bionic (1) phastCons.1.gz

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       phastCons - Identify conserved elements or produce conservation scores, given


       The  alignment  file  can  be in any of several file formats (see --msa-format).  The phylogenetic models
       must be in the .mod format produced by the phyloFit program.


       Identify conserved elements or produce conservation scores, given a multiple alignment and  a  phylo-HMM.
       By  default,  a  phylo-HMM consisting of two states is assumed: a "conserved" state and a "non-conserved"
       state.  Separate phylogenetic models can be specified for these two states, e.g.,

              phastCons cons.mod,noncons.mod > scores.wig

       or a single model can be given for the non-conserved state, e.g.,

              phastCons --rho 0.5 noncons.mod > scores.wig

       in which case the model for the conserved state will be obtained by multiplying all branch lengths by the
       scaling  parameter  rho  (0  < rho < 1).  If the --rho option is not used, rho will be set to its default
       value of 0.3.

       By default, the phylogenetic models will be left unaltered, but if the --estimate-trees option  is  used,

              phastCons init.mod --estimate-trees newtree > scores.wig

       then the phylogenetic models for the two states will be estimated from the data, and the given tree model
       (there must be only one in this case) will be used for initialization  only.   It  is  also  possible  to
       estimate  only the scale factor --rho, using the --estimate-rho option.  The transition probabilities for
       the HMM can either be specified at the command line or estimated from the data using an EM algorithm.  To
       specify  them  at  the  command  line,  use  either the --transitions option or the --target-coverage and
       --expected-length options.  The recommended method is to  use  --target-coverage  and  --expected-length,

              phastCons --target-coverage 0.25 --expected-length 12 cons.mod,noncons.mod > scores.wig

   The program produces two main types of output.
       The       primary      output,      sent      to      stdout      in      fixed-step      WIG      format
       (, is a set of base-by-base conservation scores.   The
       score  at each base is equal to the posterior probability that that base was "generated" by the conserved
       state of the phylo-HMM.  The scores are reported in  the  coordinate  frame  of  a  designated  reference
       sequence (see --refidx), which is by default the first sequence in the alignment.  They can be suppressed
       with the --no-post-probs option.  The secondary type of output, activated with the --most-conserved  (aka
       --viterbi)  option,  is a set of discrete conserved elements.  These elements are output in either BED or
       GFF format, also in the coordinate system of the reference sequence (see --most-conserved).  They can  be
       assigned log-odds scores using the --score option.

       Other  uses are also supported, but will not be described in detail here.  For example, it is possible to
       produce conservation scores and conserved elements using a k-state phylo-HMM of  the  kind  described  by
       Felsenstein  and  Churchill  (1996)  (see --FC), and it is possible to produce a "coding potential" score
       instead of a conservation score (see --coding-potential).  It is also possible  to  give  the  program  a
       custom HMM and to specify any subset of its states to use for prediction (see --hmm and --states).

       See the phastCons HOWTO for additional details.


       1.  Given  phylogenetic  models  for  conserved  and  nonconserved regions and HMM transition parameters,
       compute a set of conservation scores.

              phastCons --transitions 0.01,0.01 cons.mod,noncons.mod > scores.wig

       2. Similar to (1), but define the conserved model as a scaled version of  the  nonconserved  model,  with
       rho=0.4  as  the  scaling parameter.  Also predict conserved elements as well as conservation scores, and
       assign log-odds scores to predictions.

              phastCons --transitions  0.01,0.01  --most-conserved  mostcons.bed  --score  --rho  0.4
              noncons.mod > scores.wig

       (if output file were "mostcons.gff," then output would be in GFF instead of BED format)

       3.  This  time,  estimate  the  parameter  rho from the data.  Suppress both the scores and the conserved
       elements.  Specify the transition probabilities using --target-coverage and --expected-length instead  of

              phastCons  --target-coverage  0.25  --expected-length  12  --estimate-rho  newtree --no-post-probs

       4. This time estimate all free parameters of the tree models.

              phastCons --target-coverage 0.25 --expected-length  12  --estimate-trees  newtree  --no-post-probs

       5.  Estimate the state-transition parameters but not the tree models.  Output the conservation scores but
       not the conserved elements.

              phastCons cons.mod,noncons.mod > scores.wig

       6. Estimate just the expected-length parameter and also estimate rho.

              phastCons --target-coverage 0.25 --estimate-rho newtree noncons.mod > scores.wig


   Tree models
       --rho, -R <rho>

              Set the *scale* (overall evolutionary rate) of the model for the conserved state to be <rho> times
              that  of  the  model  for  the  non-conserved  state  (0  < <rho> < 1; default 0.3).  If used with
              --estimate-trees or --estimate-rho, the specified value will be used for initialization only  (rho
              will be estimated).  This option is ignored if two tree models are given.

