Provided by: prottest_3.4.2+dfsg-2_all 

prottest - Selection of best-fit models of protein evolution (sequential version)
prottest -i alignm_file [OPTIONS]
PROTTEST (ModelTest's relative) is a program for selecting the model of protein evolution that best fits a given set of sequences (alignment). This java program is based on the Phyml program (for maximum likelihood calculations and optimization of parameters) and uses the PAL library as well. Models included are empirical substitution matrices (such as WAG, LG, mtREV, Dayhoff, DCMut, JTT, VT, Blosum62, CpREV, RtREV, MtMam, MtArt, HIVb, and HIVw) that indicate relative rates of amino acid replacement, and specific improvements (+I:invariable sites, +G: rate heterogeneity among sites, +F: observed amino acid frequencies) to account for the evolutionary constraints impossed by conservation of protein structure and function. ProtTest uses the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and other statistics (AICc and BIC) to find which of the candidate models best fits the data at hand.
-i alignment_filename Alignment input file (required) -t tree_filename Tree file (optional) [default: NJ tree] -o output_filename Output file (optional) [default: standard output] -log enabled/disabled Enables / Disables PhyML logging into log directory (see -[matrix] Include matrix (Amino-acid) = JTT LG DCMut MtREV MtMam MtArt Dayhoff WAG RtREV CpREV Blosum62 VT HIVb HIVw FLU If you don't specify any matrix, all matrices displayed above will be included. -I Include models with a proportion of invariable sites -G Include models with rate variation among sites and number of categories -IG include models with both +I and +G properties -all-distributions Include models with rate variation among sites, number of categories and both -ncat number_of_categories Define number of categories for +G and +I+G models [default: 4] -F Include models with empirical frequency estimation -AIC Display models sorted by Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) -BIC Display models sorted by Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) -AICC Display models sorted by Corrected Akaike Information Criterion (AICc) -DT Display models sorted by Decision Theory Criterion -all Displays a 7-framework comparison table -S optimization_strategy Optimization strategy mode: [default: 0] 0: Fixed BIONJ JTT 1: BIONJ Tree 2: Maximum Likelihood tree 3: User defined topology -s moves Tree search operation for ML search: NNI (fastest), SPR (slowest), BEST (best of NNI and SPR) [default: NNI] -t1 Display best-model's newick tree [default: false] -t2 Display best-model's ASCII tree [default: false] -tc consensus_threshold Display consensus tree with the specified threshold, between 0.5 and 1.0 [0.5 = majority rule consensus ; 1.0 = strict consensus] -threads number_or_threads Number of threads requested to compute (only if MPJ is not used) [default: 1] -verbose Verbose mode [default: false]
prottest -i alignm_file -t tree_file -S 0 -all-distributions -F -AIC -BIC -tc 0.5 > output