bionic (1) ui-auto-update.1.gz

ui-auto-update - a tool from the ui-auto tool box.
Documentation is fully in the usage output via "ui-auto-update -H". This is just a copy for convenience: Update ui-auto enabled projects. Usage: ui-auto-update [-h|-H] -d -D -c -u -t -T -a -A ID -h|-H : Get usage help; short (-h) or complete (-H). Options: -d : Also run for the project's dependencies. -D : Only run for the project's dependencies. -c : Also clean project(s). -u : Also update vc working directories. -t : Test: Also run the 'check' target. -T : Test: Also run the 'distcheck' target. -a : 'All project updates' shortcut. (implies c u) -A : 'All project updates w/ dependencies' shortcut. (implies d c u) Positionals: ID : A project id as configured in '~/.ui-auto.conf'.
Produced automatically by ui-auto on Wed, 03 Jan 2018 14:09:33 +0000. UI-AUTO-UPDATE(1)