bionic (1) phyloFit.1.gz

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       phyloFit - Fits one or more tree models to a multiple alignment of DNA


       Fits  one  or  more tree models to a multiple alignment of DNA sequences by maximum likelihood, using the
       specified tree topology and substitution model.  If categories of sites are defined  via  --features  and
       --catmap  (see  below), then a separate model will be estimated for each category.  A description of each
       model will be written to a separate file, with the suffix ".mod".  These .mod files minimally  include  a
       substitution  rate  matrix,  a  tree  with  branch  lengths,  and  estimates  of  nucleotide  equilibrium
       frequencies.  They may also include information about parameters for modeling rate variation.


       phyloFit [OPTIONS] <msa_fname>

       <msa_fname> should be a multiple alignment in FASTA format or one of  several  alternative  formats  (see
       --msa-format).   For backward compatibility, this argument may be preceded by '-m' or '--msa'.  Note that
       --tree is required in most cases.  By default, all output files will  have  the  prefix  "phyloFit"  (see


       (If you're like me, you want some basic examples first, and a list of all options later.)

       1. Compute the distance between two aligned sequences (in FASTA file pair.fa) under the REV model.

              phyloFit pair.fa

       (output  is  to  phyloFit.mod;  distance in substitutions per site appears in the TREE line in the output

       2. Fit a phylogenetic model to an alignment of human, chimp, mouse, and rat  sequences.   Use  the  HKY85
       substitution model.  Write output to files with prefix "myfile".

              phyloFit    --tree    "((human,chimp),(mouse,rat))"    --subst-mod    HKY85    --out-root   myfile

       3. As above, but use the discrete-gamma model for rate variation, with 4 rate categories.

              phyloFit --tree "((human,chimp),(mouse,rat))"  --subst-mod  HKY85  --out-root  myfile  --nrates  4

       4.  As  above,  but  use  genome-wide  data, stored in the compact "sufficient-statistics" format (can be
       produced with "msa_view -o SS").

              phyloFit --tree "((human,chimp),(mouse,rat))"  --subst-mod  HKY85  --out-root  myfile  --nrates  4
              --msa-format SS

       5.  Fit  a context-dependent phylogenetic model (U2S) to an alignment of human, mouse, and rat sequences.
       Use an EM algorithm for parameter optimization and relax the convergence criteria a bit (recommended with
       context-dependent   models).    Write   a  log  file  for  the  optimization  procedure.   Consider  only
       non-overlapping pairs of sites.

              phyloFit --tree "(human,(mouse,rat))" --subst-mod U2S --EM --precision MED --non-overlapping --log
              u2s.log --out-root hmr-u2s hmr.fa

       6.  As above, but allow overlapping pairs of sites, and compute likelihoods by assuming Markov-dependence
       of columns (see Siepel & Haussler, 2004).  The EM algorithm can no longer be used (optimization  will  be
       much slower).

              phyloFit  --tree  "(human,(mouse,rat))"  --subst-mod  U2S  --precision  MED  --log  u2s-markov.log
              --markov hmr.fa

       7. Compute a likelihood using parameter estimates obtained in (5) and an assumption of Markov dependence.
       This provides a lower bound on the likelihood of the Markov-dependent model.

              phyloFit --init-model hmr-u2s.mod --lnl --markov hmr.fa

       8.  Given  an alignment of several mammalian sequences (mammals.fa), a tree topology (tree.nh), and a set
       of gene annotations in GFF (genes.gff), fit  separate  models  to  sites  in  1st,  2nd,  and  3rd  codon
       positions.  Use the REV substitution model.  Assume coding regions have feature type 'CDS'.

              phyloFit  --tree tree.nh --features genes.gff --out-root mammals-rev --catmap "NCATS = 3; CDS 1-3"
              --do-cats 1,2,3 mammals.fa

       (output will be to mammals-rev.cds-1.mod, mammals-rev.cds-2.mod, and mammals-rev.cds-3.mod)


       --tree, -t <tree_fname>|<tree_string>

              (Required if more than three species, or more than two species and a  non-reversible  substitution
              model,  e.g., UNREST, U2, U3) Name of file or literal string defining tree topology.  Tree must be
              in Newick format, with the label at each leaf equal to the index  or  name  of  the  corresponding
              sequence  in  the  alignment  (indexing  begins  with  1).   Examples:  --tree "(1,(2,3))", --tree
              "(human,(mouse,rat))".  Currently, the topology must be rooted.  When  a  reversible  substitution
              model is used, the root is ignored during the optimization procedure.

