bionic (1) wyrd.1.gz

Provided by: wyrd_1.4.6-4build1_amd64 bug


       wyrd - a text-based front-end to remind(1), a sophisticated calendar and alarm program.


       wyrd [OPTIONS] [FILE]


       Open  the  calendar  and display reminders defined in FILE (and any included reminder files). The default
       reminder file is ~/.reminders. (The FILE may also be a directory containing files with a .rem extension.)


               Display version information and exit.

               Display usage information.

       --add EVENT
               Add given event to reminders file and exit.

       --a EVENT
               Add given event to reminders file and exit.


       CAUTION: while this manpage should be suitable as a quick reference, it may be subject  to  miscellaneous
       shortcomings in typesetting. The definitive documentation is the user manual provided with Wyrd in PDF or
       HTML format.

       This section describes how to use Wyrd in its default configuration. After  familiarizing  yourself  with
       the  basic  operations  as outlined in this section, you may wish to consult the wyrdrc(5) manpage to see
       how Wyrd can be configured to better fit your needs.

       Before attempting to use Wyrd, learn how to use Remind. Wyrd makes no attempt  to  hide  the  details  of
       Remind programming from the user.

       At the top of the window is a short (incomplete) list of keybindings.

       The  left  window  displays a scrollable timetable view, with reminders highlighted in various colors. If
       the DURATION specifier is used for a reminder, the highlighted area is rendered with an appropriate size.
       Overlapping  reminders  are rendered using one of four different indentation levels so that all reminders
       are at least partially visible. If the current time is visible in this window, it is highlighted in red.

       The upper right window displays a month calendar, with the color of each day representing the  number  of
       reminders  it  contains.  The  colors  range  across  shades of white to blue to magenta as the number of
       reminders increases. The selected date is highlighted in cyan; if the current  date  is  visible,  it  is
       highlighted in red.

       The lower right window displays a list of the untimed reminders falling on the selected date.

       The  bottom  window  displays  the  full text of the MSG for the reminder or reminders that are currently

       Action                                                   Keypress
       scroll up and down the schedule                          <up>, <down> or k, j
       jump back or forward by a day                            <pageup>, <pagedown> or 4, 6 or <, > or H, L
       jump back or forward by a week                           8, 2 or [, ] or K, J
       jump back or forward by a month                          {, }

       jump to current date and time                            <home>
       jump to the next reminder                                <tab>
       switch between schedule and untimed reminders window     <left>, <right> or h, l
       zoom in on the schedule                                  z
       scroll the description window up and down                d, D

       Notice that if you have a numeric keypad, the {4, 6, 8, 2} keys will let you move  directionally  in  the
       month  calendar  view  at  the  upper-right of the screen. Similarly, {H, J, K, L} will cause directional
       calendar movement using the standard mapping from vi(1).

       In addition to the hotkeys provided above, Wyrd lets you jump immediately to a desired date  by  pressing
       'g',  entering  in a date specifier, and then pressing <return>. Any of the following date specifiers may
       be used:

       *      8 digits representing year, month, and day: YYYYMMDD

       *      4 digits representing month and day (of current year): MMDD

       *      2 digits representing day (of current month and year): DD

       (The date specifier format may be changed to DDMMYYYY; consult the section on CONFIGURATION VARIABLES.  )

       Note: By default, Wyrd is configured to modify your reminder files using the text editor specified by the
       $EDITOR  environment  variable.  (This configuration has been tested successfully with a number of common
       settings for $EDITOR, including 'vim', 'emacs', and 'nano'.) If you wish to use a different  editor,  see
       the wyrdrc(5) manpage.

       If  you  select  a  timeslot  in  the  schedule  view,  then hit 't', you will begin creating a new timed
       reminder. Wyrd will open up your reminder file in your favorite editor and move the cursor to the end  of
       the  file,  where  a  new reminder template has been created. The template has the selected date and time
       filled in, so in many cases you will only need to fill in a MSG value.

