bionic (1) mysqlauditgrep.1.gz

Provided by: mysql-utilities_1.6.4-1_all bug


       mysqlauditgrep - Search an audit log


        mysqlauditgrep [OPTIONS]... AUDIT_LOG_FILE
        mysqlauditgrep --file-stats[--format=FORMAT] AUDIT_LOG_FILE
        mysqlauditgrep --format=FORMAT AUDIT_LOG_FILE
        mysqlauditgrep [--users=USERS] [--start-date=START_DATE] [--end-date=END_DATE]
       [--pattern=PATTERN[--regexp]] [--query-type=QUERY_TYPE] [--event-type=EVENT_TYPE] [--status=STATUS]
       [--format=FORMAT] AUDIT_LOG_FILE


       This utility allows you to search the current or archived audit logs permitting you to display data from
       the audit log file according to the defined search criterion. It also allows you to output the results in
       different formats, namely GRID (default), TAB, CSV, VERTICAL, and RAW (the original XML format).

       This utility allows you to search and filter the returned audit log records by: users (--users), date and
       time ranges (--start-date and --end-date), SQL query types (--query-type), logged event and record types
       (--event-type), status (--status), and matching patterns (--pattern). Any of these search options can be
       combined and used together, with the retrieved records resulting from all options evaluated as an and
       condition (all must be true).

       The --pattern supports two types of pattern matching: standard SQL, used with the SQL LIKE operator (SQL
       patterns), and standard REGEXP (POSIX regular expression patterns).

       This utility always requires an audit log file. The AUDIT_LOG_FILE argument should contain the a full
       path and filename for the audit log file. If not specified, a notification concerning this requirement
       will be printed. If --format is specified without search parameters, all of the records of the audit log
       are displayed in the specified format. Thus, you can use this feature to view the audit log file in the
       supported formats.

       The --file-stats option is not considered a search criteria and is used to display the file statistics of
       a specified audit log. Other search options will be ignored when the --file-stats option is used, except
       the --format option will continue to format the results accordingly.

       To specify the format of the generated results, use one of the following values with the --format option:

       •   GRID (default)

           Display output in grid or table format like that of the mysql client command-line tool.

       •   CSV

           Display output in comma-separated values format.

       •   VERTICAL

           Display output in single-column format like that of the \G command for the mysql client command-line

       •   RAW

           Display output results in the original raw format of the audit log records, which is written in XML.
       Standard SQL Pattern Matching.PP The simple patterns defined by the SQL standard enables users to use two
       characters with special meanings: “%” (percent) matches zero or more characters, and “_” (underscore)
       matches exactly one arbitrary character. In standard SQL, these types of patterns are used with the LIKE
       comparison operator, and they are case-insensitive by default. This utility assumes that they are

       For example:

       •   "audit%"

           Match any string that starts with "audit".

       •   "%log%"

           Match any string containing the word "log".

       •   "%_"

           Match any string consisting of one or more characters.

       For documentation about the standard SQL pattern matching syntax, see Pattern Matching[1].  REGEXP
       Pattern Matching (POSIX).PP Standard REGEXP patterns are more powerful than the simple patterns defined
       in the SQL standard. A regular expression is a string of ordinary and special characters specified to
       match other strings. Unlike SQL Patterns, REGEXP patterns are case-sensitive. The REGEXP syntax defines
       the following characters with special meaning:

       •   .

           Match any character.

       •   ^

           Match the beginning of a string.

       •   $

           Match the end of a string.

       •   \

           Match zero or more repetitions of the preceding regular expression.

       •   +

           Match one or more repetitions of the preceding regular expression.

       •   ?

           Match zero or one repetition of the preceding regular expression.

       •   |

           Match either the regular expressions from the left or right of |.

       •   []

           Indicates a set of characters to match.

               Special characters lose their special meaning inside sets. In particular, the caret symbol (^)
               acquires a different meaning if it is the first character of the set, matching the complementary
               set (i.e., all the characters that are not in the set will be matched).

       •   {m}

           Match m repetitions of the preceding regular expression.

       •   {m,n}

           Match from m to n repetitions of the preceding regular expression.

       •   ()

           Define a matching group, and matches the regular expression inside the parentheses.

       For example:

       •   "a\*"

           Match a sequence of zero or more a.

       •   "a+"

           Match a sequence of one or more a.

       •   "a?"

