bionic (1) psscale.1gmt.gz

Provided by: gmt-common_5.4.3+dfsg-1_all bug


       psscale - Plot a gray or color scale-bar on maps


       psscale    -Drefpoint   [    -B[p|s]parameters   ]   [    -Ccpt   ]   [    -Fbox   ]  [   -Gzlo/zhi  ]  [
       -I[max_intens|low_i/high_i] ] [  -Jparameters ] [  -Jz|Zparameters ] [  -K ] [  -L[i][gap] ] [   -M  ]  [
       -N[p|dpi  ]]  [   -O ] [  -P ] [  -Q ] [  -Rregion ] [  -S ] [  -U[stamp] ] [  -V[level] ] [  -Wscale ] [
       -Xx_offset ] [  -Yy_offset ] [  -Zzfile ] [ -pflags ] [ -ttransp ]

       Note: No space is allowed between the option flag and the associated arguments.


       psscale plots gray scales or color scales on maps. Both horizontal and vertical scales are supported. For
       CPTs  with  gradational  colors (i.e., the lower and upper boundary of an interval have different colors)
       psscale will interpolate to give a continuous scale.  Variations in intensity due to shading/illumination
       may be displayed by setting the option -I. Colors may be spaced according to a linear scale, all be equal
       size, or by providing a file with individual tile widths. The font used for  the  annotations  along  the
       scale and optional units is specified by FONT_ANNOT_PRIMARY.  If a label is requested, it is plotted with


              Defines  the  reference point on the map for the color scale using one of four coordinate systems:
              (1) Use -Dg for map (user) coordinates, (2) use -Dj or -DJ  for  setting  refpoint  via  a  2-char
              justification code that refers to the (invisible) map domain rectangle, (3) use -Dn for normalized
              (0-1) coordinates, or (4) use -Dx for plot coordinates (inches, cm, etc.).  All but  -Dx  requires
              both  -R  and -J to be specified.  For -Dj or -DJ with codes TC, BC, ML, MR (i.e., centered on one
              of the map sides) we pre-calculate all further settings.  Specifically, the length is set  to  80%
              of the map side, horizontal or vertical depends on the side, the offset is MAP_LABEL_OFFSET for Dj
              with an extra offset MAP_FRAME_WIDTH for DJ, and annotations are placed on the side of  the  scale
              facing  away  from  the  map  frame.  However, you can override any of these with these modifiers:
              Append +w followed by the length and width of the color bar.  If width is not specified then it is
              set  to 4% of the given length.  Give a negative length to reverse the scale bar. Append +h to get
              a horizontal scale [Default is vertical (+v)].  By default, the  anchor  point  on  the  scale  is
              assumed  to  be the bottom left corner (BL), but this can be changed by appending +j followed by a
              2-char justification code justify (see pstext).  Note: If -Dj is used then justify defaults to the
              same  as  refpoint,  if  -DJ  is  used  then  justify defaults to the mirror opposite of refpoint.
              Finally, add +o to offset the color scale by dx/dy away from the refpoint point in  the  direction
              implied  by  justify  (or  the  direction implied by -Dj or -DJ).  Add sidebar triangles for back-
              and/or foreground colors with +e. Append f (foreground) or b (background)  for  only  one  sidebar
              triangle  [Default gives both]. Optionally, append triangle height [Default is half the barwidth].
              Move text to opposite side with +m[a|c|l|u].  Horizontal scale bars: Move annotations  and  labels
              above  the  scale bar [Default is below]; the unit remains on the left.  Vertical scale bars: Move
              annotations and labels to the left of the scale bar [Default is to the right];  the  unit  remains
              below.   Append one or more of a, l or u to control which of the annotations, label, and unit that
              will be moved to the opposite side. Append c if you want to print a vertical label as a column  of
              characters  (does  not  work with special characters).  Append +n to plot a rectangle with the NaN
              color at the start of the bar, append text to change label from NaN.