       Similarly, hitting 'u' will begin creating an untimed reminder.  'w' will create a weekly timed reminder,
       and  'W'  will  create  a weekly untimed reminder; 'm' will create a monthly timed reminder, and 'M' will
       create a monthly untimed reminder.

       'T' and 'U' also create timed and untimed reminders (respectively), but first will  provide  a  selection
       dialog  for you to choose which reminder file you want to add this reminder to. The set of reminder files
       is determined by scanning the INCLUDE lines in your  default  reminder  file.  (If  you  use  a  reminder
       directory, then all *.rem files in that directory will be available along with all INCLUDEd files.)

       If  you  select  a  reminder  (either  timed  or  untimed)  and hit <return>, you will begin editing that
       reminder. Wyrd will open up the appropriate reminders file in your editor and  move  the  cursor  to  the
       corresponding REM line.

       If  you  select  a timeslot that contains multiple overlapping reminders, Wyrd will provide a dialog that
       allows you to select the desired reminder.

       If you hit <enter> on a blank timeslot, Wyrd  will  begin  creating  a  new  timed  or  untimed  reminder
       (depending on whether the timed or the untimed window is selected).

       Finally,  pressing  'e'  will  open  the  reminder  file  in your editor without attempting to select any
       particular reminder.

       Wyrd offers an additional mode for entering simple reminders quickly. Press 'q', and you will be prompted
       for  an  event  description.  Simply enter a description for the event using natural language, then press
       <return>. Examples:

       *      meeting with Bob tomorrow at 11

       *      drop off package at 3pm

       *      wednesday 10am-11:30 go grocery shopping

       *      Board game night 20:15 next Fri

       *      7/4 independence day

       *      7/4/2007 independence day (next year)

       *      independence day (next year) on 2007-07-04

       If your event description can be understood, Wyrd will immediately create the  reminder  and  scroll  the
       display to its location.

       Currently  the  quick  reminder  mode tends to favor USA English conventions, as generalizing the natural
       language parser would require some work.

       Wyrd also allows you to use the "quick reminder" syntax to create new reminders from  the  command  line,
       using the -a or --add options. For example,
       wyrd --add "dinner with neighbors tomorrow at 7pm"

       would  create a new reminder for tomorrow evening. When used in this mode, Wyrd exits silently with error
       code 0 if the reminder was successfully created.  If the reminder could  not  be  created  (e.g.  if  the
       reminder syntax could not be parsed), Wyrd prints an error message and exits with a nonzero error code.

       Reminders can be easily duplicated or rescheduled through the use of Wyrd's cutting and pasting features.

       Selecting  a reminder and pressing 'X' will cut that reminder: the corresponding REM line is deleted from
       your reminders file, and the reminder is copied to Wyrd's clipboard. To copy a reminder without  deleting
       it, use 'y' instead.

       To  paste  a  reminder  from  the  clipboard back into your schedule, just move the cursor to the desired
       date/time and press 'p'. Wyrd will append a new REM line to the end of your reminders file, and open  the
       file  with  your  editor.  The REM line will be configured to trigger on the selected date. If the copied
       reminder was timed, then the pasted reminder will be set to  trigger  at  the  selected  time  using  the
       original  DURATION  setting.  (Additional  Remind  settings such as delta and tdelta are not preserved by

       If you wish to paste a reminder into a non-default reminders file, use 'P'. This will spawn  a  selection
       dialog where you can choose the file that will hold the new reminder.

       WARNING: Cutting a reminder will delete only the single REM command responsible for triggering it. If you
       are using more complicated Remind scripting techniques to generate a particular reminder,  then  the  cut
       operation may not do what you want.

       Aside  from  viewing  reminders  as  they  fall  in the schedule, you can press 'r' to view all reminders
       triggered on the selected date in a less(1) window. Similarly, 'R' will view all reminders  triggered  on
       or after the selected date (all non-expired reminders are triggered).

