bionic (1) vwm.1.gz

Provided by: vmware-manager_0.2.0-3_all bug


       vwm - Manage VMware virtual machines


               vwm <command> [options]

       Global syntax:
                   vwm <command> [-f] [-v+] [-w seconds] [@profile]

       Command specific syntax:
                   vwm clone [-o pool] [-c count] [-a datastore...] [-l folder] <source vm> <new vm name>
                   vwm deploy [synonym of 'clone']
                   vwm df [-h] [datastore...]
                   vwm host [maintenance|restore|restart|shutdown|disconnect|reconnect] <hosts...>
                   vwm list [-d col1,col2... | perl string] [-t title] [vm|datastore|host|pool|template][s] [patterns...]
                   vwm migrate [-p low|normal|high] [-o pool] <vms...> <host>
                   vwm move [-o pool] <vms...> <datastore>
                   vwm setpool <low|normal|high> <cpu|mem|all> <pools...>
                   vwm show [vm|datastore|host|pool] [items...]
                   vwm snapshot [-t title] <vms...>
                   vwm state <on|off|suspend|reboot|shutdown|restart|standby> <vms...>
                   vwm version


       clone   Clone a given VM or template to another VM name.  If -c is specified multiple copies are made.
               Each VM name will be incremented in the usual Perlish way. e.g.: DB1, DB2, DB3 etc.

               If -a is unspcified the datastore of the source VM is copied as the new clones datastore.  If -a
               is specified the data store will be set during cloning. If -a contains a comma denoted list the
               datastores will be alternated during cloning. e.g. -a 1,2 copies to datastore 1 then 2 then
               starts again at 1. Patterns of repeating datastores can be specified - e.g. '-a 1,2,3,2,1'.

       deploy  Synonym of 'clone'.

       df      Display disk usage information about datastores.  If a list of matches is provided, the data
               store list is filtered for those items.

       list    Display a list of the given items matching a pattern.

               Possible lists include (selection can be plural or singular):

                       vms (default if unspecified)

               If '-d' is specified without any containing '$' marks the string is evaluated as a CSV with each
               line extracting the requisite information that would be shown with the 'show' command. See the
               EXAMPLES section for further information.

               If '-d' is specified and contains a '$' it is evaluated as a perl expression with $_ being set to
               the currently active item.

               If '-t' is spcified the titles header for the table is set.

       migrate Migrate a given list of VMs to another host.

       move    Move a given list of VMs to another datastore.

       setpool Set the share level on the given resource pools.

       show    Show information about a given object. If no specific object type is specified 'vm' is assumed.
               If no specific matching pattern is specified all objects of that type are listed.

               Take a snapshot of the matching VM's.  If '-t' is specified, it is used as the title of the
               snapshot. Otherwise the current time is used.

       state   Set the state of a list of VMs.

               This can be any of the following choices:

                       on - Power up the specified VMs
                       off - Power down the specified VMs. This is a hard power state so data loss could occur.
                       suspend - Power the machine into standby mode. This is a hard power state which does not rely on VMware tools.
                       restart - Hard power cycle the VMs. Like 'off' this is a forced power state so data loss could occur.
                       shutdown - Try shutting down the machine via VMware tools.
                       standby - Try to put the machine into the soft standby state.
                       reboot - Try shutting down the machine via VMware tools.

       version Display various version informaiton about the connected vServer and local API.  This command is
               the default if no actual command is specified (i.e. just running 'vwm' with nothing else


               Used during: All operations
               Default: First specified profile in config
               Type: Profile name or URL

               Specifies which profile to use when addressing the vServer.  This can be an entry within the
               config file or the URL (with optional login details) e.g.

                       vwm version @cluster1
                       vwm version @cluster2
                       vwm version @
                       vwm version @
                       vwm version @

               Examples 1 and two assume 'custer1' and 'customer2' have been defined in the examples file (see
               EXAMPLES). The further examples specify the connection information on the command line.
               Specifying the password from the command line is exceptionally silly and should be avoided.

               If username and/or password is omitted (such as in examples 3 and 4 above) they will be prompted
               for when vwm is run.

               Used during: migrate
               Default: 1
               Type: Number

               Specifies how many VMs should be created during a clone operation.  The name of the target VM is
               incremented in the usual Perlish way.  e.g.

               DBS1, DBS2, DBS3... DBS10 DB00, DB01, DB02... DB99 DBAA, DBAB, DBAC... DBZZ

       --display [col1,col2...]
       -d [col1,col2...]
               Used during: list
               Default: Name
                   Command seperated list of columns to display in tabular output when using the 'list' command.
                   See also: -s to specify the seperation character to use between the columns.

               Specify a data store for operations that require it.

       --datastore [datastore]
       --ds [datastore]
       -a [datastore]
               Used during: migrate
               Default: Same as source VM
               Type: Datastore name

               Specify a data store for operations that require it.

               Used during: All operations
               Default: off
               Type: Switch

               Force continue if an error occurs.  Normaly if an error occurs vwm will stop processing any
               operations specified on the command line.  If this flag is enabled vwm will continue operation as
               if no error occured.

               Used during: df
               Default: off
               Type: Switch

               Display the numbers of the 'df' command in a human readable format.

               Used during: All operations
               Default: off
               Type: Switch

               Dry run mode.  When enabled vwm will continue as normal but no actual call to the VMware VServer
               is made.

               Used during: clone
               Default: Source VM / templates folder
               Type: String

               Specifies the folder that the cloned machine should be moved into. If unspecified the source VM's
               folder is used instead.