       --estimate-trees,  -T  <fname_root>  Estimate  free  parameters  of  tree  models and write new models to
              <fname_root>.cons.mod and <fname_root>.noncons.mod.

       --estimate-rho, -O <fname_root>

              Like --estimate-trees, but estimate only the parameter rho.

       --gc, -G <val> (Optionally use with --estimate-trees or --estimate-rho) Assume  a  background  nucleotide
              distribution  consistent  with  the given average G+C content (0 < <val> < 1) when estimating tree
              models.  (The frequencies of G and C will be set to <val>/2 and the frequencies of A and T will be
              set  to  (1-<val>)/2.)   This  option  overrides the default behavior of estimating the background
              distribution from the data (if --estimate-trees) or  obtaining  them  from  the  input  model  (if

       --nrates,  -k  <nrates>  |  <nrates_conserved,nrates_nonconserved>  (Optionally use with a discrete-gamma
              model and --estimate-trees) Assume the specified number of rate categories, instead of the  number
              given  in the *.mod file.  The shape parameter 'alpha' will be as given in the *.mod file.  In the
              case of the default two-state HMM, two values can be specified, for the numbers of rates  for  the
              conserved and the nonconserved states, resp.

   State-transition parameters
       --transitions, -t [~]<mu>,<nu>

              Fix the transition probabilities of the two-state HMM as specified, rather than estimating them by
              maximum likelihood.  Alternatively, if first character of argument is  '~',  estimate  parameters,
              but  initialize  to  specified values.  The argument <mu> is the probability of transitioning from
              the conserved to the non-conserved state, and <nu> is the probability of the  reverse  transition.
              The  probabilities  of  self  transitions  are  thus 1-<mu> and 1-<nu> and the expected lengths of
              conserved and nonconserved elements are 1/<mu> and 1/<nu>, respectively.

       --target-coverage, -C <gamma>

              (Alternative to --transitions) Constrain transition parameters such that the expected fraction  of
              sites  in  conserved  elements  is  <gamma>  (0  <  <gamma>  <  1).  This is a *prior* rather than
              *posterior* expectation and assumes stationarity of the  state-transition  process.   Adding  this
              constraint   causes   the   ratio  mu/nu  to  be  fixed  at  (1-<gamma>)/<gamma>.   If  used  with
              --expected-length,  the  transition  probabilities  will  be  completely  fixed;   otherwise   the
              expected-length  parameter <omega> will be estimated by maximum likelihood.  --expected-length, -E
              [~]<omega> {--expected-lengths also allowed, for backward compatibility}

              (For use with --target-coverage, alternative to --transitions) Set transition  probabilities  such
              that the expected length of a conserved element is <omega>.  Specifically, the parameter mu is set
              to 1/<omega>.  If preceded by '~', <omega> will be estimated,  but  will  be  initialized  to  the
              specified value.

       --msa-format, -i PHYLIP|FASTA|MPM|SS|MAF

       Alignment file format.
              Default is to guess format based on

       file contents.
              Note that the msa_view program can be used to

              convert between formats.

       --viterbi  [alternatively  --most-conserved],  -V  <fname>  Predict  discrete  elements using the Viterbi
              algorithm and write to specified file.  Output is in BED format, unless <fname> has suffix ".gff",
              in which case output is in GFF.

       --score, -s (Optionally use with --viterbi) Assign a log-odds score to each prediction.

       --lnl, -L <fname>

              Compute total log likelihood using the forward algorithm and write to specified file.

       --no-post-probs,  -n  Suppress  output  of  posterior probabilities.  Useful if only discrete elements or
              likelihood is of interest.

       --log, -g <log_fname>

              (Optionally use when estimating free parameters) Write log of optimization procedure to  specified

       --refidx, -r <refseq_idx> Use coordinate frame of specified sequence in output.  Default

              value  is  1,  first  sequence  in  alignment;  0  indicates  coordinate  frame of entire multiple

       --seqname, -N <name> (Optionally use with --viterbi) Use specified string for 'seqname' (GFF) or  'chrom'
              field  in  output  file.   Default  is  obtained from input file name (double filename root, e.g.,
              "chr22" if input file is "").

       --idpref, -P <name>

              (Optionally use with --viterbi) Use specified string as prefix of generated ids  in  output  file.
              Can  be  used to ensure ids are unique.  Default is obtained from input file name (single filename
              root, e.g., "chr22.35" if input file is "").

       --quiet, -q Proceed quietly (without updates to stderr).

       --help, -h

              Print this help message.  (Indels) [experimental]

       --indels, -I

              Expand HMM state space to model indels as described in Siepel & Haussler (2004).

       --max-micro-indel, -Y <length> (Optionally use with --indels) Maximum length of an alignment  gap  to  be
              considered  a  "micro-indel"  and  therefore  addressed by the indel model.  Gaps longer than this
              threshold will be treated as missing data.  Default value is 20.

       --indel-params, -D [~]<alpha_0,beta_0,tau_0,alpha_1,beta_1,tau_1>

              (Optionally use with --indels and default two-state HMM) Fix the  indel  parameters  at  (alpha_0,
              beta_0,  tau_0)  for  the  conserved  state  and at (alpha_1, beta_1, tau_1) for the non-conserved
              state, rather than estimating them by maximum likelihood.  Alternatively, if  first  character  of
              argument  is  '~', estimate parameters, but initialize with specified values.  Alpha_j is the rate
              of insertion events per substitution per site in state j (typically ~0.05), beta_j is the rate  of
              deletion events per substitution per site in state j (typically ~0.05), and tau_j is approximately
              the inverse of the expected indel length in state j (typically 0.2-0.5).

       --indels-only, -J Like --indels but force the use of a single-state HMM.  This option allows  the  effect
              of  the  indel  model  in  isolation  to  be  observed.  Implies --no-post-probs.  Use with --lnl.
              (Felsenstein/Churchill model) [rarely used]

       --FC, -X

              (Alternative to --hmm; specify only one *.mod file with this option) Use an HMM with a  state  for
              every  rate  category  in the given phylogenetic model, and transition probabilities defined by an
              autocorrelation parameter lambda (as described  by  Felsenstein  and  Churchill,  1996).   A  rate
              constant  for  each  state  (rate  category)  will  be  multiplied  by  the  branch lengths of the
              phylogenetic model, to create a "scaled" version of the model for that state.  If the phylogenetic
              model  was  estimated  using  Yang's  discrete gamma method (-k option to phyloFit), then the rate
              constants will be defined according to the estimated shape parameter 'alpha', as described by Yang
              (1994).   Otherwise,  a  nonparameteric  model of rate variation must have been used (-K option to
              phyloFit), and the rate constants will be as defined (explicitly) in the *.mod file.  By  default,
              the parameter lambda will be estimated by maximum likelihood (see --lambda).

       --lambda, -l [~]<lambda>

              (Optionally  use with --FC) Fix lambda at the specified value rather than estimating it by maximum
              likelihood.  Alternatively, if first character is '~', estimate but initialize at specified value.
              Allowable  range  is  0-1.  With k rate categories, the transition probability between state i and
              state j will be lambda * I(i == j) + (1-lambda)/k, where  I  is  the  indicator  function.   Thus,
              lambda  =  0  implies  no autocorrelation and lambda = 1 implies perfect autocorrelation.  (Coding
              potential) [experimental]

       --coding-potential, -p

              Use parameter settings that cause output to be interpretable as  a  coding  potential  score.   By
              default,  a  simplified  version  of  exoniphy's  phylo-HMM is used, with a noncoding (background)
              state, a conserved non-coding (CNS) state, and states for the three codon positions.  This  option
              implies  --catmap "NCATS=4; CNS 1; CDS 2-4" --hmm <default-HMM-file> --states CDS --reflect-strand
              background,CNS and a set of default *.mod files (all of which can be overridden).  This option can
              be used with or without --indels.

       --extrapolate, -e <phylog.nh> | default

              Extrapolate to a larger set of species based on the given phylogeny (Newick-format).  The trees in
              the given tree models (*.mod files) must be subtrees of the larger phylogeny.  For each tree model
              M,  a  copy will be created of the larger phylogeny, then scaled such that the total branch length
              of the subtree corresponding to M's tree equals the total branch length  of  M's  tree;  this  new
              version will then be used in place of M's tree.  (Any species name present in this tree but not in
              the data will be ignored.)  If the string "default"  is  given  instead  of  a  filename,  then  a
              phylogeny  for 25 vertebrate species, estimated from sequence data for Target 1 (CFTR) of the NISC
              Comparative Sequencing Program (Thomas et al., 2003), will be assumed.

       --alias, -A <alias_def>

              Alias names in input alignment  according  to  given  definition,  e.g.,  "hg17=human;  mm5=mouse;
              rn3=rat".   Useful  with  default *.mod files, e.g., with --coding-potential.  (Default models use
              generic common names such as "human", "mouse", and "rat".  This option  allows  a  mapping  to  be
              established between the leaves of trees in these files and the sequences of an alignment that uses
              an alternative naming convention.)

   Custom HMMs [rarely used]
       --hmm, -H <hmm_fname>

              Name of HMM file explicitly defining the probabilities of all state transitions.   States  in  the
              file  must  correspond  in  number and order to phylogenetic models in <mod_fname_list>.  Expected
              file format is as produced by 'hmm_train.'

       --catmap, -c <fname>|<string> (Optionally use with --hmm) Mapping of feature types to  category  numbers.
              Can  give  either  a  filename or an "inline" description of a simple category map, e.g., --catmap
              "NCATS = 3 ; CDS 1-3".

       --states, -S <state_list>

              States of interest in the phylo-HMM, specified by number (indexing starts with 0), or if --catmap,
              by  category name.  Default value is 1.  Choosing --states "0,1,2" will cause output of the sum of
              the posterior probabilities for states 0, 1, and 2, and/or of regions in which  the  Viterbi  path
              coincides with (any of) states 0, 1, or 2 (see --viterbi).

       --reflect-strand, -U <pivot_states>

              (Optionally  use  with --hmm) Given an HMM describing the forward strand, create a larger HMM that
              allows for features on both strands by "reflecting" the original HMM about the  specified  "pivot"
              states.   The  new  HMM  will  be used for prediction on both strands.  States can be specified by
              number (indexing starts with 0), or if --catmap, by category name.

   Missing data [rarely used]
       --require-informative, -M <states> Require "informative"  columns  (i.e.,  columns  with  more  than  two
              non-missing-data  characters, excluding sequences specified by --not-informative) in specified HMM
              states, to help eliminate false positive predictions.  States can be specified by number (indexing
              starts  with  0) or, if --catmap is used, by category name.  Non-informative columns will be given
              emission probabilities of zero.  By default, this option is active, with <states> equal to the set
              of  states  of  interest  for  prediction  (as  specified  by  --states).   Use  "none" to disable

       --not-informative, -F <list>

              Do not consider the specified sequences (listed  by  name)  when  deciding  whether  a  column  is
              informative.   This  option  may  be  useful when sequences are present that are very close to the
              reference sequence and thus do not contribute much in the way of phylogenetic information.   E.g.,
              one might use "--not-informative chimp" with a human-referenced multiple alignment including chimp
              sequence, to avoid false-positive predictions based only  on  human/chimp  alignments  (can  be  a
              problem, e.g., with --coding-potential).

       --ignore-missing, -z

              (For use when estimating transition probabilities) Ignore regions of missing data in all sequences
              but the reference sequence (excluding sequences specified by  --not-informative)  when  estimating
              transition probabilities.  Can help avoid too-low estimates of <mu> and <nu> or too-high estimates
              of <lambda>.  Warning: this option should not be used with --viterbi because coordinates in output
              will be unrecognizable.


       J.  Felsenstein  and G. Churchill.  1996. A hidden Markov model approach to variation among sites in rate
       of evolution.  Mol. Biol. Evol., 13:93-104.  A. Siepel, G. Bejerano, J. S. Pedersen, et al.  2005.

       Evolutionarily conserved elements in vertebrate, insect, worm, and yeast genomes.  Genome Res. (in press)
       A. Siepel and D. Haussler.  2004.  Computational identification of evolutionarily conserved exons.  Proc.
       8th Annual Int'l Conf.  on Research in Computational Biology (RECOMB '04), pp. 177-186.

       J. Thomas et al.  2003.  Comparative analyses of multi-species sequences from targeted  genomic  regions.
       Nature 424:788-793.

       Z.  Yang.  1994.  Maximum  likelihood phylogenetic estimation from DNA sequences with variable rates over
       sites: approximate methods. J. Mol. Evol., 39:306-314.