Provided by: octopussy_1.0.6-0ubuntu2_all 

Octopussy::Device - Octopussy Device module
New($conf) Creates a new Device Modify($conf_new) Modifies the configuration of a Device Reload_Required($device) Sets 'reload_required' to Device '$device' Remove($device) Removes device '$device' List() Gets List of Devices String_List Returns Device List as a string like 'Device list: <device_list>' Unknowns(@devices) Returns list of Unknown Devices in @devices list Filename($device_name) Gets the XML filename for the device '$device_name' Configuration($device_name) Gets the configuration for the device '$device_name' Configurations($sort) Gets the configuration for all devices Filtered_Configurations($type, $model, $sort) Gets the configuration for devices filtered by DeviceType/Model Add_Service($device, $service) Adds Service or Servicegroup '$service' to Device '$device' Remove_Service($device_name, $service_name) Removes a service '$service_name' from device '$device_name' Update_Services_Rank($conf, $service, $direction, $rank, $old_rank) Updates Services Rank Move_Service($device, $service, $direction) Moves Service '$service' into Device '$device' Services List in Direction Top, Bottom, Up or Down ('$direction') Services(@devices) Gets Service list (sorted by rank) from Device list '@devices' String_Services Returns Service List as a string like 'Service list: <service_list>' Services_Configurations($device, $sort) Returns Services Configurations sorted by '$sort' field for Device '$device' Services_Statistics($device) With_Service($service) Returns List of Device which have Service '$service' in its Services List Types() Returns Device Types List Type_Configurations() Models($type) Returns Device Models List Parse_Status($device) Returns Parsing status of the Device '$device' Parse_Pause($device) Pauses Parsing for Device '$device' Parse_Start($device) Starts Parsing for Device '$device' Parse_Stop($device) Stops Parsing for Device '$device' Set_Service_Option($device, $service, $option, $action) Set Service Option (compression or statistics) to enable or disable Valid_Name($name) Checks that '$name' is valid for a Device name
Sebastien Thebert <>