Provided by: libhtml-stream-perl_1.60-2_all bug


       HTML::Stream - HTML output stream class, and some markup utilities


       Here's small sample of some of the non-OO ways you can use this module:

             use HTML::Stream qw(:funcs);

             print html_tag('A', HREF=>$link);
             print html_escape("<<Hello & welcome!>>");

       And some of the OO ways as well:

             use HTML::Stream;
             $HTML = new HTML::Stream \*STDOUT;

             # The vanilla interface...
             $HTML->tag('A', HREF=>"$href");
             $HTML->tag('IMG', SRC=>"logo.gif", ALT=>"LOGO");

             # The chocolate interface...
             $HTML -> A(HREF=>"$href");
             $HTML -> IMG(SRC=>"logo.gif", ALT=>"LOGO");
             $HTML -> t($caption);
             $HTML -> _A;

             # The chocolate interface, with whipped cream...
             $HTML -> A(HREF=>"$href")
                   -> IMG(SRC=>"logo.gif", ALT=>"LOGO")
                   -> t($caption)
                   -> _A;

             # The strawberry interface...
             output $HTML [A, HREF=>"$href"],
                          [IMG, SRC=>"logo.gif", ALT=>"LOGO"],


       The HTML::Stream module provides you with an object-oriented (and subclassable) way of outputting HTML.
       Basically, you open up an "HTML stream" on an existing filehandle, and then do all of your output to the
       HTML stream.  You can intermix HTML-stream-output and ordinary-print-output, if you like.

       There's even a small built-in subclass, HTML::Stream::Latin1, which can handle Latin-1 input right out of
       the box.   But all in good time...

INTRODUCTION (the Neapolitan dessert special)

   Function interface
       Let's start out with the simple stuff.  This module provides a collection of non-OO utility functions for
       escaping HTML text and producing HTML tags, like this:

           use HTML::Stream qw(:funcs);        # imports functions from @EXPORT_OK

           print html_tag(A, HREF=>$url);
           print '&copy; 1996 by', html_escape($myname), '!';
           print html_tag('/A');

       By the way: that last line could be rewritten as:

           print html_tag(_A);

       And if you need to get a parameter in your tag that doesn't have an associated value, supply the
       undefined value (not the empty string!):

           print html_tag(TD, NOWRAP=>undef, ALIGN=>'LEFT');

                <TD NOWRAP ALIGN=LEFT>

           print html_tag(IMG, SRC=>'logo.gif', ALT=>'');

                <IMG SRC="logo.gif" ALT="">

       There are also some routines for reversing the process, like:

           $text = "This <i>isn't</i> &quot;fun&quot;...";
           print html_unmarkup($text);

                This isn't &quot;fun&quot;...

           print html_unescape($text);

                This isn't "fun"...

       Yeah, yeah, yeah, I hear you cry.  We've seen this stuff before.  But wait!  There's more...

   OO interface, vanilla
       Using the function interface can be tedious... so we also provide an "HTML output stream" class.
       Messages to an instance of that class generally tell that stream to output some HTML.  Here's the above
       example, rewritten using HTML streams:

           use HTML::Stream;
           $HTML = new HTML::Stream \*STDOUT;

           $HTML->tag(A, HREF=>$url);
           $HTML->text(" 1996 by $myname!");

       As you've probably guessed:

           text()   Outputs some text, which will be HTML-escaped.

           tag()    Outputs an ordinary tag, like <A>, possibly with parameters.
                    The parameters will all be HTML-escaped automatically.

           ent()    Outputs an HTML entity, like the &copy; or &lt; .
                    You mostly don't need to use it; you can often just put the
                    Latin-1 representation of the character in the text().

       You might prefer to use "t()" and "e()" instead of "text()" and "ent()": they're absolutely identical,
       and easier to type:

           $HTML -> tag(A, HREF=>$url);
           $HTML -> e('copy');
           $HTML -> t(" 1996 by $myname!");
           $HTML -> tag(_A);

       Now, it wouldn't be nice to give you those "text()" and "ent()" shortcuts without giving you one for
       "tag()", would it?  Of course not...

   OO interface, chocolate
       The known HTML tags are even given their own tag-methods, compiled on demand.  The above code could be
       written even more compactly as:

           $HTML -> A(HREF=>$url);
           $HTML -> e('copy');
           $HTML -> t(" 1996 by $myname!");
           $HTML -> _A;

       As you've probably guessed:

           A(HREF=>$url)   ==   tag(A, HREF=>$url)   ==   <A HREF="/the/url">
           _A              ==   tag(_A)              ==   </A>

       All of the autoloaded "tag-methods" use the tagname in all-uppercase.  A "_" prefix on any tag-method
       means that an end-tag is desired.  The "_" was chosen for several reasons: (1) it's short and easy to
       type, (2) it doesn't produce much visual clutter to look at, (3) "_TAG" looks a little like "/TAG"
       because of the straight line.

       •   I know, I know... it looks like a private method.  You get used to it.  Really.

