Provided by: libdbix-class-schema-loader-perl_0.07048-1_all bug


       $class - Optional module dependency specifications (for module authors) EOC

       #@@ #@@ SYNOPSIS HEADING #@@
         push @chunks, <<"EOC"; =head1 SYNOPSIS

       Somewhere in your build-file (e.g. ExtUtils::MakeMaker's Makefile.PL):


           \%{ \$EUMM_ARGS{CONFIGURE_REQUIRES} || {} },
           'DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader' => '$distver',


         my %DBIC_CONFIG_AND_ORACLE_DEPS = %{ eval {
           require $class;
           $class->req_list_for([qw( dbicdump_config rdbms_oracle )]);
         } || {} };

         \$EUMM_ARGS{PREREQ_PM} = {
           \%{ \$EUMM_ARGS{PREREQ_PM} || {} },



       Note: The "eval" protection within the example is due to support for requirements during the "configure"
       build phase not being available on a sufficient portion of production installations of Perl. Robust
       support for such dependency requirements is available in the CPAN installer only since version "1.94_56"
       first made available for production with perl version 5.12. It is the belief of the current maintainer
       that support for requirements during the "configure" build phase will not be sufficiently ubiquitous
       until the year 2020 at the earliest, hence the extra care demonstrated above. It should also be noted
       that some 3rd party installers (e.g. cpanminus) do the right thing with configure requirements
       independent from the versions of perl and CPAN available.  EOC

       #@@ #@@ DESCRIPTION HEADING #@@
         push @chunks, <<'EOC'; =head1 DESCRIPTION

       Some of the less-frequently used features of DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader have external module
       dependencies on their own. In order not to burden the average user with modules they will never use,
       these optional dependencies are not included in the base Makefile.PL. Instead an exception with a
       descriptive message is thrown when a specific feature can't find one or several modules required for its
       operation. This module is the central holding place for the current list of such dependencies, for
       DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader core authors, and DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader extension authors alike.

       Dependencies are organized in groups where each group can list one or more required modules, with an
       optional minimum version (or 0 for any version). In addition groups prefixed with "test_" can specify a
       set of environment variables, some (or all) of which are marked as required for the group to be
       considered by "req_list_for"

       Each group name (or a combination thereof) can be used in the public methods as described below.  EOC

         push @chunks, '=head1 CURRENT REQUIREMENT GROUPS';

         my $standalone_info;

         for my $group (sort keys %$dbic_reqs) {

           my $info = $standalone_info->{$group} ||= $class->_groups_to_reqs($group);

           next unless (
             ( $info->{augments} or $info->{modreqs} )

           my $p = $dbic_reqs->{$group}{pod};

           push @chunks, (
             "=head2 $p->{title}",
             "=head3 $group",

           if ( keys %{ $info->{modreqs}||{} } ) {
             push @chunks, map
               { "=item * $_" . ($info->{modreqs}{$_} ? " >= $info->{modreqs}{$_}" : '') }
               ( sort keys %{ $info->{modreqs} } )
           else {
             push @chunks, '=item * No standalone requirements',

           push @chunks, '=back';

           for my $ag ( sort keys %{ $info->{augments} || {} } ) {
             my $ag_info = $standalone_info->{$ag} ||= $class->_groups_to_reqs($ag);

             my $newreqs = $class->modreq_list_for([ $group, $ag ]);
             for (keys %$newreqs) {
               delete $newreqs->{$_} if (
                 ( defined $info->{modreqs}{$_}    and $info->{modreqs}{$_}    == $newreqs->{$_} )
                 ( defined $ag_info->{modreqs}{$_} and $ag_info->{modreqs}{$_} == $newreqs->{$_} )

             if (keys %$newreqs) {
               push @chunks, (
                 "Combined with L</$ag> additionally requires:",
                 ( map
                   { "=item * $_" . ($newreqs->{$_} ? " >= $newreqs->{$_}" : '') }
                   ( sort keys %$newreqs )

         push @chunks, <<'EOC';


       Even though this module is not an Exporter, it recognizes several "actions" supplied to its "import"

       Arguments: @group_names

       A convenience wrapper for use during testing: EOC

         push @chunks, " use $class -skip_all_without => qw(admin test_rdbms_mysql);";

         push @chunks, 'Roughly equivalent to the following code:';

         push @chunks, sprintf <<'EOS', ($class) x 2;

        BEGIN {
          require %s;
          if ( my $missing = %s->req_missing_for(\@group_names_) ) {
            print "1..0 # SKIP requirements not satisfied: $missing\n";
            exit 0;

         push @chunks, <<'EOC';

       It also takes into account the "RELEASE_TESTING" environment variable and behaves like "-die_without" for
       any requirement groups marked as "release_testing_mandatory".

