bionic (1) xdesktopwaves.1.gz

Provided by: xdesktopwaves_1.3-4build1_amd64 bug


       xdesktopwaves - simulation of water waves on the X Windows desktop


       xdesktopwaves [option]...


       xdesktopwaves  is  a  cellular  automata  setting  the  background of your X Windows desktop under water.
       Windows and mouse are like ships on the sea.  Each movement of these ends up in moving water waves.   You
       can even have rain and/or storm stirring up the water (-rain 0-10, -storm 0-10).

       In shaped mode, which is enabled by default, xdesktopwaves usually works good together with other desktop
       background programs like xfishtank, xpenguins, xsnow and xearth.  They are all under water.

       xdesktopwaves has many options.  The most important ones are -quality 0-9 and -colortheme 0-9.  The first
       one  is  for  adjusting the balance between display quality and system load.  And the other option is for
       selecting a set of colors for visualization.  Choose a color theme suitable for your background  picture.
       There are even options for fine-tuning.

       Window Managers

       If  you  are  using  the  KDE window manager, please enable "Allow programs in desktop window" in the KDE
       desktop  configuration  (right-click  on  the  desktop  and  choose  "Configure   Desktop").    Otherwise
       xdesktopwaves  may  not be visible.  If you are using Enlightenment 0.16 with "Multiple Desktops" instead
       of "Virtual Desktops", xdesktopwaves appears always on the first desktop.  A solution is -wmbackdrop, but
       read  the  comments  on  that  option.  With most other window managers xdesktopwaves should work without
       difficulties.  If not, try -root, -wmbackdrop or -window, and/or -opaque.

       If supported by the window manager, you should decide to enable opaque moving  and  resizing  of  windows
       ("display  content  in moving windows" or something like that), instead of displaying just a frame.  This
       may result in very dynamic wave effects - try to pile up a big wave by  moving  a  window  slowly.   But:
       unfortunately  some  window managers seem to be very CPU-intensive while moving a window opaque.  In that
       case xdesktopwaves does not perform very smooth.

       Starting and stopping

       For a first try, open a shell and type xdesktopwaves followed by desired options.  Example:

              xdesktopwaves -quality 4 -colortheme 3

       Just press CTRL-C for stopping.

       Now, if you want to create menu entries in your desktop environment,  window  manager  or  wherever:  For
       starting, create an entry containing a command like the example above.  And for stopping, create an entry
       containing this command:

              xdesktopwaves -end

       Hint: Whenever xdesktopwaves is starting, it automatically tells  other  instances  of  xdesktopwaves  to
       terminate.  So there cannot be more than one instance.

       xdesktopwaves every day?

       Depending  on the quality settings, xdesktopwaves can be very CPU-intensive.  To get along with this, the
       program goes into an idle mode if there are no waves on the water or if the output  window  is  obscured.
       The  cellular  automata stops computing in that mode.  Additionally, you can give a lower priority to the
       xdesktopwaves process (see -nice).

       If you want to have xdesktopwaves automatically started when starting X Windows, insert the start command
       in  the  file  $HOME/.xinitrc  (see  startx(1)).  But don't forget to append & to the command.  This way,
       xdesktopwaves is started before the window manager (may or may not work, depending on the type of  window


       -h or -help
              Print a short help and exit.

       -V or -version
              Print version and exit.

       -v or -verbose
              Print some information about what's going on.

       -vv or -veryverbose
              Print much information (for debugging).

       -d name or -display name
              Connect to the display named name.

       -e or -end
              Exit after terminating a possibly already existing instance of xdesktopwaves.


       -r or -root
              Do  not  create  any  window,  draw  the  waves to the (virtual) root window.  This option implies
              -stippled if not -opaque.

       -b or -backdrop (default)
              Create an override-redirect backdrop window on the (virtual) root window.

       -wmb or -wmbackdrop
              Create a backdrop window using the extended window manager hints.  This is not supported by  every
              window  manager.   And if it is, there's still the problem that it may not be possible to activate
              icons or menus on the desktop background (possibly just at every second scan-line in shaped mode).

       -w or -window
              Create an ordinary normal window.  For some window managers you'll even have to give -opaque.


       -o or -opaque
              Have no transparency at all.

       -t or -stippled
              Have faked transparency.  This lets the desktop background picture shine through.   Other  desktop
              background  programs  and  desktop icons may not be visible.  The window of xdesktopwaves inherits
              the background from the root window, and the waves  are  drawn  in  stippled  mode.   This  option
              implies -nodoublebuffer.

       -s or -shaped (default)
              Have  better  transparency.   Everything  behind  xdesktopwaves  shines  through.   The  window of
              xdesktopwaves is shaped by every second scan-line, using the XShape  extension.   This  option  is
              ignored if -root, otherwise this option implies -doublebuffer.

       -wmo percent or -wmopacity percent
              Have  best  transparency.   This  is  still  highly  experimental!   It  sets  the window property
              _NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY, which is a hint for the window manager respectively composite  manager  to
              render the window with alpha blending.  This option is ignored if -root.


