bionic (1) strainphlan.1.gz

Provided by: metaphlan2_2.7.5-1ubuntu1_all bug


       metaphlan2_strainer - METAgenomic PHyLogenetic ANalysis for metagenomic taxonomic profiling (strainer)

SYNOPSIS  [-h]  --ifn_samples IFN_SAMPLES [IFN_SAMPLES ...]  --mpa_pkl MPA_PKL --output_dir
       OUTPUT_DIR    [--ifn_markers    IFN_MARKERS]    [--nprocs_main    NPROCS_MAIN]     [--nprocs_load_samples
       NPROCS_LOAD_SAMPLES]     [--nprocs_align_clean    NPROCS_ALIGN_CLEAN]    [--nprocs_raxml    NPROCS_RAXML]
       [--bootstrap_raxml   BOOTSTRAP_RAXML]   [--ifn_ref_genomes   IFN_REF_GENOMES    [IFN_REF_GENOMES    ...]]
       [--N_in_marker     N_IN_MARKER]     [--marker_strip_length     MARKER_STRIP_LENGTH]    [--marker_in_clade
       MARKER_IN_CLADE]    [--sample_in_clade     SAMPLE_IN_CLADE]     [--sample_in_marker     SAMPLE_IN_MARKER]
       [--gap_in_trailing_col     GAP_IN_TRAILING_COL]     [--gap_trailing_col_limit     GAP_TRAILING_COL_LIMIT]
       [--gap_in_internal_col GAP_IN_INTERNAL_COL] [--gap_in_sample GAP_IN_SAMPLE]  [--N_col  N_COL]  [--N_count
       N_COUNT]   [--long_gap_length  LONG_GAP_LENGTH]  [--long_gap_percentage  LONG_GAP_PERCENTAGE]  [--p_value
       P_VALUE]  [--clades  CLADES  [CLADES  ...]]   [--marker_list_fn   MARKER_LIST_FN]   [--print_clades_only]
       [--alignment_program         {muscle,mafft}]        [--relaxed_parameters]        [--relaxed_parameters2]
       [--keep_alignment_files] [--keep_full_alignment_files] [--save_sample2fullfreq] [--use_threads]


       Metaphlan2_strainer is a computational tool for tracking individual strains across large set of  samples.
       The input of metaphlan2_strainer is a set of metagenomic samples and the output is a set of phylogenetic.
       For each  sample,  metaphlan2_strainer  extracts  the  strain  of  a  specific  species  by  merging  and
       concatenating all reads mapped against that species markers in the MetaPhlAn2 database.


   optional arguments
       -h, --help
              show this help message and exit

       --ifn_samples IFN_SAMPLES [IFN_SAMPLES ...]
              The list of sample files (space separated).The wildcard can also be used.

       --mpa_pkl MPA_PKL
              The database of

       --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
              The output directory.

       --ifn_markers IFN_MARKERS
              The marker file in fasta format.

       --nprocs_main NPROCS_MAIN
              The number of processors are used for the main threads. Default 1.

       --nprocs_load_samples NPROCS_LOAD_SAMPLES
              The number of processors are used for loading samples.  Default nprocs_main.

       --nprocs_align_clean NPROCS_ALIGN_CLEAN
              The number of processors are used for aligning and cleaning markers. Default nprocs_main.

       --nprocs_raxml NPROCS_RAXML
              The number of processors are used for running raxml.  Default nprocs_main.

       --bootstrap_raxml BOOTSTRAP_RAXML
              The number of runs for bootstraping when building the tree. Default 0.

       --ifn_ref_genomes IFN_REF_GENOMES [IFN_REF_GENOMES ...]
              The reference genome file names. They are separated by spaces.

       --N_in_marker N_IN_MARKER
              The  consensus  markers  with  the  rate of N nucleotides greater than this threshold are removed.
              Default 0.2.