           Match zero or one a.

       •   "ab|cd"

           Match ab or cd.

       •   "[axy]"

           Match a, x or y.

       •   "[a-f]"

           Match any character in the range a to f (that is, a, b, c, d, e, or f).

       •   "[^axy]"

           Match any character except a, x or y.

       •   "a{5}"

           Match exactly five copies of a.

       •   "a{2,5}"

           Match from two to five copies of a.

       •   "(abc)+"

           Match one or more repetitions of abc.

       This is a brief overview of regular expressions that can be used to define this type of patterns. The
       full syntax is described in the Python "re" module docs[2], supporting the definition of much more
       complex pattern matching expression.  OPTIONS.PP mysqlauditgrep accepts the following command-line

       •   --end-date=<END_DATE>

           End date/time to retrieve log entries until the specified date/time range. If not specified or the
           value is 0, all entries to the end of the log are displayed. Accepted formats: "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss"
           or "yyyy-mm-dd".

       •   --event-type=<EVENT_TYPE>

           Comma-separated list of event types to search in all audit log records matching the specified types.
           Supported values are: Audit, Binlog Dump, Change user, Close stmt, Connect Out, Connect, Create DB,
           Daemon, Debug, Delayed insert, Drop DB, Execute, Fetch, Field List, Init DB, Kill, Long Data,
           NoAudit, Ping, Prepare, Processlist, Query, Quit, Refresh, Register Slave, Reset stmt, Set option,
           Shutdown, Sleep, Statistics, Table Dump, Time.

       •   --file-stats

           Display the audit log file statistics.

       •   --format=FORMAT, -f FORMAT

           Output format to display the resulting data. Supported format values: GRID (default), TAB, CSV,
           VERTICAL and RAW.

       •   --help

           Display a help message and exit.

       •   --license

           Display license information and exit.

       •   --pattern=<PATTERN>, -e <PATTERN>

           Search pattern to retrieve all entries with at least one attribute value matching the specified
           pattern. By default the standard SQL LIKE patterns are used for matching. If the --regexp option is
           set, then REGEXP patterns must be specified for matching.

       •   --query-type=<QUERY_TYPE>

           Comma-separated list of SQL statements/commands to search for and match. Supported values: CREATE,

       •   --regexp, --basic-regexp, -G

           Indicates that pattern matching will be performed using a regular expression REGEXP (from the Python
           re module). By default, the simple standard SQL LIKE patterns are used for matching. This affects how
           the value specified by the --pattern option is interpreted.

       •   --start-date=<START_DATE>

           Starting date/time to retrieve log entries from the specified date/time range. If not specified or
           the value is 0, all entries from the start of the log are displayed. Accepted formats:
           yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss or yyyy-mm-dd.

       •   --status=<STATUS>

           Comma-separated list of status values or intervals to search for all audit log records with a
           matching status. Status values are non-negative integers (corresponding to MySQL error codes). Status
           intervals are closed (i.e., include both endpoints) and defined simply using a dash between its
           endpoints. For Example: 1051,1068-1075,1109,1146.

           The --status option is available as of MySQL Utilities 1.2.4 / 1.3.3.

       •   --users=<USERS>, -u <USERS>

           Comma-separated list of user names, to search for their associated log entries. For example:

       •   --verbose, -v

           Specify how much information to display. Use this option multiple times to increase the amount of
           information. For example, -v = verbose, -vv = more verbose, -vvv = debug.

       •   --version

           Display version information and exit.
       NOTES.PP This utility is available as of MySQL Utilities 1.2.0.

       This utility can only be applied to servers with the audit log plugin enabled. And the audit log plugin
       is available as of MySQL Server versions 5.5.28 and 5.6.10.

       This utility support both of the existing audit log file formats (old and new). The new audit log format
       is supported as of MySQL Utilities 1.4.3. See The Audit Log File[3], for more information about available
       file formats.

       This utility requires the use of Python version 2.6 or higher, but does not support Python 3.