              Set annotation, tick, and gridline interval for the colorbar. The x-axis label will plot beneath a
              horizontal bar (or vertically to the right of a vertical bar), except when using -A. As an option,
              use the y-axis label to plot the data unit to the right of a horizontal bar (and above a  vertical
              bar).  When  using -Ba or -Baf annotation and/or minor tick intervals are chosen automatically. If
              -B is omitted, or no annotation intervals are provided, the default is  to  annotate  every  color
              level based on the numerical entries in the CPT (which may be overridden by ULB flags in the CPT).
              To specify custom text annotations for intervals, you must append ;annotation to each  z-slice  in
              the CPT.

       -Ccpt  cpt  is  the  CPT  to be used. By default all color changes are annotated. To use a subset, add an
              extra column to the CPT with a L, U, or  B  to  annotate  Lower,  Upper,  or  Both  color  segment
              boundaries  (but  see  -B).  If  not  given,  psscale  will  read stdin. Like grdview, psscale can
              understand pattern specifications in the CPT. For CPTs where the z range is in meters, it  may  be
              useful  to  change  to  another  unit  when  plotting.   To do so, append +Uunit to the file name.
              Likewise, if the CPT uses another unit than meter and you wish to  plot  the  CPT  versus  meters,
              append  +uunit.   If a GMT master dynamic CPT is given instead then its z-range will be set to its
              default range (if it has one) before plotting.

              Without further options, draws a rectangular border around the scale using MAP_FRAME_PEN;  specify
              a different pen with +ppen.  Add +gfill to fill the scale box [no fill].  Append +cclearance where
              clearance is either gap, xgap/ygap, or lgap/rgap/bgap/tgap where these items are uniform, separate
              in  x- and y-direction, or individual side spacings between scale and border.  Append +i to draw a
              secondary,  inner  border  as  well.  We  use  a  uniform  gap  between  borders  of  2p  and  the
              MAP_DEFAULTS_PEN  unless other values are specified. Append +r to draw rounded rectangular borders
              instead, with a 6p corner radius. You  can  override  this  radius  by  appending  another  value.
              Finally,  append  +s  to  draw an offset background shaded region. Here, dx/dy indicates the shift
              relative to the foreground frame [4p/-4p] and shade  sets  the  fill  style  to  use  for  shading

              Truncate  the  incoming CPT so that the lowest and highest z-levels are to zlo and zhi.  If one of
              these equal NaN then we leave that end of the CPT alone.  The truncation takes  place  before  the

              Add  illumination effects. Optionally, set the range of intensities from - to + max_intens. If not
              specified, 1 is used.  Alternatively, append low/high intensities to specify an  asymmetric  range
              [Default is no illumination].

       -Jparameters (more …)
              Select map projection.

       -Jz|Zparameters (more …)
              Set z-axis scaling; same syntax as -Jx.

       -K (more …)
              Do not finalize the PostScript plot.

              Gives  equal-sized color rectangles. Default scales rectangles according to the z-range in the CPT
              (Also see -Z). If set, any equal interval annotation set with  -B  will  be  ignored.  If  gap  is
              appended and the CPT is discrete we will center each annotation on each rectangle, using the lower
              boundary z-value for the annotation. If i is prepended we annotate the interval range instead.  If
              -I is used then each rectangle will have its constant color modified by the specified intensity.

       -M     Force a monochrome graybar using the (television) YIQ transformation.

              Controls  how  the  color scale is represented by the PostScript language.  To preferentially draw
              color rectangles (e.g., for discrete colors), append p.  Otherwise  we  will  preferentially  draw
              images (e.g., for continuous colors).  Optionally append effective dots-per-inch for rasterization
              of color scales [600].

       -O (more …)
              Append to existing PostScript plot.

       -P (more …)
              Select “Portrait” plot orientation.

