bionic (1) ossim-chipper.1.gz

Provided by: ossim-core_2.2.2-1_amd64 bug


       ossim-chipper - ossim-chipper


       ossim-chipper [option]... [input-option]... <input-file(s)> <output-file>


       Note  at  least one input is required either from one of the input options, e.g. --input-dem <my-dem.hgt>
       or adding to command line in front of the output file in which case the code will try to  ascertain  what
       type of input it is.

       Available   traces:   -T   "ossimChipperUtil:debug"     -  General  debug  trace  to  standard  out.   -T
       "ossimChipperUtil:log"     - Writes a log  file  to  output-file.log.   -T  "ossimChipperUtil:options"  -
       Writes the options to output-file-options.kwl.

       Description: ossim-chipper Utility application for generating elevation products from dem data.


              <source>  Two  color  multi  view source input for blue output.  Either, old, new, or mp(min pix).

              <source> Two color multi view source input for green output.  Either, old, new,  or  mp(min  pix).

              <band> Band to use for two color multi view new input.

              <band> Band to use for two color multi view old input.

              <source>  Two  color  multi  view  source input for red output.  Either, old, new, or mp(min pix).

              <azimuth> hillshade option - Light source azimuth angle for bump shade.  Range: 0 to 360,  Default
              = 180.0

              <brightness> Apply brightness to input image(s). Valid range: -1.0 to 1.0

              <central_meridian_in_decimal_degrees>  Note  if  set this will be used for the central meridian of
              the projection.  This can be used to lock the utm zone.

              Polygon in the form of a string: (lat,lon),(lat,lon),...(lat,lon)

              <minx>,<miny>,<maxx>,<maxy> Specify a comma separated list in the format of a WMS BBOX.  The units
              are always decimal degrees

              <r> <g> <b> hillshade option - Set the red, green and blue color values to be used with hillshade.
              This option can be used with or without an image source for color.  Range 0 to 255, Default r=255,
              g=255, b=255

              <color-table.kwl>  hillshade  or  color-relief  option  -  Keyword list containing color table for
              color-relief option.

              <type>  ossimBlendMosaic,  ossimFeatherMosaic,   ossimImageMosaic.    Default:   ossimImageMosaic.
              Example --combiner-type ossimImageMosaic

              <constrast> Apply constrast to input image(s). Valid range: -1.0 to 1.0

              <min_lat> <min_lon> <max_lat> <max_lon> Specify a bounding box with the minimum latitude/longitude
              and max latitude/longitude in decimal degrees.  Note coordinates are edge to edge.

              <min_lat> <min_lon> <max_lat> <max_lon> <width> <height> Specify a bounding box with  the  minimum
              latitude/longitude,  max  latitude/longitude  in decimal degrees and width/height in pixels.  Note
              coordinates are edge to edge.

              <x>,<y>,<width>,<height> Specify a comma separated bounding box.

              <latitude> <longitude> <radius_in_meters> Specify the center cut in latitude longitude space  with
              radius in meters.

              <latitude>  <longitude>  <width>  <height> Specify the center cut in latitude longitude space with
              width and height in pixels.

              <height> Specify the cut height in pixel

              <width> Specify the cut width in pixel

              <minx>,<miny>,<maxx>,<maxy> Specify a comma separated list in the format of a WMS BBOX.  The units
              are in the units of the projector defined by the --srs key

              <minx>,<miny>,<maxx>,<maxy> Specify a comma separated list in the format of a WMS BBOX.  The units
              are always decimal degrees

              <dpp_xy> | <dpp_x> <dpp_y> Specifies an override for degrees per  pixel.  Takes  either  a  single
              value  applied  equally  to x and y directions, or two values applied correspondingly to x then y.
              This option takes precedence over the "--meters" option.

              Will disable the elevation

              Takes an argument. Arguments are ALL, WARN, NOTICE, INFO, FATAL,  DEBUG.   If  you  want  multiple
              disables  then  just  do  multiple  --disable-notify  on  the command line.  All argument are case
              insensitive.  Default is all are enabled.