       Single or double quote characters (respectively, ' or ") can be used around option values. In fact,
       quotes are required to set some options values correctly, such as values with whitespace. For example, to
       specify the event types Create DB and Drop DB for the --event-type option, the following syntax must be
       used: --event-type='Create DB,Drop DB' or --event-type="Create DB,Drop DB".  EXAMPLES.PP To display the
       audit log file statistics and output the results in CSV format, run the following command:

           shell> mysqlauditgrep --file-stats --format=CSV /SERVER/data/audit.log
             # Audit Log File Statistics:
             File,Size,Created,Last Modified
             audit.log,9101,Thu Sep 27 13:33:11 2012,Thu Oct 11 17:40:35 2012
             # Audit Log Startup Entries:
             1,/SERVER/sql/mysqld --defaults-file=/SERVER/my.cnf,Audit,2012-09-27T13:33:11,5.5.29-log,x86_64-Linux,1

       To display the audit log entries of specific users, use the following command:

           shell> mysqlauditgrep --users=tester1,tester2 /SERVER/data/audit.log

       To display the audit log file statistics, run the following command:

           shell> mysqlauditgrep --users=tester1,tester2 /SERVER/data/audit.log
             | STATUS  | SERVER_ID  | NAME     | TIMESTAMP            | CONNECTION_ID  | HOST       | USER     | PRIV_USER  | IP         | SQLTEXT                          |
             | 0       | 1          | Connect  | 2012-09-28T11:26:50  | 9              | localhost  | root     | tester1    |  | None                             |
             | 0       | 1          | Query    | 2012-09-28T11:26:50  | 9              | None       | root     | tester1    | None       | SET @@session.autocommit = OFF   |
             | 0       | 1          | Ping     | 2012-09-28T11:26:50  | 9              | None       | root     | tester1    | None       | None                             |
             | 0       | 1          | Query    | 2012-09-28T11:26:50  | 9              | None       | root     | tester1    | None       | SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'READ_ONLY'  |
             | 0       | 1          | Query    | 2012-09-28T11:26:50  | 9              | None       | root     | tester1    | None       | COMMIT                           |
             | 0       | 1          | Ping     | 2012-09-28T11:26:50  | 9              | None       | root     | tester1    | None       | None                             |
             | 0       | 1          | Query    | 2012-09-28T11:26:50  | 9              | None       | root     | tester1    | None       | COMMIT                           |
             | 0       | 1          | Quit     | 2012-09-28T11:26:50  | 9              | None       | root     | tester1    | None       | None                             |
             | 0       | 1          | Connect  | 2012-10-10T15:55:55  | 11             | localhost  | tester2  | root       |  | None                             |
             | 0       | 1          | Query    | 2012-10-10T15:55:55  | 11             | None       | tester2  | root       | None       | select @@version_comment limit 1 |
             | 0       | 1          | Query    | 2012-10-10T15:56:10  | 11             | None       | tester2  | root       | None       | show databases                   |
             | 1046    | 1          | Query    | 2012-10-10T15:57:26  | 11             | None       | tester2  | root       | None       | show tables test                 |
             | 1046    | 1          | Query    | 2012-10-10T15:57:36  | 11             | None       | tester2  | root       | None       | show tables test                 |
             | 0       | 1          | Query    | 2012-10-10T15:57:51  | 11             | None       | tester2  | root       | None       | show tables in test              |
             | 0       | 1          | Quit     | 2012-10-10T15:57:59  | 11             | None       | tester2  | root       | None       | None                             |
             | 0       | 1          | Connect  | 2012-10-10T17:35:42  | 12             | localhost  | tester2  | root       |  | None                             |
             | 0       | 1          | Query    | 2012-10-10T17:35:42  | 12             | None       | tester2  | root       | None       | select @@version_comment limit 1 |
             | 0       | 1          | Quit     | 2012-10-10T17:47:22  | 12             | None       | tester2  | root       | None       | None                             |

       To display the audit log entries for a specific date/time range, use the following command:

           shell> mysqlauditgrep --start-date=2012-09-27T13:33:47 --end-date=2012-09-28 /SERVER/data/audit.log
             | STATUS  | TIMESTAMP            | NAME   | CONNECTION_ID  | SQLTEXT                                                                   |
             | 0       | 2012-09-27T13:33:47  | Ping   | 7              | None                                                                      |
             | 0       | 2012-09-27T13:33:47  | Query  | 7              | SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS WHERE PLUGIN_NAME LIKE 'audit%'  |
             | 0       | 2012-09-27T13:33:47  | Query  | 7              | COMMIT                                                                    |
             | 0       | 2012-09-27T13:34:48  | Quit   | 7              | None                                                                      |
             | 0       | 2012-09-27T13:34:48  | Quit   | 8              | None                                                                      |