       Arguments: @group_names

       A convenience wrapper around "die_unless_req_ok_for": EOC

         push @chunks, " use $class -die_without => qw(deploy admin);";

         push @chunks, <<'EOC';

       Arguments: @group_names

       A convenience wrapper around "modreq_missing_for":

        perl -Ilib -MDBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Optional::Dependencies=-list_missing,dbicdump_config,rdbms_oracle | cpanm


       Arguments: none
       Return Value: \%list_of_requirement_groups

       This method should be used by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader packagers, to get a hashref of all dependencies
       keyed by dependency group. Each key (group name), or a combination thereof (as an arrayref) can be
       supplied to the methods below.  The values of the returned hash are currently a set of options without a
       well defined structure. If you have use for any of the contents - contact the maintainers, instead of
       treating this as public (left alone stable) API.

       Arguments: $group_name | \@group_names
       Return Value: \%set_of_module_version_pairs

       This method should be used by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader extension authors, to determine the version of
       modules a specific set of features requires for this version of DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader (regardless
       of their availability on the system).  See the "SYNOPSIS" for a real-world example.

       When handling "test_*" groups this method behaves differently from "modreq_list_for" below (and is the
       only such inconsistency among the "req_*" methods). If a particular group declares as requirements some
       "environment variables" and these requirements are not satisfied (the envvars are unset) - then the
       "module requirements" of this group are not included in the returned list.

       Arguments: $group_name | \@group_names
       Return Value: \%set_of_module_version_pairs

       Same as "req_list_for" but does not take into consideration any "environment variable requirements" -
       returns just the list of required modules.

       Arguments: $group_name | \@group_names
       Return Value: 1|0

       Returns true or false depending on whether all modules/envvars required by the group(s) are loadable/set
       on the system.

       Arguments: $group_name | \@group_names
       Return Value: $error_message_string

       Returns a single-line string suitable for inclusion in larger error messages.  This method would normally
       be used by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader core features, to indicate to the user that they need to install
       specific modules and/or set specific environment variables before being able to use a specific feature

       For example if some of the requirements for "deploy" are not available, the returned string could look
       like: EOC

         push @chunks, qq{ "Moose~$moosever" (see $class documentation for details)};

         push @chunks, <<'EOC';
       The author is expected to prepend the necessary text to this message before
       returning the actual error seen by the user. See also L</modreq_missing_for>

       Arguments: $group_name | \@group_names
       Return Value: $error_message_string

       Same as "req_missing_for" except that the error string is guaranteed to be either empty, or contain a set
       of module requirement specifications suitable for piping to e.g. cpanminus. The method explicitly does
       not attempt to validate the state of required environment variables (if any).

       For instance if some of the requirements for "deploy" are not available, the returned string could look
       like: EOC

         push @chunks, qq{ "Moose~$moosever"};

         push @chunks, <<'EOC';

       See also "-list_missing".

       Arguments: $group_name | \@group_names

       A convenience wrapper around skip. It does not take neither a reason (it is generated by
       "req_missing_for") nor an amount of skipped tests (it is always 1, thus mandating unconditional use of
       done_testing). Most useful in combination with ad hoc requirement specifications: EOC

         push @chunks, <<EOC;
         SKIP: {
           $class->skip_without([ deploy YAML>=0.90 ]);


         push @chunks, <<'EOC';

       Arguments: $group_name | \@group_names

       Checks if "req_ok_for" passes for the supplied group(s), and in case of failure throws an exception
       including the information from "req_missing_for". See also "-die_without".

       Arguments: $group_name | \@group_names
       Return Value: \%set_of_loaderrors_per_module

       Returns a hashref containing the actual errors that occurred while attempting to load each module in the
       requirement group(s).

       Deprecated method name, equivalent (via proxy) to "modreq_errorlist_for".


       #@@ #@@ FOOTER #@@
         push @chunks, <<'EOC'; =head1 FURTHER QUESTIONS?

       Check the list of additional DBIC resources.


       This module is free software copyright by the DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader (DBICSL) authors.  You can
       redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader library.  EOC

         eval {
           open (my $fh, '>', $podfn) or die;
           print $fh join ("\n\n", @chunks) or die;
           print $fh "\n" or die;
           close ($fh) or die;
         } or croak( "Unable to write $podfn: " . ( $! || $@ || 'unknown error') );


perl v5.26.1                                       2018-DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Optional::Dependencies(3pm)