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Bio::DB::HIV::HIVQueryHelper - Routines and packages used by Bio::DB::HIV and Bio::DB::Query::HIVQuery
Used in Bio::DB::Query::HIVQuery. No need to use directly.
"Bio::DB::HIV::HIVQueryHelper" contains a number of packages for use by Bio::DB::Query::HIVQuery. Package "HIVSchema" parses the "lanl-schema.xml" file, and allows access to it in the context of the relational database it represents (see APPENDIX for excruciating detail). Packages "QRY", "R", and "Q" together create the query string parser that enables NCBI-like queries to be understood by "Bio::DB::Query::HIVQuery". They provide objects and operators to perform and simplify logical expressions involving "AND", "OR", and "()" and return hash structures that can be handled by "Bio::DB::Query::HIVQuery" routines.
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AUTHOR - Mark A. Jensen
Mark A. Jensen
The rest of the documentation details each of the contained packages. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _ HIVSchema - objects/methods to manipulate a version of the LANL HIV DB schema HIVSchema SYNOPSIS $schema = new HIVSchema( 'lanl-schema.xml' ); @tables = $schema->tables; @validFields = $schema->fields; @validAliases = $schema->aliases; @query_aliases_for_coreceptor = $schema->aliases( 'SEQ_SAMple.SSAM_second_receptor' ); $pk_for_SequenceEntry = $schema->primarykey('SequenceEntry'); # returns 'SequenceEntry.SE_id' $fk_for_SEQ_SAMple_to_SequenceEntry = $schema->foreignkey('SEQ_SAMple', 'SequenceEntry'); # returns 'SEQ_SAMple.SSAM_SE_id' $table = $schema->tablepart('SEQ_SAMple.SSAM_badseq'); # returns 'SEQ_SAMple' $column = $schema->columnpart('SEQ_SAMple.SSAM_badseq'); # returns 'SSAM_badseq' HIVSchema DESCRIPTION HIVSchema methods are used in Bio::DB::Query::HIVQuery for table, column, primary/foreign key manipulations based on the observed Los Alamos HIV Sequence Database (LANL DB) naming conventions for their CGI parameters. The schema is contained in an XML file ("lanl-schema.xml") which is read into an HIVSchema object, in turn a property of the HIVQuery object. HIVSchema methods are used to build correct cgi queries in a way that attempts to preserve the context of the relational database the query parameters represent. HIVSchema CONSTRUCTOR HIVSchema::new Title : new Usage : $schema = new HIVSchema( "lanl-schema.xml "); Function: Example : Returns : an HIVSchema object Args : XML filename HIVSchema INSTANCE METHODS HIVSchema tables Title : tables Usage : $schema->tables() Function: get all table names in schema Example : Returns : array of table names Args : none HIVSchema columns Title : columns Usage : $schema->columns( [$tablename] ); Function: return array of columns for specified table, or all columns in schema, if called w/o args Example : Returns : Args : tablename or fieldname string HIVSchema fields Title : fields Usage : $schema->fields(); Function: return array of all fields in schema, in format "table.column" Example : Returns : array of all fields Args : none HIVSchema options Title : options Usage : $schema->options(@fieldnames) Function: get array of options (i.e., valid match data strings) available to specified field Example : Returns : array of match data strings Args : [array of] fieldname string[s] in "table.column" format HIVSchema aliases Title : aliases Usage : $schema->aliases(@fieldnames) Function: get array of aliases to specified field[s] Example : Returns : array of valid query aliases for fields as spec'd in XML file Args : [an array of] fieldname[s] in "table.column" format HIVSchema ankh Title : ankh (annotation key hash) Usage : $schema->ankh(@fieldnames) Function: return a hash translating fields to annotation keys for the spec'd fields. (Annotation keys are used for parsing the tab-delimited response to Bio::DB::Query::HIVQuery::_do_lanl_request.) Example : Returns : hash ref Args : [an array of] fieldname[s] in "table.column" format HIVSchema tablepart Title : tablepart (alias: tbl) Usage : $schema->tbl(@fieldnames) Function: return the portion of the fieldname[s] that refer to the db table Example : $schema->tbl('SequenceEntry.SE_id'); # returns 'SequenceEntry' Returns : table name as string Args : [an array of] fieldname[s] in "table.column" format HIVSchema columnpart Title : columnpart (alias: col) Usage : $schema->col(@fieldnames) Function: return the portion of the fieldname[s] that refer to the db column Example : $schema->col('SequenceEntry.SE_id'); # returns 'SE_id' Returns : column name as string Args : [an array of] fieldname[s] in "table.column" format HIVSchema primarykey Title : primarykey [alias: pk] Usage : $schema->pk(@tablenames); Function: return the primary key of the specified table[s], as judged by the syntax of the table's[s'] fieldnames Example : $schema->pk('SequenceEntry') # returns 'SequenceEntry.SE_id' Returns : primary key fieldname[s] in "table.column" format, or null if no pk exists Args : [an array of] table name[s] (fieldnames are ok, table part used) HIVSchema foreignkey Title : foreignkey [alias: fk] Usage : $schema->fk($intable [, $totable]) Function: return foreign key fieldname in table $intable referring to table $totable, or all foreign keys in $intable if $totable unspec'd Example : $schema->fk('AUthor', 'SequenceEntry'); # returns 'AUthor_AU_SE_id' Returns : foreign key fieldname[s] in "table.column" format Args : tablename [, optional foreign table name] (fieldnames are ok, table part used) HIVSchema foreigntable Title : foreigntable [alias ftbl] Usage : $schema->ftbl( @foreign_key_fieldnames ); Function: return tablename of table that foreign keys points to Example : $schema->ftbl( 'AUthor.AU_SE_id' ); # returns 'SequenceEntry' Returns : tablename Args : [an array of] fieldname[s] in "table.column" format HIVSchema find_join Title : find_join Usage : $sch->find_join('Table1', 'Table2') Function: Retrieves a set of foreign and primary keys (in table.column format) that represents a join path from Table1 to Table2 Example : Returns : an array of keys (as table.column strings) -or- an empty array if Table1 == Table2 -or- undef if no path exists Args : two table names as strings HIVSchema _find_join_guts Title : _find_join_guts Usage : $sch->_find_join_guts($table1, $table2, $stackref, \$found, $reverse) (call with $stackref = [], $found=0) Function: recursive guts of find_join Example : Returns : if a path is found, $found==1 and @$stackref contains the keys in table.column format representing the path; if a path is not found, $found == 0 and @$stackref contains garbage Args : $table1, $table2 : table names as strings $stackref : an arrayref to an empty array \$found : a scalar ref to the value 0 $rev : if $rev==1, the arrays of table names will be reversed; this can give a shorter path if cycles exist in the schema graph HIVSchema loadSchema Title : loadHIVSchema [alias: loadSchema] Usage : $schema->loadSchema( $XMLfilename ) Function: read (LANL DB) schema spec from XML Example : $schema->loadSchema('lanl-schema.xml'); Returns : hashref to schema data Keys are fieldnames in "table.column" format. Each value is a hashref with the following properties: {name} : HIVWEB 'table.column' format fieldname, can be used directly in the cgi query {aliases} : ref to array containing valid aliases/shortcuts for {name}; can be used in routines creating the HTML query {options} : ref to array containing valid matchdata for this field can be used directly in the HTML query {ankey} : contains the annotation key for this field used with Bioperl annotation objects {..attr..}: ..value_of_attr.. for this field (app-specific metadata) Args : HIVSchema _sfieldh Title : _sfieldh Usage : $schema->_sfieldh($fieldname) Function: get hashref to the specified field hash Example : Returns : hashref Args : fieldname in "table.column" format Class QRY - a query algebra for HIVQuery QRY SYNOPSIS $Q = new QRY( new R( new Q('coreceptor', 'CXCR4'), new Q('country', 'ZA') ) ); QRY::Eq(QRY::And($Q, $Q), $Q); # returns 1 QRY::Eq(QRY::Or($Q, $Q), $Q); # returns 1 $Q2 = $Q1->clone; $Q2 = new QRY( new R( new Q( 'coreceptor', 'CCR5' ), new Q( 'country', 'ZA') ) ); (QRY::And($Q, $Q2))->isnull; # returns 1 $Q3 = QRY::Or($Q, $Q2); print $Q3->A; # prints '(CCR5 CXCR4)[coreceptor] (ZA)[country]' QRY DESCRIPTION The QRY package provides a query parser for Bio::DB::Query::HIVQuery. Currently, the parser supports