Provided by: mypy_0.560-1_all 

mypy - Optional Static Typing for Python
usage: mypy [-h] [-v] [-V] [--python-version x.y] [--platform PLATFORM] [-2] [--ignore-missing-imports] [--follow-imports {normal,silent,skip,error}] [--disallow-any-unimported] [--disallow-any-expr] [--disallow-any-decorated] [--disallow-any-explicit] [--disallow-any-generics] [--disallow-untyped-calls] [--disallow-untyped-defs] [--disallow-incomplete-defs] [--check-untyped-defs] [--disallow-subclassing-any] [--warn-incomplete-stub] [--disallow-untyped-decorators] [--warn-redundant-casts] [--no-warn-no-return] [--warn-return-any] [--warn-unused-ignores] [--warn-unused-configs] [--show-error-context] [--no-implicit-optional] [-i] [--quick-and-dirty] [--cache-dir DIR] [--skip-version-check] [--strict-optional] [--strict-optional-whitelist [GLOB [GLOB ...]]] [--junit-xml JUNIT_XML] [--pdb] [--show-traceback] [--stats] [--inferstats] [--custom-typing MODULE] [--custom-typeshed-dir DIR] [--scripts-are-modules] [--config-file CONFIG_FILE] [--show-column-numbers] [--find-occurrences CLASS.MEMBER] [--strict] [--shadow-file SOURCE_FILE SHADOW_FILE] [--any-exprs-report DIR] [--cobertura-xml-report DIR] [--html-report DIR] [--linecount-report DIR] [--linecoverage-report DIR] [--memory-xml-report DIR] [--txt-report DIR] [--xml-report DIR] [--xslt-html-report DIR] [--xslt-txt-report DIR] [-m MODULE] [-c PROGRAM_TEXT] [-p PACKAGE] [files [files ...]] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose more verbose messages -V, --version show program's version number and exit --python-version x.y use Python x.y --platform PLATFORM typecheck special-cased code for the given OS platform (defaults to sys.platform). -2, --py2 use Python 2 mode --ignore-missing-imports silently ignore imports of missing modules --follow-imports {normal,silent,skip,error} how to treat imports (default normal) --disallow-any-unimported disallow Any types resulting from unfollowed imports --disallow-any-expr disallow all expressions that have type Any --disallow-any-decorated disallow functions that have Any in their signature after decorator transformation --disallow-any-explicit disallow explicit Any in type positions --disallow-any-generics disallow usage of generic types that do not specify explicit type parameters --disallow-untyped-calls disallow calling functions without type annotations from functions with type annotations (inverse: --allow-untyped-calls) --disallow-untyped-defs disallow defining functions without type annotations or with incomplete type annotations (inverse: --allow-untyped-defs) --disallow-incomplete-defs disallow defining functions with incomplete type annotations (inverse: --allow-incomplete-defs) --check-untyped-defs type check the interior of functions without type annotations (inverse: --no-check-untyped-defs) --disallow-subclassing-any disallow subclassing values of type 'Any' when defining classes (inverse: --allow-subclassingany) --warn-incomplete-stub warn if missing type annotation in typeshed, only relevant with --check-untyped-defs enabled (inverse: --no-warn-incomplete-stub) --disallow-untyped-decorators disallow decorating typed functions with untyped decorators (inverse: --allow-untyped-decorators) --warn-redundant-casts warn about casting an expression to its inferred type (inverse: --no-warn-redundant-casts) --no-warn-no-return do not warn about functions that end without returning (inverse: --warn-no-return) --warn-return-any warn about returning values of type Any from nonAny typed functions (inverse: --no-warn-returnany) --warn-unused-ignores warn about unneeded '# type: ignore' comments (inverse: --no-warn-unused-ignores) --warn-unused-configs warn about unnused '[mypy-<pattern>]' config sections (inverse: --no-warn-unused-configs) --show-error-context Precede errors with "note:" messages explaining context (inverse: --hide-error-context) --no-implicit-optional don't assume arguments with default values of None are Optional (inverse: --implicit-optional) -i, --incremental enable module cache, (inverse: --no-incremental) --quick-and-dirty use cache even if dependencies out of date (implies --incremental) --cache-dir DIR store module cache info in the given folder in incremental mode (defaults to '.mypy_cache') --skip-version-check allow using cache written by older mypy version --strict-optional enable experimental strict Optional checks (inverse: --no-strict-optional) --strict-optional-whitelist [GLOB [GLOB ...]] suppress strict Optional errors in all but the provided files (experimental -- read documentation before using!). Implies --strict-optional. Has the undesirable side-effect of suppressing other errors in non-whitelisted files. --junit-xml JUNIT_XML write junit.xml to the given file --pdb invoke pdb on fatal error --show-traceback, --tb show traceback on fatal error --stats dump stats --inferstats dump type inference stats --custom-typing MODULE use a custom typing module --custom-typeshed-dir DIR use the custom typeshed in DIR --scripts-are-modules Script x becomes module x instead of __main__ --config-file CONFIG_FILE Configuration file, must have a [mypy] section (defaults to mypy.ini) --show-column-numbers Show column numbers in error messages (inverse: --hide-column-numbers) --find-occurrences CLASS.MEMBER print out all usages of a class member (experimental) --strict Strict mode. Enables the following flags: --disallow-untyped-calls, --disallow-untyped-defs, --disallow-incomplete-defs, --check-untyped-defs, --disallow-subclassing-any, --disallow-untypeddecorators, --warn-redundant-casts, --warn-returnany, --warn-unused-ignores, --warn-unused-configs, --no-implicit-optional, --strict-optional --shadow-file SOURCE_FILE SHADOW_FILE Typecheck SHADOW_FILE in place of SOURCE_FILE. report generation: Generate a report in the specified format. --any-exprs-report DIR --cobertura-xml-report DIR --html-report DIR --linecount-report DIR --linecoverage-report DIR --memory-xml-report DIR --txt-report DIR --xml-report DIR --xslt-html-report DIR --xslt-txt-report DIR How to specify the code to type check: -m MODULE, --module MODULE type-check module; can repeat for more modules -c PROGRAM_TEXT, --command PROGRAM_TEXT type-check program passed in as string -p PACKAGE, --package PACKAGE type-check all files in a directory files type-check given files or directories environment variables: MYPYPATH additional module search path