       --subst-mod, -s JC69|F81|HKY85|HKY85+Gap|REV|SSREV|UNREST|R2|R2S|U2|U2S|R3|R3S|U3|U3S

       (default REV).
              Nucleotide substitution model.  JC69, F81, HKY85

              REV,  and UNREST have the usual meanings (see, e.g., Yang, Goldman, and Friday, 1994).  SSREV is a
              strand-symmetric version of REV.  HKY85+Gap is an adaptation of HKY that treats gaps  as  a  fifth
              character  (courtesy  of  James  Taylor).   The others, all considered "context-dependent", are as
              defined in Siepel and Haussler, 2004.  The options --EM and --precision MED are  recommended  with
              context-dependent models (see below).

       --msa-format,  -i  FASTA|PHYLIP|MPM|MAF|SS  (default  is  to  guess  format from file contents) Alignment
              format.  FASTA is as usual.  PHYLIP is compatible with the formats used in  the  PHYLIP  and  PAML
              packages.   MPM  is  the  format used by the MultiPipMaker aligner and some other of Webb Miller's
              older tools.  MAF ("Multiple Alignment Format") is used by MULTIZ/TBA and the UCSC Genome Browser.
              SS  is  a  simple format describing the sufficient statistics for phylogenetic inference (distinct
              columns or tuple of columns and their counts).  Note that the program "msa_view" can be  used  for
              file conversion.

       --out-root,  -o  <output_fname_root> (default "phyloFit").  Use specified string as root filename for all
              files created.

       --min-informative, -I <ninf_sites>

              Require at least <ninf_sites> "informative" sites -- i.e., sites at which at least two non-gap and
              non-missing-data ('N' or '*') characters are present.  Default is 50.

       --gaps-as-bases, -G Treat alignment gap characters ('-') like ordinary bases.  By

              default, they are treated as missing data.

       --ignore-branches, -b <branches>

              Ignore  specified  branches  in  likelihood  computations  and parameter estimation, and treat the
              induced subtrees as independent.   Can  be  useful  for  likelihood  ratio  tests.   The  argument
              <branches>  should  be  a comma-separated list of nodes in the tree, indicating the branches above
              these nodes, e.g., human-chimp,cow-dog.  (See tree_doctor  --name-ancestors  regarding  names  for
              ancestral nodes.)  This option does not currently work with --EM.

       --quiet, -q Proceed quietly.

       --help, -h

              Print this help message.  (Options for controlling and monitoring the optimization procedure)

       --lnl, -L

              (for  use  with  --init-model)  Simply  evaluate  the  log likelihood of the specified tree model,
              without performing any further optimization.  Can be used with --post-probs, --expected-subs,  and

       --EM, -E

              Fit model(s) using EM rather than the BFGS quasi-Newton algorithm (the default).

       --precision, -p HIGH|MED|LOW

              (default  HIGH)  Level  of  precision  to use in estimating model parameters.  Affects convergence
              criteria for iterative algorithms: higher precision means more  iterations  and  longer  execution

       --log, -l <log_fname>

              Write log to <log_fname> describing details of the optimization procedure.

       --init-model, -M <mod_fname> Initialize with specified tree model.  By choosing good

              starting  values  for  parameters,  it is possible to reduce execution time dramatically.  If this
              option is chosen, --tree is not allowed.  The substitution model used in the given model  will  be
              used  unless  --subst-mod is also specified.  Note: currently only one mod_fname may be specified;
              it will be used for all categories.

       --init-random, -r Initialize parameters randomly.  Can be used multiple times to test

              whether the m.l.e. is real.

       --seed, -D <seed>

              Provide a random number seed for choosing initial parameter values  (usually  with  --init-random,
              though  random  values  are  used in some other cases as well).  Should be an integer >=1.  If not
              provided, seed is chosen based on current time.

       --init-parsimony, -y Initialize branch lengths using parsimony counts for  given  data.   Only  currently
              implemented for models with single character state (ie, not di- or tri-nucleotides).  Other --init
              options  such  as  --init-random  or  --init-model  can  be  used  in  conjunction  to  initialize
              substitution matrix parameters.

       --print-parsimony, -Y <filename>

       Print parsimony score to given file, and quit.
              (Does not optimize

              or report likelihoods).

