bionic (1) xoscope.1.gz

Provided by: xoscope_2.2-1ubuntu1_amd64 bug


       xoscope - Digital Oscilloscope


       xoscope [X toolkit options] [xoscope options] [file]


       Xoscope  is  a digital real-time oscilloscope. It graphically displays signal amplitude or bit logic as a
       function of time.  Signals may be displayed, saved, recalled, and manipulated by math functions.   Signal
       input devices currently include:

            Audio  sound  recording  via Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA).  Two 8-bit analog channels at
            8000 S/s to 44100 S/s.  Left and right audio is connected to A and B inputs  respectively.   Use  an
            external  mixer  program to select which sound inputs to record.  AC coupled, voltages unknown, 256K
            sample memory.

            Shared audio sound via the Enlightened Sound Daemon.  This is great for watching music  but  support
            for it is an option at compile-time.  EsounD is auto-detected and preferred over /dev/dsp.

            The  COMEDI  project  (  develops  Linux  drivers,  tools,  and  libraries  for  data
            acquisition.  Many commercially available ADC cards are supported by COMEDI, and Xoscope can receive
            signals from them via the COMEDI library.


       Xoscope  is  an  interactive  program and can be completely controlled from the keyboard at run-time.  In
       verbose key help mode, each available key is shown on the screen in (parentheses).  The following  single
       key commands are available:

       ?    Toggle verbose key help display mode.

            Immediately quit the program.

       @    Load a previously saved file.  You are prompted for the filename.

       #    Save  current  settings and memory buffers to a file that can be loaded later.  You are prompted for
            the filename and asked for confirmation to overwrite if it already exists.

            Clear and refresh the entire screen.

       &    Cycle between the various input devices.  Note that this key will  not  toggle  to  an  unresponsive
            input device, so if only one device is present, it will appear to have no effect.

       *    Different behavior for different input devices

            Under  EsounD,  this  value  instead  determines whether the connection to EsounD will block or not.
            Blocking mode is nicest to CPU usage but the xoscope interface will not respond when the there is no
            sound  stream  coming from EsounD.  Nonblocking mode will let xoscope be responsive whether sound is
            available or not, but will consume all available CPU cycles.

            Under COMEDI, this key toggles between different analog reference points (ground,  differential,  or

       ^    Different behavior for different input devices

       (/)  Decrease/increase the sampling rate.

       9/0  Increase/decrease the Sec/Div horizontal time scale (zoom out/in on time).

       -/=  Decrease/increase the trigger level.

       _    Cycle the trigger channel.

       +    Cycle the trigger type: none, rising edge, or falling edge.

            Cycle  the trigger mode: run, wait, stop.  Run mode continuously acquires and displays samples after
            trigger events.  Wait mode waits for the first trigger event and displays  only  the  first  set  of
            samples;  this  is  "single-shot"  mode.   Stop  mode suspends the data acquisition and displays the
            current samples.

       !    Cycle the plotting mode: point, point accumulate, line,  or  line  accumulate.   In  the  accumulate
            modes, all samples stay on the screen; use Enter to clear them.

       ,    Cycle the graticule style: none, minor divisions only, or minor and major divisions.

       .    Toggle the graticule position: behind or in front of the signals.

       '    Toggle  the  manual cursors on/off.  When manual cursors are displayed, the measurements between the
            cursor positions are shown.  When cursors are not displayed, automatic measurements are shown.

       "    Reset both manual cursor positions to the sample just after trigger.

            The Control key held down in combination with q/w/e/r moves the first cursor back or forward  by  10
            samples or back or forward by 1 sample respectively.

            The  Control key held down in combination with a/s/d/f moves the second cursor back or forward by 10
            samples or back or forward by 1 sample respectively.

