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nova-manage - Cloud controller fabric
Author Date 2017-01-15 Copyright OpenStack Foundation Version 15.0.0 Manual section 1 Manual group cloud computing Synopsis nova-manage <category> <action> [<args>] Description nova-manage controls cloud computing instances by managing various admin-only aspects of Nova. Options The standard pattern for executing a nova-manage command is: nova-manage <category> <command> [<args>] Run without arguments to see a list of available command categories: nova-manage You can also run with a category argument such as user to see a list of all commands in that category: nova-manage db These sections describe the available categories and arguments for nova-manage. Nova Database nova-manage db version Print the current main database version. nova-manage db sync [--version <version>] [--local_cell] Upgrade the main database schema up to the most recent version or --version if specified. By default, this command will also attempt to upgrade the schema for the cell0 database if it is mapped (see the map_cell0 or simple_cell_setup commands for more details on mapping the cell0 database). If --local_cell is specified, then only the main database in the current cell is upgraded. The local database connection is determined by [database]/connection in the configuration file passed to nova-manage. nova-manage db archive_deleted_rows [--max_rows <number>] [--verbose] [--until-complete] Move deleted rows from production tables to shadow tables. Note that the corresponding rows in the instance_mappings and request_specs tables of the API database are purged when instance records are archived and thus, CONF.api_database.connection is required in the config file. Specifying --verbose will print the results of the archive operation for any tables that were changed. Specifying --until-complete will make the command run continuously until all deleted rows are archived. Use the --max_rows option, which defaults to 1000, as a batch size for each iteration. nova-manage db null_instance_uuid_scan [--delete] Lists and optionally deletes database records where instance_uuid is NULL. nova-manage db online_data_migrations [--max-count] Perform data migration to update all live data. Return exit code 0 if migrations were successful or exit code 1 for partial updates. This command should be called after upgrading database schema and nova services on all controller nodes. If the command exits with partial updates (exit code 1) the command will need to be called again. --max-count controls the maximum number of objects to migrate in a given call. If not specified, migration will occur in batches of 50 until fully complete. nova-manage db ironic_flavor_migration [--all] [--host] [--node] [--resource_class] Perform the ironic flavor migration process against the database while services are offline. This is not recommended for most people. The ironic compute driver will do this online and as necessary if run normally. This routine is provided only for advanced users that may be skipping the 16.0.0 Pike release, never able to run services normally at the Pike level. Since this utility is for use when all services (including ironic) are down, you must pass the resource class set on your node(s) with the --resource_class parameter. To migrate a specific host and node, provide the hostname and node uuid with --host $hostname --node $uuid. To migrate all instances on nodes managed by a single host, provide only --host. To iterate over all nodes in the system in a single pass, use --all. Note that this process is not lightweight, so it should not be run frequently without cause, although it is not harmful to do so. If you have multiple cellsv2 cells, you should run this once per cell with the corresponding cell config for each (i.e. this does not iterate cells automatically). Note that this is not recommended unless you need to run this specific data migration offline, and it should be used with care as the work done is non-trivial. Running smaller and more targeted batches (such as specific nodes) is recommended. Nova API Database nova-manage api_db version Print the current cells api database version. nova-manage api_db sync Sync the api cells database up to the most recent version. This is the standard way to create the db as well. Nova Cells v2 nova-manage cell_v2 simple_cell_setup [--transport-url <transport_url>] Setup a fresh cells v2 environment; this should not be used if you currently have a cells v1 environment. Returns 0 if setup is completed (or has already been done), 1 if no hosts are reporting (and cannot be mapped), 1 if no transport url is provided for the cell message queue, and 2 if run in a cells v1 environment. nova-manage cell_v2 map_cell0 [--database_connection <database_connection>] Create a cell mapping to the database connection for the cell0 database. If a database_connection is not specified, it will use the one defined by [database]/connection in the configuration file passed to nova-manage. The cell0 database is used for instances that have not been scheduled to any cell. This generally applies to instances that have encountered an error before they have been scheduled. Returns 0 if cell0 is created successfully or already setup. nova-manage cell_v2 map_instances --cell_uuid <cell_uuid> [--max-count <max_count>] Map instances to the provided cell. Instances in the nova database will be queried from oldest to newest and mapped to the provided cell. A max_count can be set on the number of instance to map in a single run. Repeated runs of the command will start from where the last run finished so it is not necessary to increase max-count to finish. Returns 0 if all instances have been mapped, and 1 if there are still instances to be mapped. If --max-count is not specified, all instances in the cell will be