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GENLIB_MACRO - Interface with all MACRO generators.
#include <genlib.h> void GENLIB_MACRO (long function, char *modelname, long flags, long N, long drive, long regNumber, char *constVal);
The GENLIB_MACRO() fonction call is the generic interface to all genlib macro generators. As all generators do not have the sames arguments it takes a variable number of arguments. Arguments are of two kinds : • Mandatory arguments : those arguments must always be supplied. They represents the minimal set of common arguments for all macro-generators. Mandatory arguments comme firts in the arguments list. • Optional arguments : arguments specifics to a macro-generator or a class of macro-generators. ARGUMENTS 1. long function : (mandatory) specify which macro-generator is to be invoked. For example, to create a two entry multiplexer gives GENLIB_MUX2. 2. char* modelname : (mandatory) specify the name of the model to be generated. For example : "model_mux2_32bits". 3. long flags : (mandatory) tells which views are to be generated. It is a logical combination of the following values : (ORed) 1. F_PLACE : generate physical view (placement only). 2. F_BEHAV : generate behavioral view (VHDL view). 3. F_LSB_FIRST : the terminal of index zero is matched to the LSB, thus a 32 bits vector will be written : "signal[31:0]". 4. F_MSB_FIRST : the terminal of index zero is matched to the MSB, thus a 32 bits vector will be written : "signal[0:31]" (aka. IBM notation). 4. long N : (mandatory) width of the model's bus to be generated. 5. long drive : (optional) output power drive. 6. long regNumber : (optional) number of registers or depth of for a FIFO macro-generator. 7. char* constval : (optional) a character string holding a constant. For example : "0xFFFF0000". AVAILABLE MACRO-GENERATORS • Inverters and Buffers : • DPGEN_INV(3) • DPGEN_BUFF(3) • Boolean Operators : • DPGEN_NAND2(3) • DPGEN_NAND3(3) • DPGEN_NAND4(3) • DPGEN_AND2(3) • DPGEN_AND3(3) • DPGEN_AND4(3) • DPGEN_NOR2(3) • DPGEN_NOR3(3) • DPGEN_NOR4(3) • DPGEN_OR2(3) • DPGEN_OR3(3) • DPGEN_OR4(3) • DPGEN_XOR2(3) • DPGEN_XNOR2(3) • Multiplexers and Tristates : • DPGEN_NMUX2(3) • DPGEN_MUX2(3) • DPGEN_NBUSE(3) • DPGEN_BUSE(3) • Programmable Masks : • DPGEN_NAND2MASK(3) • DPGEN_NOR2MASK(3) • DPGEN_XNOR2MASK(3) • Arithmetics Operators : • DPGEN_ADSB2F(3) • DPGEN_SHIFT(3) • Miscellaneous : • DPGEN_NUL(3) • DPGEN_CONST(3) • DPGEN_ROM2(3) • DPGEN_ROM4(3) • Registers : • DPGEN_RF1(3) • DPGEN_RF1R0(3) • DPGEN_FIFO(3) • DPGEN_RF1D(3) • DPGEN_RF1DR0(3) • DPGEN_DFF(3) • DPGEN_DFFT(3) • DPGEN_SFF(3) • DPGEN_SFFT(3)