              Will disable the plugin loader

              <elevation> hillshade option - Light source elevation angle for  bumb  shade.   Range:  0  to  90,
              Default = 45.0

              <factor>  Multiplier  for  elevation  values  when  computing  surface  normals. Has the effect of
              lengthening shadows for oblique lighting.  Range: .0001 to 50000, Default = 1.0

              <hemisphere> Specify a projection hemisphere if supported. E.g.  UTM projection.  This  will  lock
              the  hemisphere  even if input scene center is the other hemisphere.  Valid values for UTM are "N"
              and "S"

              <operation> Histogram operation to perform. Valid operations are  "auto-minmax",  "std-stretch-1",
              "std-stretch-2" and "std-stretch-3".

              <x> <y> Specifies an image space scale for x and y direction. "chip" operation only.

              <dem> Input dem to process.

              <image> Input image to process.

              <file.src> Input source file list keyword list with list of dems or images or both to process.

              <meters> Specifies an override for the meters per pixel

       --op   <operation>  Operation  to  perform.  Valid  operations  are  "chip", "color-relief", "hillshade",
              "psm"(pan sharpened multispectral), "2cmv"(two color  multi  view)  and  "ortho".   chip  =  input
              projection = output projection(image space), single image operation only.

              <options.kwl>  This can be all or part of the application options.  To get a template you can turn
              on trace to the ossimChipperUtil class by adding "-T ossimChipperUtil" to your command.

              <latidude_in_decimal_degrees> Note if set this will  be  used  for  the  origin  latitude  of  the
              projection.   Setting  this  to  something  other  than 0.0 with a geographic projection creates a
              scaled geographic projection.

              takes a logfile as an argument.  All output messages are redirected to the specified log file.  By
              default there is no log file and all messages are enabled.

              <R>  Specifies  the desired product's pixel radiometry type. Possible values for <R> are: U8, U11,
              U16, S16, F32. Note this overrides the deprecated option "scale-to-8-bit".

              <boolean> If true, output thumbnail dimensions will be padded in width or height to  make  square;
              else, it will have the aspect ratio of input, Default=false

              <output_projection>   Valid   projections:  geo,  geo-scaled,  input  or  utm  geo  =  Equidistant
              Cylindrical, origin latitude = 0.0 geo-scaled = Equidistant Cylindrical, origin latitude  =  image
              center  input  Use  first  images  projection. Must be a map projecion.  utm = Universal Tranverse
              Mercator If input and multiple sources the projection of the first image will be used.  If utm the
              zone  will  be  set  from the scene center of first image.  NOTE: --srs takes precedence over this

              <string>Adds a property to send to the reader.  format is name=value

              <type> Specify what resampler filter to use, e.g. nearest neighbor, bilinear,  cubic,  sinc.   See
              ossim-info --resampler-filters

       --rrds <rrds> Reduced resolution data set where 0 is full resolution. "chip" operation only.

              Scales  the  output to unsigned eight bits per band.  This option has been deprecated by the newer
              "--output-radiometry" option.

              <mode> Applies sharpness to image chain(s). Valid modes: "light", "heavy"

              Snaps tie point to projection origin  so  that  (tie-origin)/gsd  come  out  on  an  even  integer

       --srs  <src_code>  Specify a spatial reference system(srs) code for the output projection. Example: --srs

              Force three band output even if input is not.  Attempts to map bands to RGB if possible.

              <size_in_pixels> Sets the output tile  size  if  supported  by  writer.   Notes:  This  sets  both
              dimensions. Must be a multiple of 16, e.g. 1024.

              <writer-property>  Passes a name=value pair to the writer for setting it's property. Any number of
              these can appear on the line.

       --zone <zone> Specify a projection zone if supported.  E.g. UTM projection. This will lock the zone  even
              if input scene center is in another zone. Valid values for UTM are "1" to "60"

       -K     specify individual keywords to add to the preferences keyword list: name=value

       -P     specify a preference file to load

       -T     specify  the classes to trace, ex: ossimInit|ossimImage.*  will trace ossimInit and all ossimImage

       -b or --bands <n,n...>
              Use the specified bands in given order: e.g.  "3,2,1" will select bands 3, 2 and 1  of  the  input
              image.  Note: it is 1 based

       -e or --entry
              <entry>  For  multi  image  handlers  which entry do you wish to extract. For list of entries use:
              "ossim-info -i <your_image>"

       -h or --help
              Display this help and exit.

       -n or --north-up
              Rotates image North up. "chip" operation only.

       -r or --rotate
              <degrees> Rotate image by degrees. "chip" operation only.

