bionic (1) traceview.1.gz

Provided by: androidsdk-traceview_22.2+git20130830~92d25d6-4_all bug


       traceview - a graphical viewer for execution logs saved by Android application.


       traceview [-r] trace


       Traceview is a graphical viewer for execution logs that you create by using the Debug class to log
       tracing information in your code. Traceview can help you debug your application and profile its


       -r  regression only


       When you have a trace log file (generated by adding tracing code to your application or by DDMS), you can
       have Traceview load the log files and display their data in a window visualizes your application in two

           A timeline panel - describes when each thread and method started and stopped.

           A profile panel - provides a summary of what happened inside a method.

       The sections below provide addition information about the traceview output panes.

   Timeline Panel
       Each thread's execution is shown in its own row, with time increasing to the right. Each method is shown
       in another color (colors are reused in a round-robin fashion starting with the methods that have the most
       inclusive time). The thin lines underneath the first row show the extent (entry to exit) of all the calls
       to the selected method. The method in this case is LoadListener.nativeFinished() and it was selected in
       the profile view.

   Profile Panel
       This view shows a summary of all the time spent in a method. The table shows both the inclusive and
       exclusive times (as well as the percentage of the total time). Exclusive time is the time spent in the
       method. Inclusive time is the time spent in the method plus the time spent in any called functions. We
       refer to calling methods as "parents" and called methods as "children." When a method is selected (by
       clicking on it), it expands to show the parents and children.  Parents are shown with a purple background
       and children with a yellow background. The last column in the table shows the number of calls to this
       method plus the number of recursive calls. The last column shows the number of calls out of the total
       number of calls made to that method. In this view, we can see that there were 14 calls to
       LoadListener.nativeFinished(); looking at the timeline panel shows that one of those calls took an
       unusually long time.


       Tracing creates two distinct pieces of output: a data file, which holds the trace data, and a key file,
       which provides a mapping from binary identifiers to thread and method names. The files are concatenated
       when tracing completes, into a single .trace file.

       Note: The previous version of Traceview did not concatenate these files for you. If you have old key and
       data files that you'd still like to trace, you can concatenate them yourself with cat mytrace.key > mytrace.trace.

   Data File Format
       The data file is binary, structured as follows (all values are stored in little endian order):

         * File format:
         * header
         * record 0
         * record 1
         * ...
         * Header format:
         * u4 magic 0x574f4c53 ('SLOW')
         * u2 version
         * u2 offset to data
         * u8 start date/time in usec
         * Record format:
         * u1 thread ID
         * u4 method ID | method action
         * u4 time delta since start, in usec

       The application is expected to parse all of the header fields, then seek to "offset to data" from the
       start of the file. From there it just reads 9-byte records until EOF is reached.

       u8 start date/time in usec is the output from gettimeofday(). It's mainly there so that you can tell if
       the output was generated yesterday or three months ago.

       method action sits in the two least-significant bits of the method word. The currently defined meanings

         0 - method entry
         1 - method exit
         2 - method "exited" when unrolled by exception handling
         3 - (reserved)

       An unsigned 32-bit integer can hold about 70 minutes of time in microseconds.

   Key File Format
       The key file is a plain text file divided into three sections. Each section starts with a keyword that
       begins with '*'. If you see a '*' at the start of a line, you have found the start of a new section.

       An example file might look like this:

         1 main
         6 JDWP Handler
         5 Async GC
         4 Reference Handler
         3 Finalizer
         2 Signal Handler
         0x080f23f8 java/io/PrintStream write ([BII)V
         0x080f25d4 java/io/PrintStream print (Ljava/lang/String;)V
         0x080f27f4 java/io/PrintStream println (Ljava/lang/String;)V
         0x080da620 java/lang/RuntimeException   <init>    ()V
         0x080f630c android/os/Debug startMethodTracing ()V
         0x080f6350 android/os/Debug startMethodTracing (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)V

       The following list describes the major sections of a key file:

       version section
           The first line is the file version number, currently 1. The second line, clock=global, indicates that
           we use a common clock across all threads. A future version may use per-thread CPU time counters that
           are independent for every thread.

       threads section
           One line per thread. Each line consists of two parts: the thread ID, followed by a tab, followed by
           the thread name. There are few restrictions on what a valid thread name is, so include everything to
           the end of the line.

       methods section
           One line per method entry or exit. A line consists of four pieces, separated by tab marks: method-ID
           [TAB] class-name [TAB] method-name [TAB] signature. Only the methods that were actually entered or
           exited are included in the list. Note that all three identifiers are required to uniquely identify a

       Neither the threads nor methods sections are sorted.


       To use Traceview, you need to generate log files containing the trace information you want to analyze.

       There are two ways to generate trace logs:

           Include the Debug class in your code and call its methods to start and stop logging of trace
           information to disk. This method is very precise because you can specify in your code exactly where
           to start and stop logging trace data.

           Use the method profiling feature of DDMS to generate trace logs. This method is less precise since
           you do not modify code, but rather specify when to start and stop logging with a DDMS. Although you
           have less control on exactly where the data is logged, this method is useful if you don't have access
           to the application's code, or if you do not need the precision of the first method.

       Before you start generating trace logs, be aware of the following restrictions:

           If you are using the Debug class, your device or emulator must have an SD card and your application
           must have permission to write to the SD card.

           If you are using DDMS, Android 1.5 devices are not supported.

           If you are using DDMS, Android 2.1 and earlier devices must have an SD card present and your
           application must have permission to write to the SD card.

           If you are using DDMS, Android 2.2 and later devices do not need an SD card.  The trace log files are
           streamed directly to your development machine.

       To create the trace files, include the Debug class and call one of the startMethodTracing() methods. In
       the call, you specify a base name for the trace files that the system generates. To stop tracing, call
       stopMethodTracing(). These methods start and stop method tracing across the entire virtual machine. For
       example, you could call startMethodTracing() in your activity's onCreate() method, and call
       stopMethodTracing() in that activity's onDestroy() method.

         // start tracing to "/sdcard/calc.trace"
         // ...
         // stop tracing

       When your application calls startMethodTracing(), the system creates a file called
       <trace-base-name>.trace. This contains the binary method trace data and a mapping table with thread and
       method names.

       The system then begins buffering the generated trace data, until your application calls
       stopMethodTracing(), at which time it writes the buffered data to the output file. If the system reaches
       the maximum buffer size before stopMethodTracing() is called, the system stops tracing and sends a
       notification to the console.

       Interpreted code will run more slowly when profiling is enabled. Don't try to generate absolute timings
       from the profiler results (i.e. "function X takes 2.5 seconds to run"). The times are only useful in
       relation to other profile output, so you can see if changes have made the code faster or slower.

       When using the Android emulator, you must specify an SD card when you create your AVD because the trace
       files are written to the SD card. Your application must have permission to write to the SD card as well.


       After your application has run and the system has created your trace files <trace-base-name>.trace on a
       device or emulator, you must copy those files to your development computer. You can use adb pull to copy
       the files. Here's an example that shows how to copy an example file, calc.trace, from the default
       location on the emulator to the /tmp directory on the emulator host machine:

         adb pull /sdcard/calc.trace /tmp

       This manual page is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

       Copyright (C) 2013 Android Open Source Project

       Copyright (C) 2013 Jakub Adam <>