       --clock,  -z Assume a molecular clock in estimation.  Causes the distances to all descendant leaves to be
              equal for each ancestral node and cuts the number of  free  branch-length  parameters  roughly  in

       --scale-only, -B

              (for  use  with  --init-model)  Estimate only the scale of the tree, rather than individual branch
              lengths (branch proportions fixed).  Equilibrium frequencies and rate-matrix parameters will still
              be estimated unless --no-freqs and --no-rates are used.

       --scale-subtree,  -S  <node_name> (for use with --scale-only) Estimate separate scale factors for subtree
              beneath identified node and rest of tree.  The branch leading to the subtree is included with  the
              subtree.   If  ":loss"  or  ":gain" is appended to <node_name>, subtree scale is constrained to be
              greater than or less than (respectively) scale for rest of tree.

       --estimate-freqs, -F

              Estimate equilibrium frequencies by maximum likelihood, rather  than  approximating  them  by  the
              relative frequencies in the data.  If using the SSREV model, this option implies --sym-freqs.

       --sym-freqs, -W

              Estimate  equilibrium  frequencies, assuming freq(A)=freq(T) and freq(C)=freq(G).  This only works
              for an alphabet ACGT (and possibly gap).  This option implies --estimate-freqs.

       --no-freqs, -f

              (for use with --init-model) Do not estimate equilibrium frequencies; just use the  ones  from  the
              given tree model.

       --no-rates, -n

              (for  use  with  --init-model)  Do not estimate rate-matrix parameters; just use the ones from the
              given tree model.

       --ancestor, -A <seqname> Treat specified sequence as the root of the tree.  The tree topology must define
              this  sequence  to  be a child of the root (in practice, the branch from the root to the specified
              sequence will be retained, but will be constrained to have length zero).

       --error, -e <filename>

              For each parameter, report estimate, variance, and 95%%  confidence  interval,  printed  to  given
              filename, one parameter per line.

       --no-opt,  -O  <param_list>  Hold  parameters  listed  in  comma-separated param_list constant at initial
              values.  This applies only to the "main" model, and not to any models defined with  the  --alt-mod
              option.   Param  list  can  contain  values  such  as  "branches" to hold branch lengths constant,
              "ratematrix", "backgd", or "ratevar" to hold entire rate matrix, equilibrium frequencies, or  rate
              variation   parameters  constant  (respectively).   There  are  also  substitution  model-specific
              parameters such as "kappa" (transition/transversion rate ratio).  Note: to hold  certain  branches
              constant,  but  optimize  others,  put an exclamation point in the newick-formatted tree after the
              branch lengths that should be held constant.  This can be useful for enforcing  a  star-phylogeny.
              However,  note  that the two branches coming from root of tree are treated as one.  So they should
              both be held constant, or not held constant.  This option does *not*  work  with  --scale-only  or

       --bound  <param_name[lower_bound,upper_bound]>  Set boundaries for parameter.  lower_bound or upper_bound
              may be empty string to keep default.  For example --bound gc_param[1,] will

              set the lower bound for gc_param to 1 (keeping upper bound at infinity), for  a  GC  model.   Only
              applies  to  parameters  for  model  in the "main" tree, but similar syntax can be used within the
              --alt-mod arguments.  Can be used multiple times to set boundaries for different parameters.

       --selection <selection_param>

              Use selection in the model (is also  implied  if  --init-model  is  used  and  contains  selection
              parameter).   Selection  scales  rate matrix entries by selection_param/(1-exp(-selection-param));
              this is done after rate matrix is scaled to set expected number of substitutions per unit time  to
              1.   If using codon models selection acts only on nonysynonymous mutations.  (Options for modeling
              rate variation)

       --nrates, -k <nratecats> (default 1).  Number of rate categories to use.  Specifying a

              value of greater than one causes the discrete gamma model for rate variation  to  be  used  (Yang,

       --alpha,  -a  <alpha> (for use with --nrates).  Initial value for alpha, the shape parameter of the gamma
              distribution.  Default is 1.

