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ng4ex - NCAR Graphics High Level Utilities Example Programs
ng4ex [-A] [-C] [-Fortran] [-NCL] [-cdf] [-csagrid] [-cssgrid] [-gui] [-anno] [-gsun] [-W workstation_type] [-app] [-basic] [-contourplot] [-fitgrid] [-labelbar] [-legend] [-primitives] [-mapplot] [-natgrid] [-ngmath] [-streamplot] [-shgrid] [-textitem] [-tickmark] [-title] [-vectorplot] [-xyplot] [-list] [-clean] [-n] name ...
ng4ex provides the user with access to several C, Fortran, and NCL examples illustrating the use of the NCAR Graphics HLUs (High Level Utilities) and NCL. Please note that NCL is not available for Cray systems. ng4ex copies the source code for the specified example(s) into the current directory and then compiles, links, and executes the example (if it's a Fortran or C program) or runs NCL on it (if it's an NCL script file). Depending on the example, the output may be sent to an NCGM (NCAR Graphics Metafile) file and/or displayed to an X window on your screen. You must be running X and have your DISPLAY environment set correctly in order for the X window examples to execute properly. If the requested example creates an NCGM file, it will have the same name as the example, suffixed with ".ncgm". An option allows you to request that only the source code be copied to your directory, without compiling or running the example. Another option allows you to request that only the NCGM file be left in your directory and that all other files created by ng4ex be deleted. The argument name may be selected from the lists that appear below.
-A Generate all available examples. -C Generate all C examples. -Fortran Generate all Fortran examples. -NCL Generate all NCL examples. -cdf Generate all the examples that use netCDF files. For the C and Fortran examples, this option requires that you have the netCDF library installed on your system. -gui Generate all GUI examples. This option requires that you have the Motif libraries on your system. -anno Generate all annotation examples. -W Specify the workstation type. This argument can only be specified as a string. Some examples are meant to display to the X workstation, to an NCGM file, or to a PostScript file only, in which case this option may be ignored. You cannot specify more than one workstation type. If you don't specify one, then a default one will be used. The following workstation_type strings are valid: ncgm - NCGM file x11 - X11 window ps - PostScript file pdf - PDF file -app Generate all the app Fortran, C, and NCL examples that show how to do specific things with resources. -basic Generate all the basic Fortran, C, and NCL examples that relate to the basic examples discussed in the Quick Start Guide. -contourplot Generate all Fortran, C, and NCL ContourPlot examples. -csagrid Generate all NCL Csagrid examples. -cssgrid Generate all NCL Cssgrid examples. -dsgrid Generate all Fortran, C, and NCL Dsgrid examples. -fitgrid Generate all NCL Natgrid examples. -labelbar Generate all Fortran, C, and NCL Labelbar examples. -legend Generate all Fortran, C, and NCL Legend examples. -natgrid Generate all Fortran, C, and NCL Natgrid examples. -primitives Generate all Fortran, C, and NCL GraphicStyle examples. -mapplot Generate all Fortran, C, and NCL MapPlot examples. -ngmath Generate all Fortran, C, and NCL Ngmath examples. -shgrid Generate all NCL Shgrid examples. -streamlineplot Generate all Fortran, C, and NCL StreamlinePlot examples. -textitem Generate all Fortran, C, and NCL TextItem examples. -tickmark Generate all Fortran, C, and NCL TickMark examples. -title Generate all Fortran, C, and NCL Title examples. -vectorplot Generate all Fortran, C, and NCL VectorPlot examples. -xyplot Generate all Fortran, C, and NCL xyPlot examples. -gsun Generate all the GSUN examples (NCL scripts only). -list Specifies that the names of the selected examples should be echoed to the screen instead of being copied or generated. This option must be used with one of the other options that selects a particular subset of examples. For example, if you want to see a list of all the available examples, then use -list in conjunction with the -A option. If you want to see a list of all the ContourPlot examples, then use -list with the -contourplot option (and so on). -clean Remove everything but the ".ncgm" file. -n Specifies that the example should just be copied, and not linked or executed. name(s) Name(s) of example programs to generate.