       --pool [pool]
       -o [pool]
               Used during: clone, migrate, move
               Default: Same as the source VM
               Type: Pool name

               Specifies the alternate pool name to use when migrating or cloning machines. If unspecified the
               source VM's pool is used instead.

       --priority [priority]
       -p [priority]
               Used during: migrate
               Default: low
               Type: Choice of: low, normal, high

               Specifies the priority when migrating VMs.

       --seperator [character]
       -s [character]
               Used during: list
               Default: \t (tab)
               Type: String

               Specifies the string to display between columns when outputing a list.

       --title [title]
       -t [title]
               Used during: list, snapshot
               Default: The Unix EPOC (for VMs)
               Type: String

               The title of the snapshot to create or the title row of the list table.

               Used during: All operations
               Default: 0
               Type: Accumulating switch

               Be more verbose when outputting information to STDERR.  Specify multiple times to increase

       -w [seconds]
       -wait [seconds]
               Used during: clone, host, migrate, setpool, state
               Default: 0
               Type: Number of seconds

               Force a wait for the specified number of seconds between operations.


       A command line tool for the manipulation of VMware Virtual Machines (VM).


       vwm clone VM01 VM02
           Clone VM01 to VM02.  Since neither the datasource (-d) or pool (-o) is specified these details are
           copied from VM01.

       vwm clone DB00 DB01 -c 30
           Clone DB01 to DB02 creating 30 copies. This will actually make the machines DB01 to DB30.  Since
           neither the datasource (-d) or pool (-o) is specified these details are copied from VM01.

       vwm clone DB00 DB01 -c 30 -d SAN1,SAN2 -o Active
           Same as the above example but spread the datastores across SAN1 and SAN2 and move the machine to the
           'Active' pool.

       vwm deploy Template-DBServer DB05 -l Databases
           Deploys the template Template-DBServer into DB05, moving the destination into the Databases folder.

       vwm clone Template-DBServer DB05 -l Databases
           This is exactly the same as above. A clone and deploy operations will automatically figure out if the
           source is a template and act accordingly.

       vwm df *2
           Display a datastore usage sheet (similar to the Unix 'df' command) for all datastores ending in '2'.

       vwm host maintenance Moe Homer
           Put the hosts 'Moe' and 'Homer' into maintenance mode (use 'restore' to recover from this).

       vwm list vms
           List all VMs.

       vwm list vms -d name,host,ip
           List all VMs - showing their name, currently allocated host and IP address.

       vwm migrate DBS* Carl
           Migrate all virtual machines matching 'DBS*' to the 'Carl' host.

       vwm migrate DBS* Lenny -w 60 -o Active -p high
           Migrate all virtual machines matching 'DBS*' with high priority to the 'Active' pool on the 'Lenny'
           host waiting 60 seconds between machine.

       vwm move DB00 DB01 SAN2 @cluster2
           Move VMs DB00 and DB01 to the SAN2 datastore within profile 'cluster2'.

       vwm show host Lisa
           Show information on host 'Lisa'.

       vwm snapshot DB04 DB05 -t 'Todays backup'
           Take a snapshot of VMs 'DB04' and 'DB05' using the title 'Todays backup'

       vwm state on DB00 DB01 -w 30
           Turn DB00 and DB01 on waiting 30 seconds between machines.

       vwm state on DB00 DB01 -w 30 -f
           Turn DB* VMs on.  -f ensures that even if any of the machines fail to turn on for any reason the
           remaining machines will still be sent the 'on' command.


               VMM config file for all users.

       .vmmrc  VMM config file for the local user.


       The /etc/vmmrc and .vmmrc files will be processed to determine VMM's configuration, the latter file
       taking precedence.

       The layout of the config file spcifies which profiles to use.

               rewrite host = s/^(.+?)\./\1/
               verbose = 2
               profile = Cluster1
               dryrun = 0
               human = 1
               force = 0
               seperator = \t
               http_proxy =
               https_proxy =

               url =
               username = admin
               password = password

               url =
               username = administrator
               password = changeme

               The meta global section. Any option specified here will be automatically carried into each
               profiles config.

               In the main example Cluster1 will have a 'verbose' option of 2. Cluster2 will have a 'verbose'
               option of 1 since it overrides the global setting.

               The name (case-insensitive) of the profile to define.

       url     The connection URL of the vServer system within the profile

       username and password
               The authentication information when connecting to the vServer.

       dryrun  Specify a default dry run value. See -n for further information.

       force   If an error is encounted during a multiple VM operation the default behaviour is to stop
               execution. If this setting is set to '1' this behaviour will be overridden and operations will
               continue even if an error is encounted.

               Forceably set the HTTP(s)_PROXY environment variable to the provided value before connecting.
               This is included to assist basic login shells where these variables are not imported correctly.

       human   Always output numbers in a human readable format rather than the raw form.

               Specify a default priority when using any command that is '-p' compatible.

       profile Specify the default profile to use if none is explicitally set. If not specified the first found
               profile in the config file is used.

       rewrite host
               Specify a substitution regular expression to use when correcting host names.  The value given in
               the above example will remove any trailing DNS name correcting '' to

               Specify the seperator character used when outputting tabular data with the 'list' command.

       verbose Specify a default verbosity level. See -v for further information.


       VMM requires a few external modules before it can work correctly. Follow the following stages to get
       everything working.

       * Install the VMware Perl SDK from

        This requires the packages libclass-methodmaker-perl libcrypt-ssleay-perl
        libsoap-lite-perl libuuid-perl libxml-libxml-perl.

       * Setup the config file. See either the CONFIG section above or use the sample file from

       * Run VMM with a simple command to make sure everything is setup right.

               vwm version

       * Enjoy


       Quite probably.

       Please report to when found.


       Matt Carter <>