       I should stress that this module will only auto-create tag methods for known HTML tags.  So you're
       protected from typos like this (which will cause a fatal exception at run-time):

           $HTML -> IMGG(SRC=>$src);

       (You're not yet protected from illegal tag parameters, but it's a start, ain't it?)

       If you need to make a tag known (sorry, but this is currently a global operation, and not stream-
       specific), do this:

           accept_tag HTML::Stream 'MARQUEE';       # for you MSIE fans...

       Note: there is no corresponding "reject_tag".  I thought and thought about it, and could not convince
       myself that such a method would do anything more useful than cause other people's modules to suddenly
       stop working because some bozo function decided to reject the "FONT" tag.

   OO interface, with whipped cream
       In the grand tradition of C++, output method chaining is supported in both the Vanilla Interface and the
       Chocolate Interface.  So you can (and probably should) write the above code as:

           $HTML -> A(HREF=>$url)
                 -> e('copy') -> t(" 1996 by $myname!")
                 -> _A;

       But wait!  Neapolitan ice cream has one more flavor...

   OO interface, strawberry
       I was jealous of the compact syntax of HTML::AsSubs, but I didn't want to worry about clogging the
       namespace with a lot of functions like p(), a(), etc. (especially when markup-functions like tr()
       conflict with existing Perl functions).  So I came up with this:

           output $HTML [A, HREF=>$url], "Here's my $caption", [_A];

       Conceptually, arrayrefs are sent to "html_tag()", and strings to "html_escape()".


   Auto-formatting and inserting newlines
       Auto-formatting is the name I give to the Chocolate Interface feature whereby newlines (and maybe, in the
       future, other things) are inserted before or after the tags you output in order to make your HTML more
       readable.  So, by default, this:

           $HTML -> HTML
                 -> HEAD
                 -> TITLE -> t("Hello!") -> _TITLE
                 -> _HEAD
                 -> BODY(BGCOLOR=>'#808080');

       Actually produces this:

           <BODY BGCOLOR="#808080">

       To turn off autoformatting altogether on a given HTML::Stream object, use the "auto_format()" method:

           $HTML->auto_format(0);        # stop autoformatting!

       To change whether a newline is automatically output before/after the begin/end form of a tag at a global
       level, use "set_tag()":

           HTML::Stream->set_tag('B', Newlines=>15);   # 15 means "\n<B>\n \n</B>\n"
           HTML::Stream->set_tag('I', Newlines=>7);    # 7 means  "\n<I>\n \n</I>  "

       To change whether a newline is automatically output before/after the begin/end form of a tag for a given
       stream level, give the stream its own private "tag info" table, and then use "set_tag()":

           $HTML->set_tag('B', Newlines=>0);     # won't affect anyone else!

       To output newlines explicitly, just use the special "nl" method in the Chocolate Interface:

           $HTML->nl;     # one newline
           $HTML->nl(6);  # six newlines

       I am sometimes asked, "why don't you put more newlines in automatically?"  Well, mostly because...

       •   Sometimes you'll be outputting stuff inside a "PRE" environment.

       •   Sometimes you really do want to jam things (like images, or table cell delimiters and the things they
           contain) right up against each other.

       So I've stuck to outputting newlines in places where it's most likely to be harmless.

       As shown above, You can use the "ent()" (or "e()") method to output an entity:

           $HTML->t('Copyright ')->e('copy')->t(' 1996 by Me!');

       But this can be a pain, particularly for generating output with non-ASCII characters:

           $HTML -> t('Copyright ')
                 -> e('copy')
                 -> t(' 1996 by Fran') -> e('ccedil') -> t('ois, Inc.!');

       Granted, Europeans can always type the 8-bit characters directly in their Perl code, and just have this:

           $HTML -> t("Copyright \251 1996 by Fran\347ois, Inc.!');

       But folks without 8-bit text editors can find this kind of output cumbersome to generate.  Sooooooooo...

   Auto-escaping: changing the way text is escaped
       Auto-escaping is the name I give to the act of taking an "unsafe" string (one with ">", "&", etc.), and
       magically outputting "safe" HTML.

       The default "auto-escape" behavior of an HTML stream can be a drag if you've got a lot character entities
       that you want to output, or if you're using the Latin-1 character set, or some other input encoding.
       Fortunately, you can use the "auto_escape()" method to change the way a particular HTML::Stream works at
       any time.

       First, here's a couple of special invocations:

           $HTML->auto_escape('ALL');      # Default; escapes [<>"&] and 8-bit chars.
           $HTML->auto_escape('LATIN_1');  # Like ALL, but uses Latin-1 entities
                                           #   instead of decimal equivalents.
           $HTML->auto_escape('NON_ENT');  # Like ALL, but leaves "&" alone.