AND, OR, and () operations. The structure of the LANL cgi makes it tricky to perform NOTs, though this could be implemented if the desire were great. Two class methods do the work. "QRY::_parse_q" does a first-pass parse of the query string. "QRY::_make_q" interprets the parse tree as returned by "QRY::_parse_q" and produces an array of hash structures that can be used directly by "Bio::DB::Query::HIVQuery" query execution methods. Validation of query fields and options is performed at the "Bio::DB::Query::HIVQuery" level, not here. "QRY" objects are collections of "R" (or request) objects, which are in turn collections of "Q" (or atomic query) objects. "Q" objects represent a query on a single field, with match data options "OR"ed together, e.g. "(A B)[subtype]". "R" objects collect "Q" objects that could be processed in a single HTTP request; i.e., a set of atomic queries each having different fields "AND"ed together, such as (A B)[subtype] AND ('CCR5')[coreceptor] AND (US CA)[country] The "QRY" object collects "R"s that cannot be reduced (through logical operations) to a single HTTP request, e.g. ((C)[subtype] AND (SI)[phenotype]) OR ( (D)[subtype] AND (NSI)[phenotype] ), which cannot be got in one go through the current LANL cgi implementation (as far as I can tell). The parser will simplify something like ((C)[subtype] AND (SI)[phenotype]) OR ((C)[subtype] AND (NSI)[phenotype]) to the single request (C)[subtype] AND (NSI SI)[phenotype] however. The operators "&" and "|" are overloaded to "QRY::And" and "QRY::Or", to get Perl precedence and grouping for free. "bool" is overloaded to get symbolic tests such as "if ($QRY) {stuff}". "==" is overloaded with "QRY::Eq" for convenience. No overloading is done for "R" or "Q". QRY _make_q Title : _make_q Usage : QRY::_make_q($parsetree) Function: creates hash structures suitable for HIVQuery from parse tree returned by QRY::_parse_q Example : Returns : array of hashrefs of query specs Args : a hashref QRY _make_q_guts Title : _make_q_guts (Internal class method) Usage : _make_q_guts($ptree, $q_expr, $qarry, $anarry) Function: traverses the parse tree returned from QRY::_parse_q, checking syntax and creating HIVQuery-compliant query structures Example : Returns : Args : $parse_tree (hashref), $query_expression (scalar string ref), $query_array (array ref : stack for returning query structures), $annotation_array (array ref : stack for returning annotation fields) QRY _parse_q Title : _parse_q Usage : QRY::_parse_q($query_string) Function: perform first pass parse of a query string with some syntax checking, return a parse tree suitable for QRY::_make_q Example : QRY::_parse_q(" to[be] OR (not to)[be] "); Returns : hashref Args : query string QRY CONSTRUCTOR QRY Constructor Title : QRY constructor Usage : $QRY = new QRY() Function: Example : Returns : Args : array of R objects, optional QRY INSTANCE METHODS QRY requests Title : requests Usage : $QRY->requests Function: get/set array of requests comprising this QRY object Example : Returns : Args : array of class R objects QRY put_requests Title : put_requests Usage : $QRY->put_request(@R) Function: add object of class R to $QRY Example : Returns : Args : [an array of] of class R object[s] QRY isnull Title : isnull Usage : $QRY->isnull Function: test if QRY object is null Example : Returns : 1 if null, 0 otherwise Args : QRY A Title : A Usage : print $QRY->A Function: get a string representation of QRY object Example : Returns : string scalar Args : QRY len Title : len Usage : $QRY->len Function: get number of class R objects contained by QRY object Example : Returns : scalar Args : QRY clone Title : clone Usage : $QRY2 = $QRY1->clone; Function: create and return a clone of the object Example : Returns : object of class QRY Args : QRY CLASS METHODS QRY Or Title : Or Usage : $QRY3 = QRY::Or($QRY1, $QRY2) Function: logical OR for QRY objects Example : Returns : a QRY object Args : two class QRY objects QRY And Title : And Usage : $QRY3 = QRY::And($QRY1, $QRY2) Function: logical AND for QRY objects Example : Returns : a QRY object Args : two class QRY objects QRY Bool Title : Bool Usage : QRY::Bool($QRY1) Function: allows symbolic testing of QRY object when bool overloaded Example : do {stuff} if $QRY1 *same as* do {stuff} if !