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eye - the identity matrix
Following octave, the name eye_rep class is used in place of I to denote identity matrices because I is often used as a subscript or as sqrt(-1). The dimensions of eye_rep are determined by the context. This class is here usefull in the context of preconditioner interfaces: it allows calls of algorithms without any preconditioners, e.g. int status = pcg (a, x, b, eye_rep<Float>(), 100, 1e-7);
template<class T, class M = rheo_default_memory_model> class eye_rep : public solver_abstract_rep<T,M> { public: eye_rep (const solver_option_type& opt = solver_option_type()); void update_values (const csr<T,M>&) {} vec<T,M> operator* (const vec<T,M>& x) const { return x; } vec<T,M> solve (const vec<T,M>& x) const { return x; } vec<T,M> trans_solve (const vec<T,M>& x) const { return x; } };