Provided by: libalgorithm-checkdigits-perl_0.50-1_all 

CheckDigits::M11_004 - compute check digits for CPF (BR), Titulo Eleitoral (BR)
use Algorithm::CheckDigits; $cpf = CheckDigits('cpf'); if ($cpf->is_valid('043.033.407-90')) { # do something } $cn = $cpf->complete('043.033.407-'); # $cn = '043.033.407-90' $cd = $cpf->checkdigit('043.033.407-90'); # $cd = '90' $bn = $cpf->basenumber('043.033.407-90'); # $bn = '043.033.407-'
ALGORITHM 1. From left to right all digits are multiplied with their position in the sequence. 2. The sum of all products is computed. 3. The sum of step 2 is taken modulo 11. a) If the result is 0 or 1 the checkdigit is 0 b) otherwise the checkdigit is 11 minus the result. 4. The first checkdigit is appended to the number and step 1 to 3 are repeated. METHODS is_valid($number) Returns true only if $number consists solely of numbers and the last digit is a valid check digit according to the algorithm given above. Returns false otherwise, complete($number) The check digit for $number is computed and concatenated to the end of $number. Returns the complete number with check digit or '' if $number does not consist solely of digits and spaces. basenumber($number) Returns the basenumber of $number if $number has a valid check digit. Return '' otherwise. checkdigit($number) Returns the checkdigit of $number if $number has a valid check digit. Return '' otherwise. EXPORT None by default.
Mathias Weidner, <>
perl, CheckDigits,