       1-8  Select the corresponding display channel.  Measurements are displayed for the  channel.   Channel  1
            and  2  are  used as input to the math functions so they can't be used to do math.  By default, they
            are connected to the A and B input channels.  Channel 1 and 2 can also be  used  to  display  memory
            buffers  or for doing math on memory or the alternate input.  Channel 3 through 8 are not restricted
            and can be used for any purpose.  The  remaining  single  key  commands  operate  on  the  currently
            selected channel:

       Tab  Toggle visibility: Hide or show the selected channel.

       {/}  Decrease/Increase vertical scale of the selected channel.

       [/]  Decrease/Increase vertical position of the selected channel.

       `/~  Decrease/Increase  number  of  logic  analyzer  bits  displayed.  The default of zero bits plots the
            signal as one analog line of varying amplitude.   Any  other  value  plots  multiple  digital  lines
            representing the least significant bits from bottom to top.

       ;/:  Increase/Decrease  the  math function of the selected channel.  This is not available on channel 1 &

       $    Show the result of an external math command on the selected  channel.   You  are  prompted  for  the
            command.   The  command  must  accept  samples  of  channel 1 & 2 on stdin and write a new signal to
            stdout.  See operl, offt.c and xy.c in  the  distribution  for  examples  of  external  math  filter
            commands.  Not available on channel 1 & 2.

       a-z  Recall  the  corresponding  memory  buffer or input device to the currently selected channel.  Input
            device channels are mapped to the earliest letters of the alphabet; the  rest  of  the  buffers  are
            available for signal memory.

       A-Z  Store  the  currently  selected  channel into the corresponding memory buffer.  Early letters of the
            alphabet can not be used because they're reserved as the signal  inputs,  so  the  exact  number  of
            available  buffers  is  dependant  on  the  input device.  Memories are stored from time zero to the
            current display update position.  So it is best to STOP the  display  before  storing  to  a  memory


       Xoscope adds mouse controls to menus or around the edges of the scope area.  These should be nearly self-
       explanatory.  They perform the same functions as the equivalent keyboard commands above.  If  built  with
       GTK+,  a context-sensitive pop-up menu is available with right-click to select channels, change scale and
       position, recall and store signals and so  on.   Left  click  decreases  a  variable  while  right  click
       increases.  The manual measurement cursors can also be positioned with the mouse.


       The  command-line  options define the startup state of xoscope and have reasonable defaults.  All options
       may be capitalized in case they conflict with an X toolkit option.  These options are  also  recorded  in
       text files saved by xoscope.

       -h   Help usage message showing these startup options with their default values, then exit.

       -# <code>
            Startup  conditions  of each channel.  # is a channel number from 1 to 8.  Code can have up to three
            fields,  separated  by  colons:  position[.bits][:scale[:function  #,  memory  letter,  or  external
            command]].   Position is the number of pixels above (positive) or below (negative) the center of the
            display.  Bits is the number of logic analyzer bits to display.  Scale is  a  valid  scaling  factor
            from  1/50  to  50,  expressed  as a fraction.  The third field may contain a built-in math function
            number, memory letter, or external math command to run on the channel.  Using  these  options  makes
            the channel visible unless position begins with a '+', in which case the channel is hidden.

       -a <channel>
            Active, or selected, channel.

       -r <rate>
            Sampling  Rate  in  samples  per  second.  For the sound card, current valid values are 8000, 11025,
            22050, or 44100.

       -s <scale>
            Time Scale factor from 1/500000 to 2000 (2 ns/div - 2 s/div) expressed as a fraction where 1/1 is  1

       -t <trigger>
            Trigger   conditions.    Trigger   can   have   up   to   three   fields,   separated   by   colons:
            position[:type[:channel]].  Position is the number of pixels above (positive)  or  below  (negative)
            the  center  of  the  display.   Type is a number indicating the kind of trigger, 0 = automatic, 1 =
            rising edge, 2 = falling edge.  Channel should be x or y.

       -l <cursors>
            Manual cursor  Line  positions.   Cursors  can  have  up  to  three  fields,  separated  by  colons:
            first[:second[:on?]].   First  is  the  sample  position  of the first cursor.  Second is the sample
            position of the second cursor.  The final field is weather the manual cursors are displayed  (1)  or
            the not displayed (0).

