bionic (1) terraintool.1.gz

Provided by: terraintool_1.13-2_all bug


       terraintool — Generating surface meshes for cave survey software




       TerrainTool  is  used to create surface topographic data for the cave survey packages Survex (link to URL  and Therion (link to URL . This uses  the  results  of  the
       Shuttle  Radar  Topography  Mission (link to URL      (SRTM) in which the
       shuttle Endeavour mapped the height of the Earth's surface between the latitudes 60 degrees North and  56
       degrees  South  -  about  80%  of  the Earth's land mass.  Resolution was 1 arc-second for the US and its
       territories and 3 arc-seconds elsewhere. The  latter  corresponds  to  about  90m  at  the  equator.  The
       resulting data is royalty-free and, for many countries, may be the only data publicly available.

       More  recently,  the  Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) (link to URL      project has published data at  1  arc-second
       resolution  for  the  land masses between 83 degrees North and 83 degrees South and is also royalty-free.
       Whilst the SRTM data contains numerous "voids" caused by shadowing in steep  or  mountainous  areas,  the
       ASTER  data  was built from stereo images taken over a much longer period of time and as a result is much
       more complete.  It does, however, suffer from "artefacts" - spurious features which  are  by-products  of
       the imaging process.

       SRTM  data  is  available to all on the Internet from a NASA server and TerrainTool automatically fetches
       anything it needs. The mechanism for accessing ASTER data is slightly more complicated in that users need
       to register first on the US or Japanese website and then "order" (at no cost) the files that they need. A
       few minutes later, the system sends the user an e-mail containing a link to a  zip  file  containing  the
       relevant files. This can be downloaded via FTP or using a standard web browser. A zip file containing the
       tiles for the UK and Ireland, for example, was a little over 500MB. Unfortunately, it's not possible  for
       a tool like TerrainTool to take care of the downloading of ASTER data automatically. More instructions on
       how to do this manually can be found below.

       TerrainTool does the following:-

          •  Automatically downloads SRTM data from the NASA ftp site as needed.

          •  Converts between spherical (Lat/Lon) coordinates and  a  variety  of  map  coordinates.  Coordinate
             systems  currently  supported include British (OSGB) grid, Irish grid, UTM, French (Lambert conical
             projections) and Austrian. Additional mapping systems can be added quite easily.

          •  Re-samples the data using bilinear interpolation to create a  rectangular  mesh  of  user-specified

          •  Displays a coloured topographic map of the mesh.

          •  Adds  a  user-specified  offset  (3-D)  to  the  coordinates to align with coordinates used for the
             underground survey.

          •  Saves the mesh as surface data in Survex (.svx) or Therion (.th) format.

       The programme, written in Java, provides a conventional GUI-style interface and will run  under  Windows,
       Solaris  and  Linux  operating  systems.  The latest Java Runtime (JRE 6 or JDK 6) is required and can be
       downloaded free of charge from
        (link to URL Oracle.

       "TerrainTool" was written by Mike McCombe who is very grateful to UBSS for giving it a home. Please  feel
       free  to  contact  Mike  with feedback or requests for help at mikemccombe <at> or via the
       Survex list (link to URL .

Driving Instructions

       TerrainTool is a conventional GUI-based application with a menu bar and  dialog  boxes  to  gather  user-
       information. To get started, do the following:

          1. Select the required region and coordinate system using the Options menu

          2. Go to Create on the File menu to specify the size, location and resolution of the mesh.

          3. Save the results as in Survex (.svx) or Therion (.th) format

          4. Use  Survex  to process the file and Aven to view the results in 3D.  Remember to enable viewing of
             surface legs in Aven!

          5. Use the Offset command in the Options menu to fully align the terrain  data  with  the  coordinates
             used in your survey.

          6. When generating surface data in Therion format, Therion needs to be told the coordinate system used
             for the surface data in a form that it recognises (e.g. EPSG:27700). See  the  description  of  the
             surface command in the Therion Book for more details.

