Provided by: prank_0.0.170427+dfsg-1_amd64 

prank - Computes probabilistic multiple sequence alignments
prank sequence_file prank [optional parameters] -d=sequence_file [optional parameters]
The Probabilistic Alignment Kit (PRANK) is a probabilistic multiple alignment program for DNA, codon and amino-acid sequences. It's based on a novel algorithm that treats insertions correctly and avoids over- estimation of the number of deletion events. In addition, PRANK borrows ideas from maximum likelihood methods used in phylogenetics and correctly takes into account the evolutionary distances between sequences. Lastly, PRANK allows for defining a potential structure for sequences to be aligned and then, simultaneously with the alignment, predicts the locations of structural units in the sequences.
INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS -d=sequence_file The input sequence file in FASTA format. -t=tree_file The tree file to use. If unset, an appriximated NJ tree is generated. -o=output_file Set the name of the output file. If unset, output_file is set to output. -f=output_format Set the output format. output_format can be one of fasta (default), phylipi, phylips, paml, or nexus. -m=model_file The model file to use. If unset, model_file is set to HKY2/WAG. -support Compute posterior support. -showxml Output alignment xml-file. -showtree Output alignment guidetree. -showanc Output ancestral sequences. -showall Output all of these. -noanchors Do not use Exonerate anchoring. (Exonerate to be installed separately.) -nomafft Do not use MAFFT for guide tree. (MAFFT to be installed separately.) -njtree Estimate tree from an input alignment (and realign). -shortnames Truncate names at first space character. -quiet Reduce output. ALIGNMENT MERGE -d1=alignment_file The first input alignment file in FASTA format. -d2=alignment_file The second input alignment file in FASTA format. -t1=tree_file The tree file for the first alignment. If unset, an appriximated NJ tree is generated. -t2=tree_file The tree file for the second alignment. If unset, an appriximated NJ tree is generated. MODEL PARAMETERS -F, +F Force insertions to be always skipped. -gaprate=# Set the gap opening rate. The default is 0.025 for DNA and 0.005 for proteins. -gapext=# Set the gap extension probability. The default is 0.75 for DNA and 0.5 for proteins. -codon Use empirical codon model for coding DNA. -DNA, -protein Use DNA or protein model, respectively. Disables auto-detection of model. -termgap Penalise terminal gaps normally. -nomissing No missing data. Use -F for terminal gaps. -keep Do not remove gaps from pre-aligned sequences. OTHER PARAMETERS -iterate=# Rounds of re-alignment iteration; by default, iterate five times and keep the best result. -once Run only once. Same as -iterate=1. -prunetree Prune guide tree branches with no sequence data. -prunedata Prune sequence data with no guide tree leaves. -uselogs Slower but should work for a greater number of sequences. -translate Translate input data to protein sequences. -mttranslate Translate input data to protein sequencess using mt table. -convert Do not align, just convert to a different format. -dna=dna_sequence_file DNA sequence file for backtranslation of protein alignment. -help Show an extended help page with more options. -version Show version and check for updates.
prank was written by Ari Loytynoja. This manual page was originally written by Manuel Prinz <> for the Debian project (and may be used by others).