       -p <type>
            Plot  type.   0  =  point,  1  = point accumulate, 2 = line, 3 = line accumulate, 4 = step, 5 = step

       -g <style>
            Graticule style.  0 = none, 1 = minor divisions only, 2 = minor and major divisions.

       -b   Whether the graticule is drawn Behind or in front of the signals.

       -v   Whether the Verbose key help is displayed.

       file The name of a file to load upon startup.  This should be a file previously saved by xoscope.


       xoscope -1 80 -2 -80 -3 0:1/5:6 -4 -160:1/5:7

            This runs xoscope with channel 1 above and channel 2 below the center of the display.  Also  channel
            3 and 4 are made visible to show the FFT of channel 1 and 2 respectively at a reduced scale of 1/5.

       xoscope oscope.dat

            This  runs  xoscope,  loading  settings  and memory buffers from a previously saved data file called


       Xoscope creates readable text data files.  The files contain at least a comment header  which  holds  the
       current settings of xoscope.  Loading the file causes these saved settings to be restored.

       To  record  your  signals  permanently  first  store  them into memory buffers, optionally recall them to
       channels, and then save the file.  All non-empty memory buffers are written  to  a  column  of  the  file
       following  the  comment header.  Columns are separated by tab characters.  These are stored back into the
       memory buffers when the file is later loaded.  Simply recall them to channels to view them.

       This format could also be read by some spreadsheet or plotting programs.  For example,  the  gnuplot  (1)

       plot "oscope.dat" using 0:1, "oscope.dat" using 0:2

       would plot the first and second columns of the "oscope.dat" data file.


            The path to use when looking for external math commands.  If unset, the built-in default is used.

            The  host:port  of  the  EsounD  to connect to if built with EsounD support.  If unset, localhost is
            assumed.  If no EsounD connection is made or if there is no EsounD support compiled in, then xoscope
            will try to read /dev/dsp directly.


       The  sound  card  should be capable of 44100 Hz sampling via the sound drivers.  You must use an external
       mixer program to select the input source device, level, etc.  Since these unknowns affect the  amplitude,
       there  is  no reference to voltage on the Y axis; it is in fact, unknown.  Instead you're given the scale
       in pixels per sample unit.  Note that the serial oscilloscope devices don't have this  limitation.   They
       have real voltage labels on the Y axis.

       Signal  math is only valid if Channel 1 and 2 contain signals of the same sampling rate.  It is up to you
       to make sure this is the case. Doing math on signals of different sample  rates  will  produce  incorrect

       The  automatic  measurements  count  zero crossings and divide to determine the frequency and period.  If
       these zero crossings are not "regularly-periodic", these measurements could  be  invalid.   Xoscope  does
       understand  how  to measure the built-in FFT functions by locating the peak frequency.  Use manual cursor
       positioning to get more precise measurements.

       Your sound card is most-likely AC coupled so you will never see any DC offset.  You probably can't get DC
       coupling  by  just  shorting  the  input  capacitors  on  your sound card.  Use serial hardware to see DC

       The display may not be able to keep up if you give it too much to plot, depending  on  your  sound  card,
       graphics  card,  and processor speed.  External math commands are particularly expensive since the kernel
       must then split the available CPU cycles across multiple processes.  To maximize refresh speed, hide  all
       unneeded  channels,  use point or point accumulate mode, zoom in on Sec/Div as much as possible, and turn
       off the graticule.


       The keyboard interface may be confusing.


       Oscope was written by Tim Witham (, originally  based  on  "scope"  by  Jeff  Tranter
       (Jeff_Tranter@Mitel.COM).   Most  recent work is by Brent Baccala (  ALSA support by
       Gerhard Schiller (  Xoscope is released  under  the  conditions  of  the  GNU
       General Public License.  See the files README and COPYING in the distribution for details.