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CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SequenceProxyPushConsumer - This module implements the OMG CosNotifyChannelAdmin::SequenceProxyPushConsumer interface.
To get access to the record definitions for the structures use: -include_lib("cosNotification/include/*.hrl"). This module also exports the functions described in: * CosNotifyComm_NotifyPublish * CosNotification_QoSAdmin * CosNotifyFilter_FilterAdmin * CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxyConsumer
connect_sequence_push_supplier(SequenceProxyPushConsumer, PushSupplier) -> Reply Types: SequenceProxyPushConsumer = #objref PushSupplier = #objref Reply = ok | {'EXCEPTION', #'CosEventChannelAdmin_AlreadyConnected'{}} This operation connects a PushSupplier to the target object. If a connection already exists the AlreadyConnected exception is raised. push_structured_events(SequenceProxyPushConsumer, EventBatch) -> Reply Types: SequenceProxyPushConsumer = #objref EventBatch = [StructuredEvent] StructuredEvent = #'CosNotification_StructuredEvent'{header, filterable_data, remainder_of_body} header = EventHeader filterable_data = [#'CosNotification_Property'{name, value}] name = string() value = #any remainder_of_body = #any EventHeader = #'CosNotification_EventHeader'{fixed_header, variable_header} fixed_header = FixedEventHeader variable_header = OptionalHeaderFields FixedEventHeader = #'CosNotification_FixedEventHeader'{event_type, event_name} event_type = EventType event_name = string() EventType = #'CosNotification_EventType'{domain_name, type_name} domain_name = type_name = string() OptionalHeaderFields = [#'CosNotification_Property'{name, value}] Reply = ok | {'EXCEPTION', #'CosEventChannelAdmin_Disconnected'{}} A client must use this operation when it wishes to push a new sequence of events to the target object. If no connection exists the Disconnected exception is raised. disconnect_sequence_push_consumer(SequenceProxyPushConsumer) -> ok Types: SequenceProxyPushConsumer = #objref This operation cause the target object to close the connection and terminate. Ericsson AB cosNotificatiCosNotifyChannelAdmin_SequenceProxyPushConsumer(3erl)