$QRY1->isnull Returns : Args : a class QRY object QRY Eq Title : Eq Usage : QRY::Eq($QRY1, $QRY2) Function: test if R objects in two QRY objects are the same (irrespective of order) Example : Returns : 1 if equal, 0 otherwise Args : two class QRY objects Class R - request objects for QRY algebra R SYNOPSIS $R = new R( $q1, $q2 ); $R->put_atoms($q3); $R->del_atoms('coreceptor', 'phenotype'); return $R->clone; $R1 = new R( new Q('subtype', 'B') ); $R2 = new R( new Q('subtype', 'B C'), new Q('country', 'US') ); R::Eq( (R::And($R1, $R2))[0], new R( new Q('subtype', 'B' ), new Q('country', 'US') )); # returns 1 QRY::Eq( new QRY(R::Or($R1, $R2)), new QRY($R1, $R2) ); # returns 1 R::In( (R::And($R1, $R2))[0], $R1 ); # returns 1 R DESCRIPTION Class R objects contain a list of atomic queries (class Q objects). Each class R object represents a single HTTP request to the LANL DB. When converted to a DB query, the class Q objects contained by an R object are effectively "AND"ed. R CONSTRUCTOR R constructor Title : R constructor Usage : $R = new R() Function: create a new R (request) object Example : Returns : class R (request) object Args : optional, array of class Q objects R INSTANCE METHODS R len Title : len Usage : $R->len Function: get number of class Q objects contained in R object Example : Returns : scalar Args : R atoms Title : atoms Usage : $R->atoms( [optional $field]) Function: get array of class Q (atomic query) objects in class R object Example : $R->atoms(); $R->atoms('coreceptor') Returns : array of class Q objects (all Qs or those corresponding to $field if present) Args : optional, scalar string R fields Title : fields Usage : $R->fields Function: get array of fields of all Q objects contained in $R Example : Returns : array of scalars Args : R put_atoms Title : put_atoms Usage : $R->put_atoms( @q ) Function: AND an atomic query (class Q object) to the class R object's list Example : Returns : void Args : an [array of] class Q object[s] R del_atoms Title : del_atoms Usage : $R->del_atoms( @qfields ) Function: removes class Q objects from R object's list according to the field names given in arguments Example : Returns : the class Q objects deleted Args : scalar array of field names R isnull Title : isnull Usage : $R->isnull Function: test if class R object is null Example : Returns : 1 if null, 0 otherwise Args : R A Title : A Usage : print $R->A Function: get a string representation of class R object Example : Returns : string scalar Args : R clone Title : clone Usage : $R2 = $R1->clone; Function: create and return a clone of the object Example : Returns : object of class R Args : R CLASS METHODS R In Title : In Usage : R::In($R1, $R2) Function: tests whether the query represented by $R1 would return a subset of items returned by the query represented by $R2 Example : print "R2 gets those and more" if R::In($R1, $R2); Returns : 1 if R1 is subset of R2, 0 otherwise Args : two class R objects R And Title : And Usage : @Rresult = R::And($R1, $R2) Function: logical AND for R objects Example : Returns : an array containing class R objects Args : two class R objects R Or Title : Or Usage : @Rresult = R::Or($R1, $R2) Function: logical OR for R objects Example : Returns : an array containing class R objects Args : two class R objects R Eq Title : Eq Usage : R::Eq($R1, $R2) Function: test if class Q objects in two R objects are the same (irrespective of order) Example : Returns : 1 if equal, 0 otherwise Args : two class R objects Class Q - atomic query objects for QRY algebra Q SYNOPSIS $q = new Q('coreceptor', 'CXCR4 CCR5'); $u = new Q('coreceptor', 'CXCR4'); $q->fld; # returns 'coreceptor' $q->dta; # returns 'CXCR4 CCR5' print $q->A; # prints '(CXCR4 CCR5)[coreceptor] Q::qeq($q, $u); # returns 0 Q::qeq( Q::qor($q, $q), $q ); # returns 1 Q::qin($u, $q) # returns 1 Q::qeq(Q::qand($u, $q), $u ); # returns 1 Q DESCRIPTION Class Q objects represent atomic queries, that can be described by a single LANL cgi parameter=value pair. Class R objects (requests) are built from class Qs. The logical operations at the higher levels ("QRY, R") ultimately depend on the lower level