Provided by: tickr_0.6.4-1build1_amd64 

Tickr - GTK-based highly graphically-customizable Feed Ticker.
tickr [-help/-version/-license/-instance-id=n/-no-ui/-dumpfontlist] [options (-name[=value])...] [resource (file name or URL)]
Tickr is a GTK-based RSS/Atom Reader that displays feeds as a smooth scrolling line on your Desktop, as known from TV stations. Open feed links in your favourite Browser. Graphics are highly customizable.
help Get help page version Print out version number license Print out license instance-id=n n = 1 to 99 - Use this when launching several instances simultaneously, each instance using its own config and dump files (to be effective, instance-id must be the 1st argument) no-ui Disable opening of UI elements which can modify settings and/or URL list/selection dumpfontlist Send list of available fonts to stdout delay=n Delay in milliseconds shiftsize=n Shift size in pixels fgcolor=#rrggbbaa Foreground 32-bit hexa color bgcolor=#rrggbbaa Background 32-bit hexa color setgradientbg=[y/n] Set gradient background bgcolor2=#rrggbbaa Background 32-bit hexa color2 fontname='fontname' Font name fontsize=n Font size (can't be > 200) disablescreenlimits=[y/n] Allow win_y and win_w to be greater than screen dimensions win_x=n Window position - x win_y=n Window position - y win_w=n Window width win_h=n Window height (compute font size if > 0) windec=[y/n] Window decoration alwaysontop=[y/n] Window always-on-top wintransparency=n Actually window opacity from 1 to 10 (0 = none -> 10 = full) iconintaskbar=[y/n] Icon in taskbar winsticky=[y/n] Visible on all user desktops shadow=[y/n] Apply shadow to text shadowoffset_x=n Shadow x offset in pixels shadowoffset_y=n Shadow y offset in pixels shadowfx=n Shadow effect (0 = none -> 10 = full) linedelimiter='str' String to be appended at end of line cutlinedelimiter='str' String to be appended after a cut line specialchars=[y/n] Enable or disable special characters. This is only useful when resource is a file, not an URL newpgchar=c ´New page' special character tabchar=c ´Tab' (8 spaces) special character rssrefresh=n Refresh rate in minutes (if no TTL inside feed / always applies for files) feedtitle=[y/n] Show or hide feed title feedtitledelimiter='str' String to be appended after feed title itemtitle=[y/n] Show or hide item title itemtitledelimiter='str' String to be appended after item title itemdescription=[y/n] Show or hide item description itemdescriptiondelimiter='str' String to be appended after item description nitemsperfeed=n Read N items max per feed rmtags=[y/n] Strip html tags uppercasetext=[y/n] Set all text to upper case homefeed='str' Set URL as 'homefeed' = homepage (from command line, not automatically saved, so a little bit useless...) openlinkcmd='str' ´Open in Browser' command line: Application that will open active link (may require path.) Most likely will invoke your favourite browser openlinkargs='str' ´Open in Browser' optional arguments clock=[l/r/n] Clock location: left / right / none clockfontname='fontname' Clock font name clockfontsize=n Clock font size (can't be > ticker height) clockfgcolor=#rrggbbaa Clock foreground 32-bit hexa color clockbgcolor=#rrggbbaa Clock background 32-bit hexa color setclockgradientbg=[y/n] Set clock gradient background clockbgcolor2=#rrggbbaa Clock background 32-bit hexa color2 disablepopups=[y/n] Disable error/warning popup windows pauseonmouseover=[y/n] Pause ticker on mouseover disableleftclick=[y/n] Disable left-click mousewheelscroll=[s/f/n] Mouse wheel scrolling applies to: (ticker-)speed / feed(-in-list) / none (if set, Ctrl + mouse wheel scrolling applies to other value) sfpickercloseswhenpointerleaves=[y/n] Selected feed picker closes when pointer leaves enablefeedordering=[y/n] Enable feed re-ordering (by user) useauth=[y/n] Use HTTP basic authentication user='str' User psw='str' Password (never saved) useproxy=[y/n] Connect through proxy proxyhost='str' Proxy host proxyport='str' Proxy port useproxyauth=[y/n] Use proxy authentication proxyuser='str' Proxy user proxypsw='str' Proxy password (never saved)
Mouse usage: - To open the main menu, right-click inside ticker area. - You can import feed subscriptions from another feed reader with ´File > Import Feed List (OPML)'. - To open a link in your browser, left-click on text. - Use mouse wheel to either adjust ticker scrolling speed or open the ´Selected Feed Picker' window to quickly move between selected feeds (and use Ctrl + mouse wheel for the other option.) The default browser is Firefox. You may change this setting to your favourite one in the Preferences window. Tickr parses command line arguments and looks for option(s) then for one resource, the rest of the line is ignored. It reads too configuration file ´tickr-conf' located in /home/<user_name>/.tickr/ if it exists (or ´tickr-conf<n>' if an instance id has been set to n.) See FILES. Command line options override configuration file ones which override default ones.
~/.tickr/tickr-conf ~/.tickr/tickr-conf<n> ~/.tickr/tickr-url-list ~/.tickr/tickr-url-list<n>
Please, report tickr bugs to either Emmanuel Thomas-Maurin <> or Debian.
Tickr was written by Emmanuel Thomas-Maurin <>. This manual page was written by Emmanuel Thomas-Maurin <>, for the Debian project (and may be used by others). May 23, 2013 TICKR(1)