Provided by: rerun_0.11.0-1_all 

rerun - run programs and restarts them on filesystem changes
Rerun launches your program, then watches the filesystem. If a relevant file changes, then it restarts your program. Rerun works for both long-running processes (e.g. apps) and short-running ones (e.g. tests). It’s basically a no-frills command-line alternative to Guard, Shotgun, Autotest, etc. that doesn’t require config files and works on any command, not just Ruby programs. Rerun’s advantage is its simple design. Since it uses exec and the standard Unix SIGINT and SIGKILL signals, you’re sure the restarted app is really acting just like it was when you ran it from the command line the first time. By default it watches files ending in: rb,js,coffee,css,scss,sass,erb,html,haml,ru,yml,slim,md,feature. Use the --pattern option if you want to change this. As of version 0.7.0, we use the Listen gem, which tries to use your OS’s built-in facilities for monitoring the filesystem, so CPU use is very light. Rerun does not work on Windows. Sorry, but you can’t do much relaunching without "fork".
rerun [options] [--] cmd For example, if you’re running a Sinatra app whose main file is app.rb: rerun ruby app.rb If the first part of the command is a .rb filename, then ruby is optional, so the above can also be accomplished like this: rerun app.rb Rails doesn’t automatically notice all config file changes, so you can force it to restart when you change a config file like this: rerun --dir config rails s Or if you’re using Thin to run a Rack app that’s configured in but you want it on port 4000 and in debug mode, and only want to watch the app and web subdirectories: rerun --dir app,web -- thin start --debug --port=4000 -R The -- is to separate rerun options from cmd options. You can also use a quoted string for the command, e.g. rerun --dir app "thin start --debug --port=4000 -R" Rackup can also be used to launch a Rack server, so let’s try that: rerun -- rackup --port 4000 Want to mimic [autotest](<> Try rerun -x rake or rerun -cx rspec And if you’re using [Spork](<>) with Rails, you need to [restart your spork server](<>) whenever certain Rails environment files change, so why not put this in your Rakefile... desc "run spork (via rerun)" task :spork do sh "rerun --pattern '{Gemfile,Gemfile.lock,spec/spec_helper.rb,.rspec,spec/factories/**,config/environment.rb,config/environments/test.rb,config/initializers/*.rb,lib/**/*.rb}' -- spork" end and start using rake spork to launch your spork server? (If you’re using Guard instead of Rerun, check out [guard-spork](<>) for a similar solution.) How about regenerating your HTML files after every change to your [Erector](<http://>) widgets? rerun -x erector --to-html my_site.rb Use Heroku Cedar? rerun is now compatible with foreman. Run all your Procfile processes locally and restart them all when necessary. rerun foreman start
--dir directory (or directories) to watch (default = "."). Separate multiple paths with ',' and/or use multiple -d options. --pattern glob to match inside directory. This uses the Ruby Dir glob style —; see <http://> for details. By default it watches files ending in: rb,js,coffee,css,scss,sass,erb,html,haml,ru,yml,slim,md,feature. On top of this, it also ignores dotfiles, .tmp files, and some other files and directories (like .git and log). Run rerun --help to see the actual list. --ignore pattern file glob to ignore (can be set many times). To ignore a directory, you must append '/' e.g. --ignore 'coverage/'. *On top of --pattern and --ignore, we ignore any changes to files and dirs starting with a dot.* --signal (or -s) use specified signal (instead of the default SIGTERM) to terminate the previous process. This may be useful for forcing the respective process to terminate as quickly as possible. (--signal KILL is the equivalent of kill -9) --restart (or -r) expect process to restart itself, using signal HUP by default (e.g. -r -s INT will send a INT and then resume watching for changes) --clear (or -c) clear the screen before each run --exit (or -x) expect the program to exit. With this option, rerun checks the return value; without it, rerun checks that the launched process is still running. --background (or -b) disable on-the-fly commands, allowing the process to be backgrounded --notify NOTIFIER use growl or osx for notifications (see below) --no-notify don’t use growl (or osx) notifications --name set the app name (for display) Also --version and --help, naturally.
If you have growlnotify available on the PATH, it sends notifications to growl in addition to the console. If you have terminal-notifier, it sends notifications to the OS X notification center in addition to the console. If you have both, Rerun will pick one, or you can choose between them using --notify growl or --notify osx respectively. If you have a notifier installed but don’t want rerun to use it, set the --no-notify option. Download [growlnotify here](<>) now that Growl has moved to the App Store. Install [terminal-notifier](<>) using gem install terminal-notifier. (You may have to put it in your system gemset and/or use sudo too.) Using Homebrew to install terminal-notifier is not recommended.
While the app is (re)running, you can make things happen by pressing keys: • r —; restart (as if a file had changed) • c —; clear the screen • x or q —; exit (just like control-C) • p —; pause/unpause filesystem watching If you’re backgrounding or using Pry or a debugger, you might not want these keys to be trapped, so use the --background option.
The current algorithm for killing the process is: • send [SIGTERM](<>) (or the value of the --signal option) • if that doesn’t work after 4 seconds, send SIGINT (aka control-C) • if that doesn’t work after 2 more seconds, send SIGKILL (aka kill -9) This seems like the most gentle and unixy way of doing things, but it does mean that if your program ignores SIGTERM, it takes an extra 4 to 6 seconds to restart.
If you are using zsh as your shell, and you are specifying your --pattern as */.rb, you may face this error Errno::EACCES: Permission denied - <filename> This is because */.rb gets expanded into the command by zsh instead of passing it through to rerun. The solution is to simply quote ('' or "") the pattern. i.e rerun -p **/*.rb rake test becomes rerun -p "**/*.rb" rake test 2016-05-09 RERUN(1)