operations on Qs: "qeq, qin, qand, qor". Q CONSTRUCTOR Q constructor Title : Q constructor Usage : $q = new Q($field, $data) Function: create a new Q (atomic query) object Example : Returns : class Q object Args : optional $field, $data strings Q INSTANCE METHODS Q isnull Title : isnull Usage : $q->isnull Function: test if class Q object is null Example : Returns : 1 if null, 0 otherwise Args : Q fld Title : fld Usage : $q->fld($field) Function: get/set fld (field name) property Example : Returns : scalar Args : scalar Q dta Title : dta Usage : $q->dta($data) Function: get/set dta (whsp-separated data string) property Example : Returns : scalar Args : scalar Q A Title : A Usage : print $q->A Function: get a string representation of class Q object Example : Returns : string scalar Args : Q clone Title : clone Usage : $q2 = $q1->clone; Function: create and return a clone of the object Example : Returns : object of class Q Args : Q CLASS METHODS Q qin Title : qin Usage : Q::qin($q1, $q2) Function: tests whether the query represented by $q1 would return a subset of items returned by the query represented by $q2 Example : print "q2 gets those and more" if Q::qin($q1, $q2); Returns : 1 if q1 is subset of q2, 0 otherwise Args : two class Q objects Q qeq Title : qeq Usage : Q::qeq($q1, $q2) Function: test if fld and dta properties in two class Q objects are the same (irrespective of order) Example : Returns : 1 if equal, 0 otherwise Args : two class Q objects Q qor Title : qor Usage : @qresult = Q::qor($q1, $q2) Function: logical OR for Q objects Example : Returns : an array of class Q objects Args : two class Q objects Q qand Title : qand Usage : @qresult = Q::And($q1, $q2) Function: logical AND for R objects Example : Returns : an array of class Q objects Args : two class Q objects Q INTERNALS Q unique Title : unique Usage : @ua = unique(@a) Function: return contents of @a with duplicates removed Example : Returns : Args : an array Additional tools for Bio::AnnotationCollectionI Bio::AnnotationCollectionI SYNOPSIS (additional methods) $seq->annotation->put_value('patient_id', 1401) $seq->annotation->get_value('patient_ids') # returns 1401 $seq->annotation->put_value('patient_group', 'MassGenH') $seq->annotation->put_value(['clinical', 'cd4count'], 503); $seq->annotation->put_value(['clinical', 'virus_load'], 150805); foreach ( qw( cd4count virus_load ) ) { $blood_readings{$_} = $seq->annonation->get_value(['clinical', $_]); } Bio::AnnotationCollectionI DESCRIPTION (additional methods) "get_value()" and "put_value" allow easy creation of and access to an annotation collection tree with nodes of Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue. These methods obiviate direct accession of the SimpleValue objects. get_value Title : get_value Usage : $ac->get_value($tagname) -or- $ac->get_value( $tag_level1, $tag_level2,... ) Function: access the annotation value associated with the given tags Example : Returns : a scalar Args : an array of tagnames that descend into the annotation tree put_value Title : put_value Usage : $ac->put_value($tagname, $value) -or- $ac->put_value([$tag_level1, $tag_level2, ...], $value) -or- $ac->put_value( [$tag_level1, $tag_level2, ...] ) Function: create a node in an annotation tree, and assign a scalar value to it if a value is specified Example : Returns : scalar or a Bio::AnnotationCollection object Args : $tagname, $value scalars (can be specified as -KEYS=>$tagname, -VALUE=>$value) -or- \@tagnames, $value (or as -KEYS=>\@tagnames, -VALUE=>$value ) Note : If intervening nodes do not exist, put_value creates them, replacing existing nodes. So if $ac->put_value('x', 10) was done, then later, $ac->put_value(['x', 'y'], 20), the original value of 'x' is trashed, and $ac->get_value('x') will now return the annotation collection with tagname 'y'. get_keys Title : get_keys Usage : $ac->get_keys($tagname_level_1, $tagname_level_2,...) Function: Get an array of tagnames underneath the named tag nodes Example : # prints the values of the members of Category 1... print map { $ac->get_value($_) } $ac->get_keys('Category 1') ; Returns : array of tagnames or empty list if the arguments represent a leaf Args : [array of] tagname[s]