Provided by: yubioath-desktop_3.0.1-2_all 

yubioath - Yubico Authenticator command line interface
yubioath [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
The Yubico Authenticator is a graphical desktop tool for generating Open AuTHentication (OATH) event-based HOTP and time-based TOTP one-time password codes, with the help of a YubiKey that protects the shared secrets.
yubioath has the following options: -v, --version Prints the version of the application and exits. -h, --help Shows a list of available sub commands and arguments. -R, --remember Save any password given for a YubiKey to avoid having to enter it in again. -r, --reader READER Name to match smartcard reader against (case insensitive).
yubioath supports multiple commands, each with its own options, in addition to the global options: show [OPTIONS] [QUERY] Display one or more one time codes calculated by the YubiKey. -s1, --slot1 DIGITS Calculate and show a one time code from slot 1, displaying DIGITS number of digits. -s2, --slot2 DIGITS Calculate and show a one time code from slot 2, displaying DIGITS number of digits. -t, --timestamp TIMESTAMP Use the user provided TIMESTAMP instead of the system clock. -h, --help Shows additional help for the sub command. QUERY A filter string to match credential names against. If given, only credentials containing the QUERY substring will be displayed. For HOTP credentials, codes will only be calculated when given a QUERY which uniquely specifices the credential as to avoid unwanted counter incrementation. put [OPTIONS] KEY Load and store a credential into the YubiKey. -S, --destination DEST Where DEST is one of: • 0 the main applet (default). • 1 the YubiKey standard slot 1. • 2 the YubiKey standard slot 2. -N, --name NAME The name to give the credential. When giving a name with an issuer, the issuer and name should be separated by a colon: issuer:name. Not applicable to slot-based credentials. -A, --oath-type ALGORITHM OATH algorithm to use. Should be one of totp (default) and hotp. Not applicable to slot-based credentials. -D, --digits DIGITS The number of digits to output when generating codes. Should be 6 (default) or 8. Not applicable to slot-based credentials. -I IMF, --imf IMF The initial value to store for the counter. Only applicable for HOTP credential. Not applicable to slot-based credentials. -T, --touch When set, the slot will require the user to press the button on the YubiKey before calculating a code. Only applicable to slot-based credentials. -h, --help Shows additional help for the sub command. KEY Either a base32 encoded key to use as the secret for the credential, or an otpauth:// URI containing the parameters of the credential. When a URI is given the other options are not needed, but can be used to override parameters in the URI, if needed. delete NAME Deletes a credential from the main OATH credential storage. NAME A filter string that uniquely identifies the credential to delete. password SUBCOMMAND [OPTIONS] Manage the access password of the OATH applet. set Sets a new password for the YubiKey. unset Unsets the current password, so that the YubiKey does not require a password to be used. forget Remove all access keys stored on disk. -p, --password PASSWORD Provide the new password for use with the set sub command as an argument. If not given, the command will prompt the user to enter a new password while masking input. -h, --help Shows additional help for the sub command. reset [OPTIONS] Factory-reset the OATH applet, unsetting any access password and erasing all stored credentials. -f, --force Do not prompt for confirmation before resetting. -h, --help Shows additional help for the sub command.
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