       --marker_strip_length MARKER_STRIP_LENGTH
              The number of nucleotides will be deleted from each of two ends of a marker. Default 50.

       --marker_in_clade MARKER_IN_CLADE
              In each sample, the clades with the rate of present markers less than this threshold are  removed.
              Default 0.8.

       --sample_in_clade SAMPLE_IN_CLADE
              Only clades present in at least sample_in_clade samples are kept. Default 2.

       --sample_in_marker SAMPLE_IN_MARKER
              If  the percentage of samples that a marker present in is less than this threshold, that marker is
              removed.  Default 0.8.

       --gap_in_trailing_col GAP_IN_TRAILING_COL
              If the number of the trailing nucleotide columns in aligned markers with the  percentage  of  gaps
              greater  than  gap_in_trailing_col  is  less  than  gap_trailing_col_limit,  these columns will be
              removed.  Default 0.2.

       --gap_trailing_col_limit GAP_TRAILING_COL_LIMIT
              If the number of the trailing nucleotide columns in aligned markers with the  percentage  of  gaps
              greater  than  gap_in_trailing_col  is  less  than  gap_trailing_col_limit,  these columns will be
              removed.  Default 101.

       --gap_in_internal_col GAP_IN_INTERNAL_COL
              The internal nucleotide columns in aligned markers  with  the  percentage  of  gaps  greater  than
              gap_in_internal_col will be removed. Default 0.3.

       --gap_in_sample GAP_IN_SAMPLE
              The  samples  with  full sequences from all markers and having the percentage of gaps greater than
              this threshold will be removed. Default 0.2.

       --N_col N_COL
              In aligned markers, if the percentage of nucleotide columns containing more than N_count  Ns  less
              than this threshold, these columns will be removed. Default 0.8.

       --N_count N_COUNT
              In  aligned  markers, if the percentage of nucleotide columns containing more than N_count Ns less
              than N_col threshold, these columns will be removed.  Default 0.

       --long_gap_length LONG_GAP_LENGTH
              In each concatenated sequence of a sample, sequential gap positions is a gap group.  A  gap  group
              with  length  greater  than this threshold is considered as a long gap group. If the ratio between
              the number of unique positions in all long gap groups and the concatenated sequence length is less
              than long_gap_percentage, these positions will be removed from all concatenated sequences. Default

       --long_gap_percentage LONG_GAP_PERCENTAGE
              Combining this threshold with long_gap_length to removed long gaps. Default 0.8.

       --p_value P_VALUE
              The p_value to reject a non-polymorphic site.Default 0.05.

       --clades CLADES [CLADES ...]
              The clades (space separated) for which the script will compute  the  marker  alignments  in  fasta
              format  and the phylogenetic trees. If a file name is specified, the clade list in that file where
              each clade name is on a line will be read.Default "automatically identify all clades".

       --marker_list_fn MARKER_LIST_FN
              The file name containing the list of considered markers. The  other  markers  will  be  discarded.
              Default "None".

              Only print the potential clades and stop without building any tree. This option is useful when you
              want to check quickly all possible clades and rerun only for some specific ones. Default "False".

       --alignment_program {muscle,mafft}
              The alignment program. Default "muscle".

              Set  marker_in_clade=0.5,  sample_in_marker=0.5,   N_in_marker=0.5,   gap_in_sample=0.5.   Default

              Set   marker_in_clade=0.2,   sample_in_marker=0.2,   N_in_marker=0.8,  gap_in_sample=0.8.  Default

              Keep the alignment files of all markers before cleaning step.

              Keep the alignment files of all markers before truncating  the  starting  and  ending  parts,  and
              cleaning step. This is equivalent to --keep_alignment_files --marker_strip_length 0

              Save sample2fullfreq to a msgpack file sample2fullfreq.msgpack.

              Use multithreading. Default "Use multiprocessing".


       This manpage was written by Andreas Tille for the Debian distribution and can be used for any other usage
       of the program.