Please notice that the C examples end with the letter 'c', the Fortran examples end with the letter 'f', and NCL examples with the letter 'n'. ap01c,ap01f,ap01n Demonstrates various ways to use resource files. basic01c,basic01f,basic01n Demonstrates how to draw a contour plot using mostly defaults. No data is used in this example. basic02c,basic02f,basic02n Demonstrates how to set the view port and how to produce multiple plots on a single frame. basic03c,basic03f,basic03n Demonstrates how to create a scalar data object, set resources using a resource file, set resources during object creation, and set resources after object creation. basic04c,basic04f,basic04n Demonstrates how to select and change the workstation device for drawing your output to an NCGM file or an X workstation window. basic05c,basic05f,basic05n Demonstrates how to read and manipulate colormaps. basic06c,basic06f,basic06n Demonstrates how to position objects on an output device and how to change their sizes. basic07c,basic07f,basic07n Demonstrates creating three simultaneous workstations. basic08c,basic08f,basic08n Demonstrates use of a procedure that limits a plot, including annotations that extend outside the plot viewport, to a pre-defined bounding box within NDC space. basic09c,basic09f,basic09n Lists all the fonts with their number, name, and what the font looks like. cn01c,cn01f,cn01n Shows all the default settings for the ContourPlot resources using a simple data set. cn02c,cn02f,cn02n Demonstrates basic features of the ContourPlot object. cn03c,cn03f,cn03n Demonstrates basic features of the ContourPlot object. The first frame emulates the contour plot drawn in cn01. cn04c,cn04f,cn04n Emulates the output of the ncargex example "cpex02". cn05c,cn05f,cn05n Demonstrates how to create a map plot animation with a contour overlay and labelbar annotation. cn06c,cn06f,cn06n Shows how to read a netCDF file and produce a series of temperature contour plots. cn07c,cn07f,cn07n Shows how to read a netCDF file and produce a series of contour plots. cn08c,cn08f,cn08n Shows how to read a netCDF file and draw a vertical profiles of temperature for longitude separated by 5 degrees. cn09c,cn09f,cn09n Shows how to read a netCDF file and produce a series of surface pressure contour plots. cn10f,cn10c,cn10n Demonstrates how to read a netCDF file and produce three contour plots, an xyplot, and a map plot. cn11c,cn11f Demonstrates how to combine LLU and HLU calls. cn12c,cn12f,cn12n Emulates example "cpex08" and draws a filled contour plot over a map of Africa with a labelbar. cn13c,cn13f,cn13n Emulates example "mpex10" and draws a raster contour plot over a map using inverse map transformations. cn14c,cn14f,cn14n Shows how to do a contour/map overlay with tick marks showing the lat/lon locations. cn15c,cn15f,cn15n Shows how to combine contour plot and xy plot on a single frame. Also shows how to do multiple workstation outputs, and how to position your PostScript output on the page. cn16c,cn16f,cn16n Shows how to combine a vector fill contour plot, a raster contour plot, and a map plot on a single frame. cn17c,cn17f,cn17n Shows how to restrict a contour plot to a certain area over a satellite projection, how to label the US states with AnnoManager, how to use NhlDataPoly{line,marker} to draw lines/markers on a map projection, and how to mix LLUs/HLUs to draw text in the map projection. The NCL version doesn't have the LLU/HLU part. lb01c,lb01f,lb01n Shows all the default settings for the LabelBar resources. lb02c,lb02f,lb02n Shows how to modify some of the default resources to create a solid filled set of boxes. lg01c,lg01f,lg01n Shows all the default settings for the Legend resources. lg02c,lg02f,lg02n Shows how to modify some of the default resources to create a legend of five markers. lg03c,lg03f,lg03n Shows how to create a legend of five lines. pr01c,pr01f,pr01n Demonstrates basic GraphicStyle capabilities. pr02c,pr02f,pr02n Demonstrates GraphicStyle capabilities and how to some GS resources. pr03c,pr03f,pr03n Demonstrates graphics primitives drawn in NDC space and how clipping works. pr04c,pr04f,pr04n Demonstrates graphics primitives drawn into an IrregularPlot object. pr05c,pr05f,pr05n Demonstrates overlaying graphics primitives on a MapPlot. mp01c,mp01f,mp01n Demonstrates basic MapPlot capabilities. mp02c,mp02f,mp02n Demonstrates individual control of MapPlot areas. mp03c,mp03f,mp03n Demonstrates MapPlot masking; loosely emulates the ncargex example "colcon". mp04c,mp04f,mp04n Illustrates the use of AnnoManager objects with MapPlot objects. mp05c,mp05f,mp05n Shows how to create the ten different map projections. mp06c,mp06f,mp06n Shows how to draw county lines in the United States. mp07c,mp07f,mp07n Shows how to use high resolution RANGS/GSHHS map database. nm01c,nm01f,nm01n Simple example of natural neighbor linear interpolation. nm02c,nm02f,nm02n Simple example of natural neighbor linear regridding. nm03c,nm03f,nm03n Shows how to retrieve aspects and slopes of an interpolation. nm04c,nm04f,nm04n Shows a simple 3D interpolation. nm05c,nm05f,nm05n Shows how to vary the exponent of the distances in a simple 2D interpolation.. nm06c,nm06f,nm06n