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positionDB - management of posDB files
positionDB [-mersize k] [-merskip k] [-use a-b,c] [-merbegin b] [-merend e] -sequence s.fasta -output p.posDB positionDB -dump datafile positionDB -test1 sequence.fasta positionDB -test2 db.fasta sequence.fasta
Building an image -mersize k The size of the mers, default=20. -merskip k The skip between mers, default=0 -use a-b,c Specify which sequences to use, default=all -merbegin b Build on a subset of the mers, starting at mer #b, default=all mers -merend e Build on a subset of the mers, ending at mer #e, default=all mers -sequence s.fasta Input sequences. -output p.posDB Output filename. Dumping information about an image -dump datafile.posDB Running sanity tests -test1 sequence.fasta Tests if each and every mer is found in the positionDB. Reports if it doesn't find a mer at the correct position. Doesn't report if table has too much stuff. -test2 db.fasta sequence.fasta Builds a positionDB from db.fasta, then searches the table for each mer in sequence.fasta. Reports all mers it finds. This is a silly test and you shouldn't do it.
existDB(1), meryl(1)