Provided by: libarch-perl_0.5.2-2_all 

Arch::Util - Arch utility functions
use Arch::Util qw(run_tla load_file save_file setup_config_dir); my $abrowse_output = run_tla('abrowse --summary --date --creator'); my ($full_version) = run_tla('tree-version'); my @full_revisions = run_tla('logs', '-r', '-f'); my $cfg_dir = setup_config_dir(undef, "archipelago"); my $content = load_file("$cfg_dir/versions.cfg"); $content =~ s/^last_version = .*/last_version = $full_version/m; save_file("$cfg_dir/versions.cfg", $content);
A set of helper functions suitable for GNU Arch related projects in Perl. Higher (object oriented) levels of Arch/Perl library make use of these helper functions.
The following functions are available: run_tla, run_cmd, run_pipe_from, load_file, save_file, copy_dir, remove_dir, setup_config_dir, standardize_date, date2daysago, date2age, parse_creator_email, adjacent_revision. The system functions die on errors. is_tla_functional Verify whether the system has a working arch backend installed (and possibly configured by environment variables, like TLA or ARCH_BACKEND), needed for this perl library to function. run_tla subcommand_with_args run_tla subcommand arg ... Run the given tla subcommand with optional arguments. Return the tla output in the scalar context, and a list of chomp-ed lines in the list context. run_cmd shell_command_with_args run_cmd shell_command arg ... Run the given shell command (like wc or awk) with optional arguments. Return the command output in the scalar context, and a list of chomp-ed lines in the list context. run_tla is implemented using run_cmd. run_pipe_from shell_command_with_args run_pipe_from shell_command arg ... Run the given shell command (like ls or tar) with optional arguments in the separate process. Return the pipe (file handle) that may be used to read the command output from. run_cmd is implemented using run_pipe_from. load_file file_name load_file file_name scalar_ref load_file file_name array_ref Load the given file_name. Return the file content if the returning value is expected. As a side effect, may modify the scalar_ref or array_ref if given, in the last case all file lines are split and chomp-ed. save_file file_name content Save the given content in the given file_name. The content may be either scalar, scalar ref, or array ref (see load_file). copy_dir dir1 dir2 Copy dir1 to dir2 recursivelly, preserving as many attributes as possible. remove_dir dir .. Remove dir (or dirs) recusivelly. Please be careful. setup_config_dir setup_config_dir dir setup_config_dir dir subdir ... Create (if needed) the configuration dir that defaults to either $ARCH_MAGIC_DIR or ~/.arch-magic or /tmp/.arch-magic if $HOME is unset. If one or more consecutive subdir given, repeat the same procedure for the sub-directory (including creating and diagnostics if needed). Return a name of the existing directory (including sub-directories if any). standardize_date default_unix_date_string Try to convert the given date string to "yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS TMZ". If failed, the original string is returned. date2daysago date_string Convert a date string to time difference to now in full days. In list content, return (num_days_ago, unix_time, timezone_str). date2age date_string Like date2daysago, but return a human readable string, like "5 days" or "-6 weeks" or "7 months" or "3 years". parse_creator_email my_id Try to parse the arch my-id of the patch creator. Return a list of his/her name and email. adjacent_revision full_revision offset Given the full_revision and positive or negative offset, try to guess the full name of the adjacent revision.
Awaiting for your reports.
Mikhael Goikhman (
For more information, see tla, Arch.