Provided by: sympa_6.2.24~dfsg-1_amd64 

sympa, - Command line utility to manage Sympa
"" [ "-d, --debug" ] [ "-f, --file"=another.sympa.conf ] [ "-l, --lang"=lang ] [ "-m, --mail" ] [ "-h, --help" ] [ "-v, --version" ] [ "--import"=listname ] [ "--close_list"=list[@robot] ] [ "--purge_list"=list[@robot] ] [ "--lowercase" ] [ "--make_alias_file" ] [ "--dump"=listname | ALL ]
NOTE: On overview of Sympa documentation see sympa_toc(1). is invoked from command line then performs various administration tasks.
OPTIONS may run with following options in general. "-d", "--debug" Enable debug mode. "-f", "--config="file Force Sympa to use an alternative configuration file instead of /etc/sympa/sympa/sympa.conf. "-l", "--lang="lang Set this option to use a language for Sympa. The corresponding gettext catalog file must be located in $LOCALEDIR directory. "--log_level="level Sets Sympa log level. With the following options will run in batch mode: "--add_list="family_name "--robot="robot_name "--input_file="/path/to/file.xml Add the list described by the file.xml under robot_name, to the family family_name. "--change_user_email" "--current_email="xx "--new_email="xx Changes a user email address in all Sympa databases (subscriber_table, list config, etc) for all virtual robots. "--close_family="family_name "--robot="robot_name Close lists of family_name family under robot_name. "--close_list="list[@robot] Close the list (changing its status to closed), remove aliases and remove subscribers from DB (a dump is created in the list directory to allow restoring the list) "--conf_2_db" Load sympa.conf and each robot.conf into database. "--create_list" "--robot="robot_name "--input_file="/path/to/file.xml Create a list with the XML file under robot robot_name. "--dump="list@dom|"ALL" Dumps subscribers of for `listname' list or all lists. Subscribers are dumped in subscribers.db.dump. "--health_check" Check if sympa.conf, robot.conf of virtual robots and database structure are correct. If any errors occur, exits with non-zero status. "--import="list@dom Import subscribers in the list. Data are read from standard input. The imported data should contain one entry per line : the first field is an email address, the second (optional) field is the free form name. Fields are spaces-separated. Sample: ## Data to be imported ## email gecos John - accountant Mary - secretary "--instantiate_family="family_name "--robot="robot_name "--input_file="/path/to/file.xml [ "--close_unknown" ] [ "--quiet" ] Instantiate family_name lists described in the file.xml under robot_name. The family directory must exist; automatically close undefined lists in a new instantiation if --close_unknown is specified; do not print report if "--quiet" is specified. "--lowercase" Lowercases email addresses in database. "--make_alias_file" [ "--robot" robot ] Create an aliases file in /tmp/ with all list aliases. It uses the list_aliases.tt2 template (useful when list_aliases.tt2 was changed). "--md5_encode_password" Rewrite password in "user_table" of database using MD5 fingerprint. YOU CAN'T UNDO unless you save this table first. Note that this option was obsoleted. Use upgrade_sympa_password(1). "--modify_list="family_name "--robot="robot_name "--input_file="/path/to/file.xml Modify the existing list installed under the robot robot_name and that belongs to the family family_name. The new description is in the "file.xml". "--purge_list"=list[@robot] Remove the list (remove archive, configuration files, users and owners in admin table. Restore is not possible after this operation. "--reload_list_config" [ "--list="mylist@mydom ] [ "--robot="mydom ] Recreates all config.bin files or cache in "list_table". You should run this command if you edit authorization scenarios. The list and robot parameters are optional. "--rename_list="listname@robot "--new_listname="newlistname "--new_listrobot="newrobot Renames a list or move it to another virtual robot. "--send_digest" [ "--keep_digest" ] Send digest right now. If "--keep_digest" is specified, stocked digest will not be removed. "--sync_include="listname@robot Trigger the list members update. "--sync_list_db" [ "--list="listname@robot ] Syncs filesystem list configs to the database cache of list configs, optionally syncs an individual list if specified. "--test_database_message_buffer" Note: This option was deprecated. Test the database message buffer size. "--upgrade" [ "--from="X ] [ "--to="Y ] Runs Sympa maintenance script to upgrade from version X to version Y. "--upgrade_shared" [ "--list="X ] [ "--robot="Y ] Note: This option was deprecated. See upgrade_shared_repository(1). Rename files in shared. With following options will print some information and exit. "-h", "--help" Print this help message. "--md5_digest="password Output a MD5 digest of a password (useful for SOAP client trusted application). "-v", "--version" Print the version number.
/etc/sympa/sympa/sympa.conf main configuration file.
This program was originally written by: Serge Aumont Comite Reseau des Universites Olivier Salauen Comite Reseau des Universites As of Sympa 6.2b.4, it was split into three programs: command line utility, daemon and daemon.