       -Q     Select logarithmic scale and power of ten annotations. All z-values in the CPT will  be  converted
              to  p  =  log10(z)  and  only integer p values will be annotated using the 10^p format [Default is
              linear scale].

              west, east, south, and north specify the region of interest, and you may specify them  in  decimal
              degrees  or  in  [±]dd:mm[][W|E|S|N]  format  Append  +r  if lower left and upper right map
              coordinates are given instead of w/e/s/n. The two shorthands -Rg and -Rd stand for  global  domain
              (0/360 and -180/+180 in longitude respectively, with -90/+90 in latitude).  Alternatively for grid
              creation, give Rcodelon/lat/nx/ny, where code is a 2-character combination of L, C, R  (for  left,
              center, or right) and T, M, B for top, middle, or bottom. e.g., BL for lower left.  This indicates
              which point on a rectangular region the lon/lat coordinate refers to, and the grid  dimensions  nx
              and  ny  with  grid  spacings  via  -I is used to create the corresponding region.  Alternatively,
              specify the name of an existing grid file and the -R settings (and grid  spacing,  if  applicable)
              are  copied  from  the grid. Appending +uunit expects projected (Cartesian) coordinates compatible
              with chosen -J and we inversely project to determine actual rectangular  geographic  region.   For
              perspective  view (-p), optionally append /zmin/zmax.  In case of perspective view (-p), a z-range
              (zmin, zmax) can be appended to indicate the third dimension. This needs  to  be  done  only  when
              using  the -Jz option, not when using only the -p option. In the latter case a perspective view of
              the plane is plotted, with no third dimension.

       For perspective view p, optionally append /zmin/zmax. (more …)

       -S     Do not separate different color intervals with black grid lines.

       -U[[just]/dx/dy/][c|label] (more …)
              Draw GMT time stamp logo on plot.

       -V[level] (more …)
              Select verbosity level [c].

              Multiply all z-values in the CPT by the provided scale.  By default the CPT is used as is.


       -Y[a|c|f|r][y-shift[u]] (more …)
              Shift plot origin.

              File with colorbar-width per color entry. By default, width of entry is  scaled  to  color  range,
              i.e., z = 0-100 gives twice the width as z = 100-150 (Also see -L).

       -p[x|y|z]azim[/elev[/zlevel]][+wlon0/lat0[/z0]][+vx0/y0] (more …)
              Select perspective view. (Required -R and -J for proper functioning).

       -t[transp] (more …)
              Set PDF transparency level in percent.

       -^ or just -
              Print a short message about the syntax of the command, then exits (NOTE: on Windows just use -).

       -+ or just +
              Print  an  extensive usage (help) message, including the explanation of any module-specific option
              (but not the GMT common options), then exits.

       -? or no arguments
              Print a complete usage (help) message, including the explanation of all options, then exits.


       To plot a a horizontal color scale (12 cm long;  0.5  cm  wide)  at  the  reference  point  (8,1)  (paper
       coordinates) with justification at top center and automatic annotation interval, do

              gmt makecpt -T-200/1000/100 -Crainbow > t.cpt
              gmt psscale -Ct.cpt -Dx8c/1c+w12c/0.5c+jTC+h -Bxaf+l"topography" -By+lkm >

       To  append  a vertical color scale (7.5 cm long; 1.25 cm wide) to the right of a plot that is 6 inch wide
       and 4 inch high, using illumination, and show back- and foreground colors, and annotating every 5  units,
       we provide the reference point and select the left-mid anchor point via

              gmt psscale -Dx6.5i+jLM/2i+w7.5c/1.25c+e -O -Ccolors.cpt -I -Bx5+lBATHYMETRY -By+lm >>

       To  overlay a horizontal color scale (4 inches long and default width) above a Mercator map produced by a
       previous call, ensuring a 2 cm offset from the map frame, use

              gmt psscale -DjCT+w4i+o0/2c+h -O -Ccolors.cpt -Baf -R -J >>


       When the CPT is discrete and no illumination is specified, the color bar will be painted using  polygons.
       For  all  other cases we must paint with an image. Some color printers may give slightly different colors
       for the two methods given identical RGB values.


       gmt, makecpt gmtlogo, grd2cpt psimage, pslegend

       2018, P. Wessel, W. H. F. Smith, R. Scharroo, J. Luis, and F. Wobbe