       If  you  want  to get a more global view of your schedule, Wyrd will also let you view Remind's formatted
       calendar output in a less(1) window. Pressing 'c'  will  view  a  one-week  calendar  that  contains  the
       selected date, while pressing 'C' will view a one-month calendar containing the selected date.

       Wyrd  allows  you  to search for reminders with MSG values that match a search string. Press '/' to start
       entering a (case insensitive) regular expression. After the expression has been entered,  press  <return>
       and  Wyrd  will  locate  the  next reminder that matches the regexp. Press 'n' to repeat the same search.
       Entry of a search string may be cancelled with <esc>.

       The regular expression syntax is Emacs-compatible.

       Note: Sorry, there is no "search backward" function. The search function requires the use of "remind -n",
       which operates only forward in time.  For the same reason, there is a command to jump forward to the next
       reminder, but no command to jump backward to the previous reminder.

       A list of all keybindings may be viewed by pressing '?'. You can exit Wyrd by pressing 'Q'. If the screen
       is corrupted for some reason, hit 'Ctrl-L' to refresh the display.

       You  may  wish  to  generate  some  sort  of alarm when a reminder is triggered.  Wyrd does not offer any
       special alarm functionality, because Remind can handle the job already.  Check  the  Remind  manpage  and
       consider  how  the  -k  option  could  be  used to generate alarms with the aid of external programs. For
       example, the following command will generate a popup window using gxmessage(1) whenever a timed  reminder
       is triggered:
       remind -z -k'gxmessage -title "reminder"  &' ~/.reminders &

       (A sensible way to start this alarm command is to place it in
        {.xinitrc} so that it launches when the X server is started.)  If you want some advance warning (say, 15
       minutes), you can cause Remind to trigger early by setting a tdelta in the AT clause:
          REM Nov 27 2005 AT 14:30 +15 MSG Do something

       Alternatively, if you want to generate alarms only for specific reminders, consider  using  Remind's  RUN
       command.  This process could be easily automated by using the templateN configuration variables described
       in the wyrdrc(5) manpage.

       Remind's TAG specifier may be used to cause Wyrd to give special treatment to  certain  reminders.  If  a
       reminder  line  includes the clause "TAG noweight", then Wyrd will not give that reminder any weight when
       determining the ``busy level'' colorations applied to the month calendar. If a reminder line includes the
       clause  "TAG  nodisplay",  then  Wyrd  will  neither  display  that  reminder nor give it any weight when
       determining the month calendar colorations. The tag parameters are case insensitive.

       WARNING: These tag parameters are not guaranteed to interact well with other Remind  front-ends  such  as


       *      Wyrd fills in sensible defaults for the fields of a REM statement, but you will inevitably need to
              make some small edits to achieve the behavior you want. If you use Vim, you  can  make  your  life
              easier  by  installing  the Vim-Latex Suite and then modifying your ~/.wyrdrc to use REM templates
              like this:

       set timed_template="REM %monname% %mday% %year% <++>AT %hour%:%min%<++> DURATION 1:00<++> MSG  %\"<++>%\"
       set untimed_template="REM %monname% %mday% %year% <++>MSG %\"<++>%\" %b"

       With  this  change, hitting Ctrl-J inside Vim (in insert mode) will cause your cursor to jump directly to
       the <++> markers, enabling you to quickly add any desired Remind delta and message parameters.


       Wyrd is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
       License  (GPL),  Version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. You should have received a copy
       of the GPL along with this program, in the file 'COPYING'.


       Thanks, of course, to David Skoll for writing such a powerful reminder system.  Thanks  also  to  Nicolas
       George, who wrote the OCaml curses bindings used within Wyrd.


       Wyrd author: Paul Pelzl <>
       Wyrd website:
       Wyrd project page (bug reports, code repository, etc.):


       ``Wyrd  is a concept in ancient Anglo-saxon and Nordic cultures roughly corresponding to fate or personal
       destiny.'' -- Wikipedia


       wyrdrc(5), remind(1)