bionic (1) xjdserver.1.gz

Provided by: xjdic_24-10build1_amd64 bug


       XJDIC - an  electronic  Japanese-English  dictionary  program (V2.4)

       NB: this man page contains a summary of the information in the xjdic24.inf file.


       xjdic [ options ]

        -  The  XJDIC  stand-alone  program,  or  client  which  allows a user to connect to the xjdserver via a

       xjdserver [ options ]

        - The XJDIC server, which carries out dictionary searches on behalf of clients.

       xjdxgen [ options ] dictionary_file

        - creates the .xjdx index file for dictionary files.


       XJDIC is an  electronic  Japanese-English  dictionary  program  designed  to operate  in  the  X11 window
       environment.   In  particular,  it must run in an "xterm" environment which has Japanese language support
       such as provided by "kterm" or internationalized xterm, aixterm, etc.

       It  is based on JDIC and JREADER which were developed to run under MS-DOS on IBM PCs or clones.

       XJDIC functions as:

       (a) an English to  Japanese  dictionary  (eiwa  jiten),  searching  for  and displaying entries for  key-
       words entered in English;

       (b)   a   Japanese   to   English   dictionary   (waei  jiten),  searching for and displaying entries for
       keywords  or  phrases  entered  in  Japanese  (kanji, hiragana or katakana);

       (c)  a  Japanese-English  Character  dictionary  (kanei  jiten),  capable of selecting  kanji  characters
       by  JIS code, radical, stroke count,  Nelson Index number or reading, and displaying compounds containing
       that kanji.

       XJDIC is typically run in a window of its own.  The user can then  use  it  as  a  free-standing  on-line
       dictionary.  It can also be  used  as  an  accessory when  reading  or  writing  text  in  another window
       (e.g.  reading the "fj" Japanese news groups.) Strings of text,  either  English  or  Japanese,   can  be
       moved to and from XJDIC using X11's mouse "cut-and-paste" operations.

       All  the Japanese displayed by XJDIC is in kana and kanji,  so if you  cannot read  at least hiragana and
       katakana,  this is not the program for you.  The author  has  no  intention  whatsoever  of  producing  a
       version  using  romanized Japanese.


       Each  option begins with a separate "-" identifier. Options are tagged: CL, SA or SV according to whether
       they are applicable to the Client, Stand-alone or Server versions. Many of the options can also be set in
       the .xjdicrc file.

       -h [CL,SV,SA]
              display list of options and exit.

       -E [CL,SA]
              instruct the program that it is in EUC mode, and refrain from interpreting the 3-byte kanji of the
              JIS X 0212 set, which starts with a hex 8F, as Shift-JIS.

       -v [CL,SA]
              disable the verb de-inflection function.

       -V [CL,SA]
              disable the use of reverse-video in the display of matches.

       -c control_file [CL,SV,SA]
              specify the path and name of a control file to be used instead of the default ".xjdicrc" file.

       -d dictionary_file [SV,SA]
              specify a dictionary file to use (up to 9 may be specified.)

       -k kanji_file [SV,SA]
              specify a kanji data file to use.

       -j j/e/s [CL,SA]
              Specify the output coding for Japanese text (j=JIS, e=EUC, s=Shift-JIS)

       -P port_no [CL,SV]
              instruct the client/server version to use UDP port nnnnn,  instead of the default  port  (47512).

       -S server_address [CL]
              instruct the client that the server is  to  be  found  at  the specified network  address.

       -C clipboard_file [CL,SA]
              the name of the file to use as the clipboard.

       -K [SV]
              prevent  the  server  from  establishing  itself  as  a  daemon.


       XJDIC operates by entering text strings of English  or  Japanese,  upon  which  the  matching  dictionary
       entries  are displayed. As well, a range of single-character control commands are available to modify the
       program operation.

       The commands are:

              display a summary of the keyboard commands

              display the GNU GPL document.

              engage the romaji to katakana conversion feature for the subsequent input.

              engage the romaji to hiragana conversion feature for the subsequent input.

              toggle kana-input mode.

              toggle  the display jukugo with a kanji in a non-initial position mode.

              go into kanji dictionary mode (see below.)

              toggle unedited output mode.

              switch the active dictionary to the next in the list.

              switch the active dictionary to the previous one in the list.

              select an active dictionary by number.

              specify a list of dictionary numbers to use in global-search mode.

              toggle global search mode.

              toggle multiple dictionary display within global search mode.

              display buffer-usage statistics (only for the stand-alone version with paged I/O)

              toggle exact-match mode.

              toggle reverse-video display of matched strings mode.

              toggle selection of priority keys in the dictionary.

              initiate search of the extension file (none available yet!).

              clear the current one-off filter (if any) and prompt for another.

              set/clear general filters (as specified in the control file.)

              enter clipboard mode (all search keys will now be taken from the clipboard file.)

              toggle verb-deinflection mode

              toggle long kanji display mode.

