bionic (1) rubiks_optimal.1.gz

rubiks_optimal - optimal solver for 3x3x3 Rubik's cube
Solves a 3x3x3 Rubik's cube, entered at a prompt.
A solved cube is represented as UF UR UB UL DF DR DB DL FR FL BR BL UFR URB UBL ULF DRF DFL DLB DBR where U,D,F,B,L,R stand for up,down,front,back,left,right and the two-colored cubies are listed before the three-colored corner cubies. To input a scrambled cube, first give the cubie that's in the UF location, then the cubie in the UR location, and so forth, according to this list above. For example, "cube in a cube" would be UF UR RD RB LU LF DB DL FR UB DF BL UFR RFD RDB RBU LFU LUB DLB LDF This input should all be on one line.