       --rate-constants, -K <rate_consts>

              Use a non-parameteric mixture model for rates, instead of  assuming  a  gamma  distribution.   The
              argument <rate_consts> must be a comma-delimited list explicitly defining the rate constants to be
              used.  The "weight" (mixing proportion) associated with each rate constant will be estimated by EM
              (this option implies --EM).  If --alpha is used with this option, then the mixing proportions will
              be initialized to reflect a gamma distribution with the specified shape parameter.   (Options  for
              separate handling of sites in different annotation categories)

       --features, -g <fname>

              Annotations  file  (GFF  or  BED  format)  describing  features  on  one  or more sequences in the
              alignment.  Together with a category map (see --catmap), will be taken to define site  categories,
              and  a  separate  model  will  be estimated for each category.  If no category map is specified, a
              category will be assumed for each type of feature, and they will  be  numbered  in  the  order  of
              appearance  of  the  features.   Features  are  assumed  to  use the coordinate frame of the first
              sequence in the alignment and should be non-overlapping (see 'refeature --unique').

       --catmap, -c <fname>|<string>

              (optionally use with --features) Mapping of feature types to category numbers.  Can either give  a
              filename or an "inline" description of a simple category map, e.g., --catmap "NCATS = 3 ; CDS 1-3"
              or --catmap "NCATS = 1 ; UTR 1".  Note that category 0 is reserved  for  "background"  (everything
              that is not described by a defined feature type).

       --do-cats, -C <cat_list>

              (optionally   use   with   --features)   Estimate   models   for  only  the  specified  categories
              (comma-delimited list categories, by name or numbera).  Default  is  to  fit  a  model  for  every

       --reverse-groups, -R <tag>

              (optionally  use with --features) Group features by <tag> (e.g., "transcript_id" or "exon_id") and
              reverse complement segments of the alignment  corresponding  to  groups  on  the  reverse  strand.
              Groups  must be non-overlapping (see refeature --unique).  Useful with categories corresponding to
              strand-specific phenomena (e.g., codon positions).  (Options  for  context-dependent  substitution

       --markov, -N

              (for  use with context-dependent substitutions models and not available with --EM.)  Assume Markov
              dependence of alignment columns, and compute the conditional probability of each column given  its
              N-1  predecessors  using the two-pass algorithm described by Siepel and Haussler (2004).  (Here, N
              is the "order" of the model, as defined by --subst-mod; e.g., N=1 for REV, N=2 for  U2S,  N=3  for
              U3S.)  The  alternative  (the  default)  is  simply  to work with joint probabilities of tuples of
              columns.  (You can ensure  that  these  tuples  are  non-overlapping  with  the  --non-overlapping
              option.)   The  use  of joint probabilities during parameter estimation allows the use of the --EM
              option and can be much faster; in addition, it appears to produce nearly equivalent estimates.  If
              desired,  parameters  can  be estimated without --markov, and then the likelihood can be evaluated
              using --lnl  and  --markov  together.   This  gives  a  lower  bound  on  the  likelihood  of  the
              Markov-dependent model.

       --non-overlapping,  -V (for use with context-dependent substitution models; not compatible with --markov,
              --features, or --msa-format SS) Avoid using overlapping tuples of sites in  parameter  estimation.
              If  a  dinucleotide  model  is selected, every other tuple will be considered, and if a nucleotide
              triplet model is selected, every third tuple will be considered.  This option cannot be used  with
              an  alignment  represented  only by unordered sufficient statistics.  (Option for lineage-specific

       --label-branches branch1,branch2,branch3...:label

              Create a group of branches by giving a set of branches a single label.  The label should be a word
              which  does not contain special characters (in particular, no spaces, brackets, parentheses, pound
              signs, commas, or colons).  The label is for  use  with  --alt-model  option  below,  so  that  an
              alternate  model  can  be defined for a set of branches.  A branch is specified by the name of the
              node which is a descendant of that branch.

              For  example,  --label-branches  hg18,chimp,hg18-chimp:HC  will  apply  the  label  "HC"  to   the
              hg18,chimp,and    hg18-chimp   branches   in   the   following   tree:   (((hg18,chimp)hg18-chimp,

              The same label could be defined without using --label-branches by specifying the tree  (either  on
              the command-line or within init-model) as follows: (((hg18 # HC, chimp #HC)#HC, (mouse,rat))

       --label-subtree  node[+]:label  Similar  to label-branches, except labels the entire subtree of the named
              node.  If the node name is followed by a "+" sign, then includes the branch leading up to the node
              in the subtree.

