bionic (1) pocketsphinx_batch.1.gz

pocketsphinx_batch - Run speech recognition in batch mode
pocketsphinx_batch -hmm hmmdir -dict dictfile [ options ]...
Run speech recognition over a list of utterances in batchmode. A list of arguments follows: -adchdr Size of audio file header in bytes (headers are ignored) -adcin Input is raw audio data -agc Automatic gain control for c0 ('max', 'emax', 'noise', or 'none') -agcthresh Initial threshold for automatic gain control -allphone phoneme decoding with phonetic lm -allphone_ci Perform phoneme decoding with phonetic lm and context-independent units only -alpha Preemphasis parameter -argfile file giving extra arguments. -ascale Inverse of acoustic model scale for confidence score calculation -aw Inverse weight applied to acoustic scores. -backtrace Print results and backtraces to log file. -beam Beam width applied to every frame in Viterbi search (smaller values mean wider beam) -bestpath Run bestpath (Dijkstra) search over word lattice (3rd pass) -bestpathlw Language model probability weight for bestpath search -build_outdirs Create missing subdirectories in output directory -cepdir files directory (prefixed to filespecs in control file) -cepext Input files extension (suffixed to filespecs in control file) -ceplen Number of components in the input feature vector -cmn Cepstral mean normalization scheme ('current', 'prior', or 'none') -cmninit Initial values (comma-separated) for cepstral mean when 'prior' is used -compallsen Compute all senone scores in every frame (can be faster when there are many senones) -ctl file listing utterances to be processed -ctlcount No. of utterances to be processed (after skipping -ctloffset entries) -ctlincr Do every Nth line in the control file -ctloffset No. of utterances at the beginning of -ctl file to be skipped -ctm output in CTM file format (may require post-sorting) -debug level for debugging messages -dict pronunciation dictionary (lexicon) input file -dictcase Dictionary is case sensitive (NOTE: case insensitivity applies to ASCII characters only) -dither Add 1/2-bit noise -doublebw Use double bandwidth filters (same center freq) -ds Frame GMM computation downsampling ratio -fdict word pronunciation dictionary input file -feat Feature stream type, depends on the acoustic model -featparams containing feature extraction parameters. -fillprob Filler word transition probability -frate Frame rate -fsg format finite state grammar file -fsgctl file listing FSG file to use for each utterance -fsgdir directory for FSG files -fsgext extension for FSG files (including leading dot) -fsgusealtpron Add alternate pronunciations to FSG -fsgusefiller Insert filler words at each state. -fwdflat Run forward flat-lexicon search over word lattice (2nd pass) -fwdflatbeam Beam width applied to every frame in second-pass flat search -fwdflatefwid Minimum number of end frames for a word to be searched in fwdflat search -fwdflatlw Language model probability weight for flat lexicon (2nd pass) decoding -fwdflatsfwin Window of frames in lattice to search for successor words in fwdflat search -fwdflatwbeam Beam width applied to word exits in second-pass flat search -fwdtree Run forward lexicon-tree search (1st pass) -hmm containing acoustic model files. -hyp output file name -hypseg output with segmentation file name -input_endian Endianness of input data, big or little, ignored if NIST or MS Wav -jsgf grammar file -keyphrase to spot -kws file with keyphrases to spot, one per line -kws_delay Delay to wait for best detection score -kws_plp Phone loop probability for keyword spotting -kws_threshold Threshold for p(hyp)/p(alternatives) ratio -latsize Initial backpointer table size -lda containing transformation matrix to be applied to features (single-stream features only) -ldadim Dimensionality of output of feature transformation (0 to use entire matrix) -lifter Length of sin-curve for liftering, or 0 for no liftering. -lm trigram language model input file -lmctl a set of language model The -hmm and -dict arguments are always required. Either -lm or -fsg is required, depending on whether you are using a statistical language model or a finite-state grammar. To do batchmode recognition, you will need to specify a control file, using -ctl This is a simple text file containing one entry per line. Each entry is the name of an input file relative to the -cepdir directory, and without the filename extension (which is given in the -cepext argument). If you are using acoustic feature files as input (see sphinx_fe(1) for information on how to generate these), you can also specify a subpart of a file, using the following format: FILENAME START-FRAME END-FRAME UTTERANCE-ID
Written by numerous people at CMU from 1994 onwards. This manual page by David Huggins-Daines <>
Copyright © 1994-2007 Carnegie Mellon University. See the file COPYING included with this package for more information.
pocketsphinx_continuous(1), sphinx_fe(1). 2007-08-27 POCKETSPHINX_BATCH(1)