Smoothing in a simple 2D interpolation. nm07n Illustrates use of ftcurv, ftcurv, and ftcurvi. nm08n Illustrates use of ftcurvp and ftcurvpi. nm09n Illustrates use of ftcurvs and ftcurvps. nm10n Illustrates use of ftkurv and ftkurvd. nm11n Illustrates use of ftkurvp and ftkurvpd. nm12n Illustrates use of ftsurf. nm13n Illustrates the use of csa1s. nm14n Illustrates the effect of weighting the input points using csa1xs. nm15n Illustrates extrapolation into data sparse regions using csa1xs. nm16n Illustrates two-dimensional approximation and second-order mixed partial using csa2s and csa2xs. nm17n,nm18n Illustrates the use of csa3s. nm19n Illustrates the use of csa2ls. nm20n Illustrates the use of triangulation and Voronoi diagram capabilities of the cssgrid package. nm21n Illustrates the use of the interpolation capabilities of the cssgrid package. nm22n Illustrates the use of shgrid. cssgrid package. st01c,st01f,st01n Demonstrates basic StreamlinePlot example. st02c,st02f,st02n Demonstrates line-drawn streamline arrows and some basic resources. st03c,st03f,st03n Shows how to overlay a StreamlinePlot on a map projection. st04c,st04f,st04n Shows a StreamlinePlot of wind vector data over a MapPlot. ti01c,ti01f,ti01n Shows all the default settings for the Title resources which results in a blank plot. ti02c,ti01f,ti01n Turns on the main, x-axis, and y-axis strings to produce a plot with three titles. ti03c,ti03f,ti03n Shows how to change resources to get high quality filled and colored titles. tm01c,tm01f,tm01n Shows all the default settings for the TickMark resources. tm02c,tm02f,tm02n Shows how to modify the resources to create tick marks on the axes. tm03c,tm03f,tm03n Shows how to modify the resources to change the scaling and the tick mark labels. tx01c,tx01f,tx01n Shows all the default settings for the TextItem resources. tx02c,tx02f,tx02n Shows how to modify default resources to produce a text string. tx03c,tx03f,tx03n Uses the same resources as example "tx02c", except 114 frames are produced with varying background colors. tx04c,tx04f,tx04n Shows how to use the TextItem object of the HLU library. tx05c,tx05f,tx05n Demonstrates the TextItem object with text having various heights and various angles. tx06c,tx06f,tx06n Demonstrates TextItem text justifications. tx07c,tx07f,tx07n Demonstrates TextItem text spacings and aspect ratios. tx08c,tx08f,tx08n Simple Annotation example. vc01c,vc01f,vc01n Basic VectorPlot example. vc02c,vc02f,vc02n Demonstrates line-drawn vector arrows and the use of some basic VectorPlot resources. vc03c,vc03f,vc03n Manipulates the FillArrow resources to demonstrate some of the possible stylistic variations on the appearance of filled vector arrows. vc04c,vc04f,vc04n Demonstrates how to rotate a VectorPlot 90 degrees while preserving the original relationship of the data elements. vc05c,vc05f,vc05n Demonstrates how to overlay a VectorPlot on a MapPlot. vc06c,vc06f,vc06n Demonstrates how to use a scalarfield to determine the color of the vector arrow fill. vc07c,vc07f,vc07n Emulates the LLU example "fcover"; shows how to overlay contours and vectors on a MapPlot. vc08c,vc08f,vc08n Plots wind vectors at a grid stride of 3. Vectors are colored by wind speed. vc09c,vc09f,vc09n Plots an animation of the January 1996 snow storm using wind vectors colored by temperature over a pressure field contour plot. xy01c,xy01f,xy01n Shows all the default resources for an xyPlot object. xy02c,xy02f,xy02n The same as example xy01c, only with some of the X and Y axis resources tweaked. xy03c,xy03f,xy03n The same as example xy01c, but with the data modified a little, and the line resources tweaked. xy04c,xy04f,xy04n Demonstrates how to create an xyPlot with multiple lines. Some of the line resources are tweaked. xy05c,xy05f,xy05n Demonstrates how to create an XyPlot with multiple lines, using multiple data items (except for xy05c, which uses the CoordArrTable object). xy06c,xy06f,xy06n Demonstrates how to read in netCDF files to generate various xy plots. xy07c,xy07f,xy07n Demonstrates how to draw a "scattergram". xy08c,xy08f,xy08n Shows how to use irregular points to change the transformation of your plot. xy09c,xy09f,xy09n Shows how to create different kinds of axes. xy10c,xy10f,xy10n Shows how to overlay an XyPlot on a MapPlot. xy11c,xy11f,xy11n Demonstrates how to display an xyPlot to an X Window, and then copy it to a meta file. xy12c Demonstrates how to incorporate the HLU library with a GUI. It uses an X/Motif interface, and also allows the user to copy frames from the X Window to a meta file. xy13c Shows how to interactively retrieve data values from a plot by pointing and clicking on the plot. xy14c,xy14f,xy14n Demonstrates the data manipulation capabilities of NCL. xy15c,xy15f,xy15n Demonstrates the creation of a set of four stacked XyPlots. xy16c,xy16f,xy16n Demonstrates how to draw three different xy lines on the same plot, but with different axis scales. xy17c,xy17f,xy17n Demonstrates how to stack three xy plots.
Copyright (C) 1987-2000 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research The use of this Software is governed by a License Agreement. NCARG Nhl EXAMPLES ng4ex(1Nhl)