Provided by: pybit-web_1.0.0-3_all 

pybit-web - buildd server to isuse build jobs to pybit clients.
pybit-web provides a database connection and the controller to send messages to pybit clients to create a specific package build using the specified version control system. The client feeds status messages back to the controller which are displayed via the web interface.
The Debian packaging of pybit-web uses dbconfig-common to configure the database. For a local postgres instance, choose the unix socket option and the default ident authentication, then postgres as the database administrative user and www-data as the pybit-web database user. You can use whatever name you prefer for the pybit-web database itself. Note: Ensure that the www-data user is specified or apache will not be granted permission to use the database connection. It's not enough to just set the user to www-data in /etc/pybit/web/web.conf - this setting is correct but needs postgres to be configured to allow access to www-data. Also check that the pybit-web database owner is set to www-data and that all the tables in the database have the owner set to www-data. Use ALTER DATABASE OWNER name TO "www-data" and ALTER TABLE name OWNER to "www-data" if necessary.
Sometimes there will be packages being committed to the VCS with updated debian/changelog files but which either cannot or should not be built automatically. pybit-web supports a postgres table called Blacklist, with fields "field" and "regex". Blacklist is used internally by process_job() in controller to determine if certain packages are centrally blacklisted using regexes. If there is a match on the field in question, pybit-web will not issue a build request for this package. process_job() is called by both the WebGUI and the VCS hook. For example "name" and "(.*-dev)" will mean we do not autobuild any development packages, while "vcs_uri" and "(.*/users/*)" will block sources from locations such as /repo/users/jamesb/somebadcode The controller log will print "BLACKLISTED! - [regex] matches [fieldname]:[data]" if a package is blacklisted. A 403 will be returned, as well as a False, from process_job to its caller (previously it returned void)
The pybit wiki has more information on setting up the server as well as the rabbitmq server and the watcher.
This manual page was written by Neil Williams <>