Provided by: gsoap_2.8.60-2build1_amd64 

soapcpp2 - the gSOAP Stub and Skeleton Compiler for C and C++
soapcpp2 [OPTIONS] INPUT
Please see /usr/share/doc/gsoap-doc/soapdoc2.html for details. Create stubs and client and server code from input INPUT or standard input if INPUT is not specified.
-1 Generate SOAP 1.1 bindings. -2 Generate SOAP 1.2 bindings. -0 No SOAP bindings, use REST. -C Generate client-side code only. -S Generate server-side code only. -T Generate server-side auto-test code. -Ec Generate extra routines for deep copying. -Ed Generate extra routines for deep deletion. -Et Generate extra routines for data traversals with walker functions. -L Do not generate soapClientLib/soapServerLib. -a Use SOAPAction with WS-Addressing to invoke server-side operations. -A Require SOAPAction to invoke server-side operations. -b Serialize byte arrays char[N] as string. -c Generate C source code. -c++ Generate C++ source code (default). -c++11 Generate C++ source code optimized for C++11 (compile with -std=c++11). -dpath Use path to save files. -e Generate SOAP RPC encoding style bindings (also use -1 or -2). -fN Multiple soapC files, with N serializer definitions per file (N>=10). -gN Generate XML sample messages in template format. -h Display help info. -Ipath use path(s) for #import (paths separated with ':'). -i Generate C++ service proxies and objects inherited from soap struct. -j Generate C++ service proxies and objects that share a soap struct. -l Generate linkable modules (experimental). -m Generate Matlab(tm) code for MEX compiler (deprecated). -n Use service name to rename service functions and namespace table. -pname Save files with new prefix name instead of soap. -Qname Use name as the C++ namespace for decls, including custom serializers. -qname Use name as the C++ namespace for decls, excluding custom serializers. -r Generate report. -s Generate deserialization code with strict XML validation checks. -t Generate code for fully xsi:type typed SOAP/XML messaging. -u Uncomment comments in WSDL/schema output by suppressing XML comments. -V Display the current version and exit. -v Verbose output. -w Do not generate WSDL and schema files. -x Do not generate sample XML message files. -y Include C/C++ type access information in sample XML messages. -z1 Compatibility: Generate old-style C++ service proxies and objects. -z2 Compatibility with 2.7.x: Omit XML output for NULL pointers. -z3 Compatibility with <= 2.8.30: _param_N indexing, nillable pointers.
This manual page was written by Thomas Wana <>, for the Debian project (but may be used by others). Juni 27, 2003 SOAPCPP2(1)