       To display the audit log entries matching a specific SQL LIKE pattern, use the following command:

           shell> mysqlauditgrep --pattern="% = ___"; /SERVER/data/audit.log
             | STATUS  | TIMESTAMP            | NAME   | SQLTEXT                         | CONNECTION_ID  |
             | 0       | 2012-09-27T13:33:39  | Query  | SET @@session.autocommit = OFF  | 7              |
             | 0       | 2012-09-27T13:33:39  | Query  | SET @@session.autocommit = OFF  | 8              |
             | 0       | 2012-09-28T11:26:50  | Query  | SET @@session.autocommit = OFF  | 9              |
             | 0       | 2012-09-28T11:26:50  | Query  | SET @@session.autocommit = OFF  | 10             |

       To display the audit log entries matching a specific REGEXP pattern, use the following command:

           shell> mysqlauditgrep --pattern=".* = ..." --regexp /SERVER/data/audit.log
             | STATUS  | TIMESTAMP            | NAME   | SQLTEXT                         | CONNECTION_ID  |
             | 0       | 2012-09-27T13:33:39  | Query  | SET @@session.autocommit = OFF  | 7              |
             | 0       | 2012-09-27T13:33:39  | Query  | SET @@session.autocommit = OFF  | 8              |
             | 0       | 2012-09-28T11:26:50  | Query  | SET @@session.autocommit = OFF  | 9              |
             | 0       | 2012-09-28T11:26:50  | Query  | SET @@session.autocommit = OFF  | 10             |

       To display the audit log entries of specific query types, use the following command:

           shell> mysqlauditgrep --query-type=show,SET /SERVER/data/audit.log
             | STATUS  | TIMESTAMP            | NAME   | SQLTEXT                                         | CONNECTION_ID  |
             | 0       | 2012-09-27T13:33:39  | Query  | SET NAMES 'latin1' COLLATE 'latin1_swedish_ci'  | 7              |
             | 0       | 2012-09-27T13:33:39  | Query  | SET @@session.autocommit = OFF                  | 7              |
             | 0       | 2012-09-27T13:33:39  | Query  | SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'READ_ONLY'                 | 7              |
             | 0       | 2012-09-27T13:33:39  | Query  | SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'datadir'                   | 7              |
             | 0       | 2012-09-27T13:33:39  | Query  | SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'basedir'                   | 7              |
             | 0       | 2012-09-27T13:33:39  | Query  | SET NAMES 'latin1' COLLATE 'latin1_swedish_ci'  | 8              |
             | 0       | 2012-09-27T13:33:39  | Query  | SET @@session.autocommit = OFF                  | 8              |
             | 0       | 2012-09-27T13:33:39  | Query  | SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'READ_ONLY'                 | 8              |
             | 0       | 2012-09-27T13:33:39  | Query  | SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'basedir'                   | 8              |
             | 0       | 2012-09-28T11:26:50  | Query  | SET NAMES 'latin1' COLLATE 'latin1_swedish_ci'  | 9              |
             | 0       | 2012-09-28T11:26:50  | Query  | SET @@session.autocommit = OFF                  | 9              |
             | 0       | 2012-09-28T11:26:50  | Query  | SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'READ_ONLY'                 | 9              |
             | 0       | 2012-09-28T11:26:50  | Query  | SET NAMES 'latin1' COLLATE 'latin1_swedish_ci'  | 10             |
             | 0       | 2012-09-28T11:26:50  | Query  | SET @@session.autocommit = OFF                  | 10             |
             | 0       | 2012-09-28T11:26:50  | Query  | SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'READ_ONLY'                 | 10             |
             | 0       | 2012-09-28T11:26:50  | Query  | SET @@GLOBAL.audit_log_flush = ON               | 10             |
             | 0       | 2012-09-28T11:26:50  | Query  | SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'audit_log_policy'          | 10             |
             | 0       | 2012-09-28T11:26:50  | Query  | SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'audit_log_rotate_on_size'  | 10             |
             | 0       | 2012-10-10T15:56:10  | Query  | show databases                                  | 11             |
             | 1046    | 2012-10-10T15:57:26  | Query  | show tables test                                | 11             |
             | 1046    | 2012-10-10T15:57:36  | Query  | show tables test                                | 11             |
             | 0       | 2012-10-10T15:57:51  | Query  | show tables in test                             | 11             |

