files  can be combined with multiple input files on the command line.  The last,
       space separated field on each line is assumed to be the file name to be read.

       An example of a simple text list:



       Seismic Analysis Code (SAC) is a general purpose interactive program designed for the study of sequential
       signals,  especially timeseries data.  Originally developed at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
       the SAC software package is also available from IRIS.


       Chad Trabant
       IRIS Data Management Center

                                                   2017/09/29                                       MSEED2SAC(1)