          7. Incorporate the terrain data into your survey project.

       Create... is used to calculate the terrain mesh. A dialog box is used to gather the following:-

       Create dialog items

       Item                                                                   Meaning
       Grid Reference                                                         The grid reference for the mesh, expressed in the current
       coordinate type. This point can be at the centre of the mesh, any
       of the corners or the mid-point of ant of the sides (see below). An
       example in the correct format is shown below the text field.
       E-W Range                                                              The distance (in metres) between the East and West edges of the
       N-S Range                                                              The distance (in metres) between the North and South edges of the
       Spacing                                                                The distance (in metres) between adjacent cells in the mesh.
       Grid ref is at                                                         Specifies where current point (see "Grid Reference"
       above) lies in relation to the boundaries of the mesh.

       Pressing  OK starts the calculation of the mesh points. If "Auto-download" is enabled, data files will be
       downloaded as needed from the Nasa ftp site. These are stored in the "data" subdirectory for later re-use
       if necessary, avoiding the need to download the same file again.

       At  the end of the calculation, results are displayed as a simple coloured relief map. The mouse position
       is displayed (in current coordinates) in the message bar on the bottom edge of the frame.

       Lat/Long... provides a means of defining the current point in terms of  latitude  and  longitude,  rather
       than  as  a  grid  reference.  If  the  point can be represented as a valid grid reference in the current
       coordinate system, it is used to initialise the "Grid Reference" field of  the  "Create..."  dialog  box.
       Likewise,  the current grid reference is used to initialise the Lat and Long fields with the latitude and
       longitude of the current point.

       Latitude and longitude values can be expressed as either

          •  real values in degrees (e.g. 46.25), where negative values are West / South, or

          •  values in degrees, minutes and seconds (e.g. 46 N 15' 22.6")

       Latitude and Longitude are usually based on the WGS-84/GRS-80 datum and ellipsoid. The  user  may  select
       alternatives, which will cause the lat and long values to be re-calculated.

       Save as...

       Once a mesh has been calculated, the "Save as..." command can be used to save the terrain data. Normally,
       this will be in Survex (.svx) or Therion (.th) format. Occasionally, there may be missing  values  (known
       as  "voids")  in the SRTM data - particularly in mountainous areas where steep faces may have been hidden
       from the Shuttle's line of sight. Generally, TerrainTool will "repair" individual voids by  interpolating
       from  the  surrounding cells. However, if this isn't possible, gaps are left in the mesh where no data is

       Otherwise, height values are defined for each point in the mesh.  Easting and Northing values  are  those
       of the current coordinate system.


       This is used to select the type of coordinates to use. The following are currently supported:

       Coordinate Systems

       Coordinate System                                                                      Description
       Austrian                                                                               T{
       The Austrian (BMN) coordinate system, in three zones
       Irish Grid                                                                             T{
       The Irish grid system, used in both Northern Ireland and the
       Republic of Ireland.
       Lambert 93                                                                             T{
       The Lambert 93 coordinate system. A conformal conical projection
       occasionally used in France.
       Lambert (5 zones)                                                                      T{
       The coordinate system most commonly used in France. Three zones (I,
       II and III) cover North, Central and Southern France. Zone IV is
       used in Corsica. A fifth zone (II-extended) covers the whole of
       France, at the expense of greater distortion.
       NZMG                                                                                   T{
       New Zealand Map Grid - New Zealand's coordinate system superseded in 2010. Maps
       based on this are no longer available, but still widely used. Based on a conformal
       orthomorphic projection.

       NZTM2000                                                                               T{
       New Zealand Transverse Mercator, successor to NZMG.
       OSGB                                                                                   T{
       Ordnance Survey of Great Britain - the normal British grid system.
       UTM                                                                                    T{
       Universal Transverse Mercator, devised by the US Department of
       Defense to cover the globe (except polar regions) in 60 zones. Also
       used by many national mapping agencies, often with a national or
       regional datum instead of WGS84.