       -q number or -quality number (default: 5)
              Set  overall  quality of the waves.  number can be 0 to 9.  The higher the quality, the higher the
              CPU/network load.  This  option  is  a  comfortable  alternative  for  -framerate,  -simsperframe,
              -eventsperframe, -resdivision, -cellsize and -maxcolors.

       -fr rate or -framerate rate
              Set maximum frame rate in hertz.  This option is overridden by -quality.

       -sf count or -simsperframe count
              Set  number  of  simulation  steps  per frame.  Hereby you can adapt the speed of the waves.  This
              option is overridden by -quality.

       -ef count or -eventsperframe count
              Set number of event processings per frame.  This can improve the trails  of  fast  moving  objects
              (mouse  and  windows),  but it can even incur a sensible higher CPU load, because of a worse cache
              utilization.  Maximum is the number of simulation steps per frame.  This option is  overridden  by

       -rd rdx rdy or -resdivision rdx rdy
              Set  overall division of resolution in x and y direction.  These values have dramatic influence on
              the CPU usage on both sides, the client and the server.  This option is overridden by -quality.

       -cs cw ch or -cellsize cw ch
              Set width and height of the cells of water.  These values have dramatic influence on the CPU usage
              on  the client side.  The water surface is made of rectangular cells.  This is a kind of an image,
              where each pixel is a cell.  For each frame, that image is scaled up to the  screen  size  in  two
              steps.  In the first step it is scaled by (cw, ch) with bi-linear interpolation, and in the second
              step it is scaled by (rdx, rdy) without interpolation.  This option is overridden by -quality.

       -mc count or -maxcolors count
              Set maximum number of colors for drawing  the  waves.   The  higher  the  color  count,  the  more
              rectangles  may  be  sent  to  the X server.  count can be 2 to 128.  This option is overridden by

       -db or -doublebuffer (default)
              Draw with double buffering.  This option is ignored if -stippled.

       -ndb or -nodoublebuffer
              Draw without double buffering.  This option is ignored if -shaped.

       -n increment or -nice increment (default: 0)
              Increment nice value of the xdesktopwaves process.  The higher  the  nice  value,  the  lower  the
              process priority.  A typical value for increment is 10.

       -i or -idle (default)
              Go idle if there are no waves or if the output window is obscured.  This can spare CPU cycles.

       -ni or -noidle
              Never go idle.

       -mo number or -maxoptimization number (default: 2)
              Set  maximum  optimization by CPU instruction set.  If compiled with GCC for x86 (32 or 64-bit), 1
              means MMX and 2 means SSE2.  0 means to have no special optimization.


       -c number or -colortheme number (default: 0)
              Select a color theme.  number can be 0 to 9.  Just try them through.  This option is a comfortable
              alternative for -watercolor, -skycolor and -lightcolor.

       -wc color or -watercolor color
              Set color of water.  This option is overridden by -colortheme.

       -sc color or -skycolor color
              Set color of sky reflections.  This option is overridden by -colortheme.

       -lc color or -lightcolor color
              Set color of light reflections.  This option is overridden by -colortheme.


       -wm or -wavesbymouse (default)
              Produce waves by mouse pointer movements.

       -nwm or -nowavesbymouse
              Ignore the mouse.

       -ww or -wavesbywindows (default)
              Produce waves by client windows.

       -nww or -nowavesbywindows
              Ignore client windows.

       -rn intensity or -rain intensity (default: 0)
              Simulate raindrops falling on the water.  intensity can be 0 (no rain) to 10 (cloudburst).

       -st intensity or -storm intensity (default: 0)
              Simulate a storm blowing on the water.  intensity can be 0 (no wind) to 10 (strong storm).

       -vs value or -viscosity value (default: 3)
              Set  viscosity  of  the  fluid.   value  can be 1 to 5.  The higher the viscosity, the shorter the
              lifetime of waves.

       -si intensity or -skyintensity intensity (default: 5)
              Set intensity of sky reflections.  intensity can be 1 to 10.

       -li intensity or -lightintensity intensity (default: 5)
              Set intensity of light reflections.  intensity can be 1 to 10.

       -lal degrees or -lightaltitude degrees (default: 30)
              Set altitude of the source of light.  degrees can be 0 to 90.

       -laz degrees or -lightazimuth degrees (default: -35)
              Set azimuth of the source of light.  degrees can be -360 to 360.


       xdesktopwaves -quality 6 -colortheme 1 -verbose
              Increased quality.  Blue color theme.  Print information about settings and performance.

       xdesktopwaves -q 6 -c 1 -v
              Short cut of the previous example.

       xdesktopwaves -c 2 -rn 8 -r -o
              Dark night with flashy lights.  It's raining.  Draw to the root window without any transparency.


       xfishtank, xpenguins(1), xearth(1), xsnow(1), xlife(1x), xsetroot(1), startx(1)



       Oliver Hamann (

       xdesktopwaves is copyrighted (C) 2004 by Oliver Hamann

       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  it  under  the  terms  of  the  GNU
       General  Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
       (at your option) any later version.

       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY  WARRANTY;  without  even
       the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
       License for more details.

       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not,  write
       to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA