bionic (1) show.1mh.gz

Provided by: mmh_0.3-3_amd64 bug


       show - display (MIME) messages

       next - show the next message

       prev - show the previous message


       show [+folder] [msgs] [-file file] [-part number] ...  [-type content] ...  [-form formfile] [-Version]

       next is equivalent to show n

       prev is equivalent to show p


       This (i.e. mmh's) version of show is a modified version of nmh's mhshow program.  The old (non-MIME) show
       program was removed from mmh.


       The  show  command  display contents of a MIME (multi-media) message or collection of messages.  Next and
       prev perform a show on the next or previous message in the specified (or current) folder, respectively.

       show manipulates multi-media messages as specified  in  RFC-2045  thru  RFC-2049.   Currently  show  only
       supports  encodings  in message bodies, and does not support the encoding of message headers as specified
       in RFC-2047.

       By default show will display all parts of a multipart message.  By using the -part  and  -type  switches,
       you may limit the scope of show to particular subparts (of a multipart content) and/or particular content

       The option -file file directs show to use the specified file as the source message, rather than a message
       from a folder.  If you specify this file as `-', then show will accept the source message on the standard
       input.  Note that the file, or input from standard input should be a validly formatted message, just like
       any  other  mh message.  It should NOT be in mail drop format (to convert a file in mail drop format to a
       folder of mh messages, see inc(1)).

       When displaying multiple messages, show prepends each of them  with  a  `>>>  Message  nnn'  header,  and
       separates the messages with two lines of space.  This is similar to the way mhl acts on multiple files.

       A  part  specification  consists  of  a series of numbers separated by dots.  For example, in a multipart
       content containing three parts, these would be named as 1, 2, and 3, respectively.  If part 2 was also  a
       multipart content containing two parts, these would be named as 2.1 and 2.2, respectively.  Note that the
       -part switch is effective for only messages containing a multipart content.  If a message has some  other
       kind  of  content,  or if the part is itself another multipart content, the -part switch will not prevent
       the content from being acted upon.

       A content specification consists of a content type and a subtype.  The initial list of `standard' content
       types and subtypes can be found in RFC-2046.

       A list of commonly used contents is briefly reproduced here:

            Type         Subtypes
            ----         --------
            text         plain, enriched
            multipart    mixed, alternative, digest, parallel
            message      rfc822, partial, external-body
            application  octet-stream, postscript
            image        jpeg, gif, png
            audio        basic
            video        mpeg

       A legal MIME message must contain a subtype specification.

       To  specify  a  content,  regardless of its subtype, just use the name of the content, e.g., `audio'.  To
       specify a specific subtype, separate the two with a slash, e.g., `audio/basic'.  Note that regardless  of
       the values given to the `-type' switch, a multipart content (of any subtype listed above) is always acted

   Unseen Sequence
       If the profile entry `Unseen-Sequence' is present and non-empty,  then  show  will  remove  each  of  the
       messages shown from each sequence named by the profile entry.

   Showing the Contents
       Mhshow prints messages in a convenient representation.  If show is outputting to a terminal, then a pager
       will be placed between the terminal and show.

       The headers of each message are displayed with mhl using the standard format file mhl.headers.   You  may
       specify  an  alternate  format  file  with  the  -form  formfile  switch.  If the format file mhl.null is
       specified, then the display of the message headers is suppressed.

       Next, the contents are extracted from the message and are stored in a temporary file.  Usually, the  name
       of  the  temporary  file is the word `show' followed by a string of characters.  Occasionally, the method
       used to display a content (described next), requires that  the  file  end  in  a  specific  suffix.   For
       example,  the  soffice  command  (part  of  the StarOffice package) can be used to display Microsoft Word
       content, but it uses the suffix to determine how to display the file.  If no suffix is present, the  file
       is  not  correctly  loaded.   Similarly,  older  versions  of the gs command append a `.ps' suffix to the
       filename if one was missing.  As a result, these cannot be used to read the default temporary file.

       To get around this, your profile can contain lines of the forms:

            mhshow-suffix-<type>/<subtype>: <suffix>
            mhshow-suffix-<type>: <suffix>

       to specify a suffix which can be automatically added to the temporary file created for a specific content
       type.  For example, the following lines might appear in your profile:

            mhshow-suffix-text: .txt
            mhshow-suffix-application/msword: .doc
            mhshow-suffix-application/PostScript: .ps

       to automatically append a suffix to the temporary files.