       Kanji Search Mode is entered using the `´ command. In this mode, keys are  entered  which  match  against
       fields in the Kanji database.

       The keys are:

              (use the @ or # prefixes to key hiragana or katakana.)

              a hex JIS code for a kanji

              a hex JIS code for a kanji from the JIS X 212-1990 supplementary kanji.

              a numeric kuten code for a kanji.

              a numeric kuten code for a kanji from the JIS X 212-1990 supplementary kanji.

              a hex Shift-JIS code for a kanji.

       followed by one of the KANJIDIC codes, such as Snn, Bnn, Vnnnn, etc.

              followed by the English "sense" or "meaning" of the kanji.

              to initiate a display of the radicals and their numbers.

              to enter the multi-radical selection mode.

Multi-Radical Mode

       This is a sub-mode with the kanji selection mode. Radical elements are entered, and the kanji which match
       that combination of elements are either displayed, or their number reported.

       The commands in the mode are:

              display the table of radical elements

              add this element to the table.

              remove the nth element from the table.

              restrict the selection to kanji with n strokes

              restrict the selection to kanji with <= n strokes

              restrict the selection to kanji with >= n strokes

              remove the kanji stroke restriction.

              clear the elements in the table

              force the display of currently matching kanji

       v kanji
              display the elements of the specified kanji

              exit this mode.


       Configuration of the XJDIC system is accomplished via the use  of  the  .xjdicrc(1)  file,  or  the  file
       specified in the -c option.

       The  control-file contains a number of directives which establish the working dictionaries and files, and
       also set some of the operating modes.

       The control file directives are:

       filt [SA,CL]
              set up filter details (see the FILTERS section in the xjdic24.inf file.)

       omode e/j/s [SA,CL]
              set the screen output codes to EUC, JIS or Shift-JIS

       kanamode [SA,CL]
              set the initial default input mode to hiragana

       exactmatch [SA,CL]
              toggles the exact match option

       dicdir path_name [SA,SV,CL]
              set the location of the dictionary and data files. The program  will  try  this  directory  first,
              followed  by the local operating directory. Affects all files except the clipboard and the control
              file itself.  Note that this line should occur *before* any dicfile, etc. lines.

       dicfile path_name [SA,SV]
              dictionary name (default: edict)

       kdicfile path_name [SA,SV]
              kanji dictionary name (default: kanjidic)

       romfile path_name [SA,CL]
              romaji conversion file (default: romkana.cnv)

       verbfile path_name [SA,CL]
              conjugation file (default: vconj)

       radfile path_name [SA,CL]
              radical/bushu no. file (default:

       radkfile path_name [SA,CL]
              radical/kanji file for the multi-radical search (default: radkfile)

       jverb on|off [SA,CL]
              enable or disable the verb de-inflection function

       kdnoshow ABCDE...  [SA,CL]
              declaration of the KANJIDIC fields to be suppressed from the display. For example, "kdnoshow  YMQ"
              will prevent the display of the Pin-Yin information and the Four-Corner and Morohashi indices.

       exlist and from but .... ....
              declaration  of common words of 3 or more letters to be excluded from the XJDXGEN generation of an
              .xjdx file.  There can be more than one "exlist" line in the file.

       clipfile [SA,CL]
              specify the name of a clipboard file to use.

       gnufile [SA,CL]
              specify the name of GNU Public Licence file (default is "gnu_licence".)

       rvdisplay on | off [SA,CL]
              specify the initial setting of the reverse video display of matches. (Default is ON)

       Note that some of these are also command-line options. If both are used, the control-file  request  takes


       Apart from the .xjdicrc control file, XJDIC requires five other files:
              the list of bushu numbers and descriptive kanji

              the list  of  romaji  to  kana  mappings  used  in  the  input conversion routines.

              the verb/adjective inflections used to identify the dictionary forms of words prior to lookup.

              the   file   of  radicals  used in the multi-radical kanji search function, and the kanji matching
              each radical.

              file of kanji  and  their  stroke-counts,  extracted  from  the kanjidic file.


       The file .xjdicrc(1) defines the locations of the files above.  The programs all seek this  file  in  the
       current  working  directory,  the  HOME directory, or in the directory specified by the XJDIC environment


       As well as having its own romaji conversion facility, XJDIC can receive Japanese input  from  IM  systems
       such as kinput2.


       Any spotted should be sent to the author.


       Jim   Breen   <>.   This   man   page   initially   created   by  William  F.  Maton
       <> with material taken from xjdic24.inf, and extended by Jim.


       Many, many people have assisted with xjdic since it first appeared as 1.0 in 1992. They are mentioned  in
       the xjdic24.inf file.