       --alt-model,  -d  <label:(model|param_list)>  Create  a lineage-specific substitution model on a group of
              branches.  The group is defined by a label, which can be specified within the tree  string  (using
              the  #  sign  notation),  or  by  using the --label-branches or --label-subtree arguments.  If the
              alt-model applies to only a single branch, labelling is not necessary and the  name  of  the  node
              descending  from  the  branch can be used instead.  See --label-branches above for more details on
              labelling groups of branches.  If a name of a substitution model  (HKY85,  REV,  UNREST,  etc)  is
              given  after  the  colon,  then  this model will be used for the group of branches, and parameters
              relevant to the model will be estimated separately in this group.  This model may be different (or
              the  same)  as  the model used in the rest of the tree, but it must have the same number of states
              and be of the same order as the model used for the rest of the tree.

              Alternately, a list of parameter names can be given after the  colon.   In  this  case,  the  same
              substitution  model  will be used for the entire tree, but the parameters listed will be estimated
              separately in the specified group of branches.

              The parameter names are model-specific, and include "kappa" for HKY models, "alpha" for GC models,
              "ratematrix"  to  specify  all  rate-matrix  parameters  in  general  models, and "backgd" for the
              equilibrium background frequencies.  The parameter names may optionally be followed by  boundaries
              in square brackets to specify parameter bounds, as described in --bound option.

              The  --alt-model  argument  may  be used multiple times, if one wishes to (for example) optimize a
              parameter independently on several different  groups  of  branches.   Example:  phyloFit  align.fa
              --subst-mod HKY85 \ --tree "(human, (mouse#MR, rat#MR)#MR, cow)"\ --alt-model "MR:kappa[0, 1]"

              will  estimate  the HKY85 parameter kappa separately on the mouse/rat subtree, and constrain kappa
              between 0 and 1.  The quotes are often necessary to prevent the square brakcets from being  parsed
              by the shell.  The same model could be achieved with:

              phyloFit   align.fa   --subst-mod   HKY85   \   --tree   "(human,   (mouse,rat)mouse-rat,   cow)"\
              --label-branches mouse,rat,mouse-rat:MR \ --alt-model "MR:kappa[0,1]" or

              phyloFit  align.fa  --subst-mod  HKY85   \   --tree   "(human,   (mouse,rat)mouse-rat,   cow)"   \
              --label-subtree "mouse-rat+:MR" \ --alt-model "MR:kappa[0,1]"

              (Options for posterior probabilities)

       --post-probs, -P

              Output  posterior  probabilities of all bases at all ancestral nodes.  Output will be to auxiliary
              file(s) with suffix ".postprobs".

       --expected-subs, -X

              Output posterior expected number of substitutions on each branch at each site, summed  across  all
              types of substitutions.  Output will be to auxiliary file(s) with suffix ".expsub".

       --expected-subs-col, -J

              Output  posterior  expected  number  of  substitutions of each type on each branch, for each site.
              Output will be to auxiliary file(s) with suffix .expcolsub

       --expected-total-subs, -Z

              Output posterior expected number of substitutions of each type on each branch, summed  across  all
              sites.  Output will be to auxiliary file(s) with suffix ".exptotsub".

       --column-probs, -U

       (for use with -init-model; implies --lnl)
              Output a separate log

       probability for each type of column in the input.
              Output will

       be to a file with suffix ".colprobs".
              Values are log base 2.

              (Options for estimation in sliding window)

       --windows,  -w  <size,shift>  Apply  a  sliding  window to the alignment, and fit a separate tree to each
              window.  Arguments specify size of window and amount by which to shift it on each iteration,  both
              in  bases of the first sequence in the alignment (assumed to be the reference sequence).  Separate
              versions of all output files will be created for each window.

       --windows-explicit, -v <window_coord_list> Like --windows, except that all start and end coordinates must
              be explicitly specified.  Each successive pair of numbers is interpreted as defining the start and
              end  of  a  window.   Can  be  used  with  a  two-column  file  and  the   '*'   operator,   e.g.,
              --windows-explicit '*mycoords'.


       A. Siepel and D. Haussler.
              2004.   Phylogenetic  estimation  of  context-dependent  substitution rates by maximum likelihood.
              Mol. Biol. Evol., 21:468-488.

       Z. Yang, N. Goldman, and A. Friday.
              1994. Comparison of models for nucleotide  substution  used  in  maximum  likelihood  phylogenetic
              estimation. Mol. Biol. Evol., 11:316-324.

       Z. Yang. 1994. Maximum likelihood phylogenetic estimation from
              DNA sequences with variable rates over sites: approximate methods. J. Mol. Evol., 39:306-314.