       The method used to display the different contents in the messages bodies will be determined by a `display
       string'.  To find the display string, show will first search your profile for an entry of the form:


       to determine the display string.  If this isn't found, show will search for an entry of the form:


       to determine the display string.

       If a display string is found, any escapes (given below) will be expanded.  The result  will  be  executed
       under `/bin/sh', with the standard input set to the content.

       The display string may contain the following escapes:

            %l  Display listing prior to displaying content
            %f  Insert filename containing content
            %F  %f, but stdin is terminal not content
            %a  Insert parameters from Content-Type field
            %s  Insert content subtype
            %c  Insert foreign charset
            %d  Insert content description
            %%  The character %

       Mhshow  processes  the  MIME parts serially, i.e. the next display process is executed after the previous
       one has terminated.

       Further, when show is display a content, typing QUIT (usually control-\) will tell show to wrap things up

       Note that if the content being displayed is multipart, but not one of the subtypes listed above, then the
       f- and F-escapes expand to multiple filenames, one for each subordinate content.  Further, stdin  is  not
       redirected from the terminal to the content.

       If a display string is not found, show has the following default values:

            mhshow-show-text/plain: %liconv -f <source-charset>
            mhshow-show-message/rfc822: %lshow -file %F

       If a subtype of type text doesn't have a profile entry, it will be treated as text/plain.

       show  has  default  methods  for handling multipart messages of subtype mixed, alternative, parallel, and
       digest.  Any  unknown  subtype  of  type  multipart  (without  a  profile  entry),  will  be  treated  as

       If none of these apply, then show will complain.

       Example entries might be:

            mhshow-show-audio/basic: raw2audio 2>/dev/null | play
            mhshow-show-image: xv %f
            mhshow-show-application/PostScript: lpr -Pps

       When expanding %f and %F escapes, the file names get wrapped in single-quotes automatically.

       Finally,  show will process each message serially - it won't start showing the next message until all the
       commands executed to display the current message have  terminated.   Although  a  multipart  content  may
       contain advice to display the parts in parallel, show will never do so.

   Showing Alternate Character Sets
       Because  a  content  of type text might be in a non-ASCII character set, when show encounters a `charset'
       parameter for this content, it checks if your terminal can display this  character  set  natively.   show
       checks  this  by  first  examining  the  the  environment variable $MM_CHARSET and if not set, taking the
       character encoding of the current locale.

       If the character set of text/plain cannot be displayed natively, then the default display method converts
       the content automatically by piping it through:

            iconv -f '<source-charset>'

       Note  that  if you have a custom `mhshow-show-*' display string, you need to care yourself for converting
       the encodings.  (The foreign charset is available through the %c escape.)

       The tool iconv needs to be available.

       `mhshow-charset-*' profile entries are not supported anymore.

   Messages of Type message/partial
       show cannot directly display messages of type partial.  You must reassemble  them  first  into  a  normal
       message using mhstore.  Check the man page for mhstore(1) for details.

   External Access
       Mhshow  does  not  automatically  retrieve message/external-body parts (anymore), but prints the relevant
       information to enable the user to retrieve the files manually.

   User Environment
       Because the display environment in which show operates may vary for different machines,  show  will  look
       for  the environment variable $MHSHOW.  If present, this specifies the name of an additional user profile
       which should be read.  Hence, when a user logs in  on  a  particular  display  device,  this  environment
       variable  should  be  set  to refer to a file containing definitions useful for the given display device.
       Normally, only entries that deal with the methods to display different content type and subtypes


       need be present in this additional profile. Finally, show will attempt to consult  one  other  additional
       user profile, e.g.,


       which is created automatically during mmh installation.


       $HOME/.mmh/profile         The user profile
       $MHSHOW                    Additional profile entries
       /etc/mmh/mhn.defaults      System default MIME profile entries
       /etc/mmh/mhl.headers       The headers template


       Path:                To determine the user's mail storage
       Current-Folder:      To find the default current folder
       Unseen-Sequence:     To name sequences denoting unseen messages
       mhshow-show-<type>*  Template for displaying contents
       Pager:               Program to use as interactive front-end


       mhbuild(1), mhl(1), mhlist(1), mhstore(1), sendfiles(1)


       `+folder' defaults to the current folder
       `msgs' defaults to the current message
       `-form mhl.headers'


       If  a  folder  is  given,  it  will become the current folder.  The last message selected will become the
       current message.


       Next and prev are really links to the show program.  As a result, if you make a link to next or prev  and
       that  link  is  not called next or prev, your link will act like show instead.  To circumvent this, add a
       profile-entry for the link to your mmh profile and add the argument n or p to the entry.