       To display the audit log entries of specific event types, use the following command:

           shell> mysqlauditgrep --event-type="Ping,Connect" /SERVER/data/audit.log
             | STATUS  | NAME     | TIMESTAMP            | CONNECTION_ID  | HOST       | USER    | PRIV_USER  | IP         |
             | 0       | Connect  | 2012-09-27T13:33:39  | 7              | localhost  | root    | root       |  |
             | 0       | Ping     | 2012-09-27T13:33:39  | 7              | None       | None    | None       | None       |
             | 0       | Ping     | 2012-09-27T13:33:39  | 7              | None       | None    | None       | None       |
             | 0       | Ping     | 2012-09-27T13:33:39  | 7              | None       | None    | None       | None       |
             | 0       | Ping     | 2012-09-27T13:33:39  | 7              | None       | None    | None       | None       |
             | 0       | Connect  | 2012-09-27T13:33:39  | 8              | localhost  | root    | root       |  |
             | 0       | Ping     | 2012-09-27T13:33:39  | 8              | None       | None    | None       | None       |
             | 0       | Ping     | 2012-09-27T13:33:39  | 8              | None       | None    | None       | None       |
             | 0       | Ping     | 2012-09-27T13:33:47  | 7              | None       | None    | None       | None       |
             | 0       | Connect  | 2012-09-28T11:26:50  | 9              | localhost  | root    | tester     |  |
             | 0       | Ping     | 2012-09-28T11:26:50  | 9              | None       | None    | None       | None       |
             | 0       | Ping     | 2012-09-28T11:26:50  | 9              | None       | None    | None       | None       |
             | 0       | Connect  | 2012-09-28T11:26:50  | 10             | localhost  | root    | root       |  |
             | 0       | Ping     | 2012-09-28T11:26:50  | 10             | None       | None    | None       | None       |
             | 0       | Ping     | 2012-09-28T11:26:50  | 10             | None       | None    | None       | None       |
             | 0       | Ping     | 2012-09-28T11:26:50  | 10             | None       | None    | None       | None       |
             | 0       | Ping     | 2012-09-28T11:26:50  | 10             | None       | None    | None       | None       |
             | 0       | Ping     | 2012-09-28T11:26:50  | 10             | None       | None    | None       | None       |
             | 0       | Connect  | 2012-10-10T15:55:55  | 11             | localhost  | tester  | root       |  |
             | 0       | Connect  | 2012-10-10T17:35:42  | 12             | localhost  | tester  | root       |  |

       To display the audit log entries with a specific status, use the following command:

           shell> mysqlauditgrep --status=1100-1199,1046 /SERVER/data/audit.log
             | STATUS  | TIMESTAMP            | NAME   | SQLTEXT                                                             | CONNECTION_ID  |
             | 1046    | 2012-10-10T15:57:26  | Query  | show tables test                                                    | 11             |
             | 1046    | 2012-10-10T15:57:36  | Query  | show tables test                                                    | 11             |
             | 1146    | 2012-10-10T17:44:55  | Query  | select * from test.employees where salary > 500 and salary < 1000   | 12             |
             | 1046    | 2012-10-10T17:47:17  | Query  | select * from test_encoding where value = '<>"&'                    | 12             |

           You can view all successful commands with --status=0, and all unsuccessful commands with

       To display the audit log entries matching several search criteria, use the following command:

           shell> mysqlauditgrep --users=root --start-date=0 --end-date=2012-10-10 --event-type=Query \
                  --query-type=SET --status=0 --pattern="%audit_log%" /SERVER/data/audit.log
             | STATUS  | SERVER_ID  | NAME   | TIMESTAMP            | CONNECTION_ID  | USER  | PRIV_USER  | SQLTEXT                            |
             | 0       | 1          | Query  | 2012-09-28T11:26:50  | 10             | root  | root       | SET @@GLOBAL.audit_log_flush = ON  |

       PERMISSIONS REQUIRED.PP The user must have permissions to read the audit log file(s) on disk.

       Copyright © 2006, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

       This documentation is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it only under the terms of the
       GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.

       This documentation is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
       even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
       Public License for more details.

       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the program; if not, write
       to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA or see


        1. Pattern Matching

        2. Python "re" module docs

        3. The Audit Log File


       For more information, please refer to the MySQL Utilities and Fabric documentation, which is available
       online at


       Oracle Corporation (