       One  of  the  design  objectives  of  this  software is to be able to add further coordinate systems with
       minimal difficulty.

       Selecting a coordinate system from the drop-down list results in automatic selection of sensible defaults
       for  the  datum  and ellipsoid. The user is free to override this selection using the other two drop-down
       lists. Whilst, for example, OSGB invariably uses its own datum and the "Airy Sphere", other  systems  are
       frequently  used  with  a  variety of datums. UTM, for example, is used in Spain with the European (1950)
       Datum and Australia with their own (MGI) datum.

       Auto download enables/disables the automatic downloading of data from the NASA SRTM site.


       The SRTM  data  site  is  organised  into  six  regions  -  Africa,  Australia,  Eurasia,  North_America,
       South_America  and  Islands  (New Zealand and islands of the Pacific). As I don't have a simple method of
       determining the region automatically from lat/lon, you will need to manually select the right region.


       This provides a simple way of adding a fixed 3-D offset to mesh point in the mesh as  it  is  saved.  You
       might want to do this because

          •  Your cave survey coordinates might not use the full easting and northing values

          •  The  height  values differ from "known" surface heights in your survey. SRTM heights are referenced
             to EGM96 (Earth Geopotential Model 1996) and may be significantly offset  from  a  national  height

       SRTM Only

       Creates  terrain using only SRTM data. Any "voids" which cannot be filled by interpolation will result in
       gaps in the output data. If auto-download is selected and there is an Internet connction,  missing  tiles
       will be automatically downloaded from the NASA server.

       ASTER Only

       Creates terrain using only ASTER data. This has higher resolution and greater coverage than SRTM data but
       must be manually downloaded and installed (see below). Its greater resolution causes TerrainTool  to  run
       more  slowly  than  with  SRTM  data.  The  end-result  may show signs of "artefacts" - spurious features
       produced by the imaging process.

       SRTM plus ASTER

       Uses ASTER to fill any "voids" in the SRTM data. This option minimises the processing time and "artefact"
       penalties of using ASTER data whilst leaving the least number of voids in the finished product.

       Legacy ASTER Data

       By  default,  version 1.11 onwards of TerrainTool assumes ASTER data to be from the ASTER 2 dataset. This
       contains fewer artefacts than the original ASTER dataset. However, if you need to use the  original  data
       files, select this option.

Installing ASTER data files

       Obtaining  ASTER data is free and quite straightforward. The first step is that you will need to register
       and, when you've logged in you can use the tool on the WIST web site to select the "granules" you need  -
       most  easily  by  just  dragging  an  area  on a map of the world. Having ticked various boxes to confirm
       agreement to their terms and conditions, the selection is bundled up  into  an  "order".  A  few  minutes
       later,  the  system sends an e-mail to the address you gave at registration and this contains a link to a
       zip file containing the tiles you selected and instructions on how to download it using either a  browser
       or a command-line ftp client.

       Each  "granule"  contains  the  data for a 1-degree by 1-degree tile of the earth's surface and is in two
       files - an xml descriptor  (e.g.  and  a  zip  file  (e.g.
       containing  the  data  itself.  The  first time you run TerrainTool it will create a sub-directory called
       "data" (in the directory containing TerrainTool.jar).  This is used to store both SRTM  tiles  and  ASTER
       granules.  Use a standard "zip" utility (e.g. WinZip) to extract the data files (e.g.
       and place them in this directory.  Do NOT unpack the zip files themselves - TerrainTool decompresses  the
       contents as it reads them.

       A  similar  procedure  can  be  used  to  install  SRTM data files manually. Simply copy data tiles (e.g. into the "data" sub-directory.


       This      manpage      was       generated       from       the       online       documentation       at,       which      is      also      reproduced      in
       file:///usr/share/doc/terraintool/README.html.  Permission is granted to copy, distribute  and/or  modify
       this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 3 published by the Free Software

       On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in /usr/share/common-