mapped in batches of 50. If you have a large number of instances, consider specifying a custom value and run the command until it exits with 0. nova-manage cell_v2 map_cell_and_hosts [--name <cell_name>] [--transport-url <transport_url>] [--verbose] Create a cell mapping to the database connection and message queue transport url, and map hosts to that cell. The database connection comes from the [database]/connection defined in the configuration file passed to nova-manage. If a transport_url is not specified, it will use the one defined by [DEFAULT]/transport_url in the configuration file. This command is idempotent (can be run multiple times), and the verbose option will print out the resulting cell mapping uuid. Returns 0 on successful completion, and 1 if the transport url is missing. nova-manage cell_v2 verify_instance --uuid <instance_uuid> [--quiet] Verify instance mapping to a cell. This command is useful to determine if the cells v2 environment is properly setup, specifically in terms of the cell, host, and instance mapping records required. Returns 0 when the instance is successfully mapped to a cell, 1 if the instance is not mapped to a cell (see the map_instances command), 2 if the cell mapping is missing (see the map_cell_and_hosts command if you are upgrading from a cells v1 environment, and the simple_cell_setup if you are upgrading from a non-cells v1 environment), 3 if it is a deleted instance which has instance mapping, and 4 if it is an archived instance which still has an instance mapping. nova-manage cell_v2 create_cell [--name <cell_name>] [--transport-url <transport_url>] [--database_connection <database_connection>] [--verbose] Create a cell mapping to the database connection and message queue transport url. If a database_connection is not specified, it will use the one defined by [database]/connection in the configuration file passed to nova-manage. If a transport_url is not specified, it will use the one defined by [DEFAULT]/transport_url in the configuration file. The verbose option will print out the resulting cell mapping uuid. Returns 0 if the cell mapping was successfully created, 1 if the transport url or database connection was missing, and 2 if a cell is already using that transport url and database connection combination. nova-manage cell_v2 discover_hosts [--cell_uuid <cell_uuid>] [--verbose] [--strict] [--by-service] Searches cells, or a single cell, and maps found hosts. This command will check the database for each cell (or a single one if passed in) and map any hosts which are not currently mapped. If a host is already mapped nothing will be done. You need to re-run this command each time you add more compute hosts to a cell (otherwise the scheduler will never place instances there and the API will not list the new hosts). If the strict option is provided the command will only be considered successful if an unmapped host is discovered (exit code 0). Any other case is considered a failure (exit code 1). If --by-service is specified, this command will look in the appropriate cell(s) for any nova-compute services and ensure there are host mappings for them. This is less efficient and is only necessary when using compute drivers that may manage zero or more actual compute nodes at any given time (currently only ironic). nova-manage cell_v2 list_cells [--verbose] Lists the v2 cells in the deployment. By default only the cell name and uuid are shown. Use the --verbose option to see transport url and database connection details. nova-manage cell_v2 delete_cell [--force] --cell_uuid <cell_uuid> Delete a cell by the given uuid. Returns 0 if the empty cell is found and deleted successfully or the cell that has hosts is found and the cell and the hosts are deleted successfully with --force option, 1 if a cell with that uuid could not be found, 2 if host mappings were found for the cell (cell not empty) without --force option, and 3 if there are instances mapped to the cell (cell not empty), 4 if there are instance mappings to the cell but all instances have been deleted in the cell. nova-manage cell_v2 list_hosts [--cell_uuid <cell_uuid>] Lists the hosts in one or all v2 cells. By default hosts in all v2 cells are listed. Use the --cell_uuid option to list hosts in a specific cell. If the cell is not found by uuid, this command will return an exit code of 1. Otherwise, the exit code will be 0. nova-manage cell_v2 update_cell --cell_uuid <cell_uuid> [--name <cell_name>] [--transport-url <transport_url>] [--database_connection <database_connection>] Updates the properties of a cell by the given uuid. If a database_connection is not specified, it will attempt to use the one defined by [database]/connection in the configuration file. If a transport_url is not specified, it will attempt to use the one defined by [DEFAULT]/transport_url in the configuration file. If the cell is not found by uuid, this command will return an exit code of 1. If the provided transport_url or/and database_connection is/are same as another cell, this command will return an exit code of 3. If the properties cannot be set, this will return 2. Otherwise, the exit code will be 0. NOTE: Updating the transport_url or database_connection fields on a running system will NOT result in all nodes immediately using the new values. Use caution when changing these values. nova-manage cell_v2 delete_host --cell_uuid <cell_uuid> --host <host> Delete a host by the given host name and the given cell uuid. Returns 0 if the empty host is found and deleted successfully, 1 if a cell with that uuid could not be found, 2 if a host with that name could not be found, 3 if a host with that name is not in a cell with that uuid, 4 if a host with that name has instances (host not empty). See Also • OpenStack Nova Bugs • Nova bugs are managed at Launchpad
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