       -t or --thumbnail
              <max_dimension> Specify a thumbnail resolution.  Scale will be adjusted so the maximum dimension =
              argument given.

       -u or --up-is-up
              Rotates image to up is up. "chip" operation only.

       -w or --writer
              <writer> Specifies the output writer.  Default uses output file extension to determine writer. For
              valid output writer types use: "ossim-info --writers"

       NOTES: 1) Never use same base name in the same directory! Example is you have a Chicago.tif

              and you want a Chicago.jp2, output Chicago.jp2 to its own directory.

       Example commands:

       // File conversion: Convert  geotiff  to  a  jp2  file.   ossim-chipper  --op  chip  -w  ossim_kakadu_jp2
       Chicago.tif outputs/Chicago.jp2

       //  Orthorectification:  Orthorectify  a  nitf with RPC model out to a geotiff.  ossim-chipper --op ortho
       5V090205P0001912264B220000100282M_001508507.ntf outputs/ortho.tif

       // Mosaic: Mosaic multiple images together  and  output  to  a  geotiff.   ossim-chipper  --combiner-type
       ossimImageMosaic --op ortho f1.tif f2.tif f3.tif outputs/mosaic.tif

       //   Mosaic:   Feather   Mosaic  multiple  images  together  and  output  to  a  geotiff.   ossim-chipper
       --combiner-type ossimFeatherMosaic --op ortho f1.tif f2.tif f3.tif outputs/feather.tif

       // Color relief: Colorize two DEMs from a lut, output to  a  geotiff.   ossim-chipper  --op  color-relief
       --color-table ossim-dem-color-table-template.kwl N37W123.hgt N38W123.hgt outputs/color-relief.tif

       //  Color  relief:  Colorize  two  DEMs  from  a  lut,  output  to  a  png thumbnail.  ossim-chipper --op
       color-relief  --color-table  ossim-dem-color-table-template.kwl  -t   1024   -w   ossim_png   N37W123.hgt
       N38W123.hgt outputs/color-relief.png

       // Hill shade: Hill shade two DEMs, output to a geotiff.  ossim-chipper --color 255 255 255 --azimuth 270
       --elevation 45 --exaggeration 2.0 --op  hillshade N37W123.hgt N38W123.hgt outputs/hillshade.tif

       // Two color multi view  with  cut  box.   First  image  is  old,  second  image  is  new:  ossim-chipper
       --cut-bbox-ll  28.092885092033352  -80.664539599998633  28.109128691071547  -80.626914963229325 --op 2cmv
       oldMLB.tif newMLB.tif outputs/2cmv-test1.tif

       // Ortho about point, 512x512, with histogram stretch, and 3,2,1 band order: ossim-chipper --op ortho  -b
       3,2,1   --histogram-op   auto-minmax   --cut-center-llwh  -42.819784401784275  147.265811350983  512  512
       5V090205M0001912264B220000100072M_001508507.ntf orth.tif

       // Chip,  in  image  space,  about  point,  512x512,  with  histogram  stretch,  and  3,2,1  band  order:
       ossim-chipper  --op  chip  -b  3,2,1  --histogram-op  auto-minmax  --cut-center-llwh  -42.819784401784275
       147.265811350983 512 512 5V090205M0001912264B220000100072M_001508507.ntf chip.tif

       // Chip in image space, rotate "up is up"(-u option) about point,  512x512  with  histogram  stretch  and
       3,2,1  band  order:  ossim-chipper  --op  chip  -u  -b 3,2,1 --histogram-op auto-minmax --cut-center-llwh
       -42.819784401784275    147.265811350983    512    512     5V090205M0001912264B220000100072M_001508507.ntf

       //  Chip  in  image  space,  rotate  39  degrees (-r option) about point, 1024x1024, scaled to eight bit:
       ossim-chipper  --op  chip  -r  39  --histogram-op   auto-minmax   --cut-center-llwh   -42.883809539602893
       147.331984112985765  1024  1024  --output-radiometry  U8  5V090205P0001912264B220000100282M_001508507.ntf

       // Above command where all options are in a keyword list: ossim-chipper --options r39-options.kwl


       The full documentation for ossim-chipper is maintained as a Texinfo  manual.   If  the  info  and  ossim-
       chipper programs are properly installed at your site, the command

              info ossim-chipper

       should give you access to the complete manual.