       You can also install your own auto-escape function (note that you might very well want to install it for
       just a little bit only, and then de-install it):

           sub my_auto_escape {
               my $text = shift;
               HTML::Entities::encode($text);     # start with default
               $text =~ s/\(c\)/&copy;/ig;        # (C) becomes copyright
               $text =~ s/\\,(c)/\&$1cedil;/ig;   # \,c becomes a cedilla

           # Start using my auto-escape:
           my $old_esc = $HTML->auto_escape(\&my_auto_escape);

           # Output some stuff:
           $HTML-> IMG(SRC=>'logo.gif', ALT=>'Fran\,cois, Inc');
           output $HTML 'Copyright (C) 1996 by Fran\,cois, Inc.!';

           # Stop using my auto-escape:

       If you find yourself in a situation where you're doing this a lot, a better way is to create a subclass
       of HTML::Stream which installs your custom function when constructed.  For an example, see the
       HTML::Stream::Latin1 subclass in this module.

   Outputting HTML to things besides filehandles
       As of Revision 1.21, you no longer need to supply "new()" with a filehandle: any object that responds to
       a print() method will do.  Of course, this includes blessed FileHandles, and IO::Handles.

       If you supply a GLOB reference (like "\*STDOUT") or a string (like "Module::FH"), HTML::Stream will
       automatically create an invisible object for talking to that filehandle (I don't dare bless it into a
       FileHandle, since the underlying descriptor would get closed when the HTML::Stream is destroyed, and you
       might not want that).

       You say you want to print to a string?  For kicks and giggles, try this:

           package StringHandle;
           sub new {
               my $self = '';
               bless \$self, shift;
           sub print {
               my $self = shift;
               $$self .= join('', @_);

           package main;
           use HTML::Stream;

           my $SH = new StringHandle;
           my $HTML = new HTML::Stream $SH;
           $HTML -> H1 -> t("Hello & <<welcome>>!") -> _H1;
           print "PRINTED STRING: ", $$SH, "\n";

       This is where you can make your application-specific HTML-generating code much easier to look at.
       Consider this:

           package MY::HTML;
           @ISA = qw(HTML::Stream);

           sub Aside {
               $_[0] -> FONT(SIZE=>-1) -> I;
           sub _Aside {
               $_[0] -> _I -> _FONT;

       Now, you can do this:

           my $HTML = new MY::HTML \*STDOUT;

           $HTML -> Aside
                 -> t("Don't drink the milk, it's spoiled... pass it on...")
                 -> _Aside;

       If you're defining these markup-like, chocolate-interface-style functions, I recommend using mixed case
       with a leading capital.  You probably shouldn't use all-uppercase, since that's what this module uses for
       real HTML tags.


       html_escape TEXT
           Given a TEXT string, turn the text into valid HTML by escaping "unsafe" characters.  Currently, the
           "unsafe" characters are 8-bit characters plus:

               <  >  =  &

           Note: provided for convenience and backwards-compatibility only.  You may want to use the more-
           powerful HTML::Entities::encode function instead.

       html_tag TAG [, PARAM=>VALUE, ...]
           Return the text for a given TAG, possibly with parameters.  As an efficiency hack, only the values
           are HTML-escaped currently: it is assumed that the tag and parameters will already be safe.

           For convenience and readability, you can say "_A" instead of "/A" for the first tag, if you're into

       html_unescape TEXT
           Remove angle-tag markup, and convert the standard ampersand-escapes ("lt", "gt", "amp", "quot", and
           "#ddd") into ASCII characters.

           Note: provided for convenience and backwards-compatibility only.  You may want to use the more-
           powerful HTML::Entities::decode function instead: unlike this function, it can collapse entities like
           "copy" and "ccedil" into their Latin-1 byte values.

       html_unmarkup TEXT
           Remove angle-tag markup from TEXT, but do not convert ampersand-escapes.  Cheesy, but theoretically
           useful if you want to, say, incorporate externally-provided HTML into a page you're generating, and
           are worried that the HTML might contain undesirable markup.

       new [PRINTABLE]
           Class method.  Create a new HTML output stream.

           The PRINTABLE may be a FileHandle, a glob reference, or any object that responds to a "print()"
           message.  If no PRINTABLE is given, does a select() and uses that.

       auto_escape [NAME|SUBREF]
           Instance method.  Set the auto-escape function for this HTML stream.

           If the argument is a subroutine reference SUBREF, then that subroutine will be used.  Declare such
           subroutines like this:

               sub my_escape {
                   my $text = shift;     # it's passed in the first argument

           If a textual NAME is given, then one of the appropriate built-in functions is used.  Possible values

           ALL Default for HTML::Stream objects.  This escapes angle brackets, ampersands, double-quotes, and
               8-bit characters.  8-bit characters are escaped using decimal entity codes (like "#123").

               Like "ALL", but uses Latin-1 entity names (like "ccedil") instead of decimal entity codes to
               escape characters.  This makes the HTML more readable but it is currently not advised, as "older"
               browsers (like Netscape 2.0) do not recognize many of the ISO-8859-1 entity names (like "deg").

               Warning: If you specify this option, you'll find that it attempts to "require" HTML::Entities at
               run time.  That's because I didn't want to force you to have that module just to use the rest of
               HTML::Stream.  To pick up problems at compile time, you are advised to say:

                   use HTML::Stream;
                   use HTML::Entities;

               in your source code.

               Like "ALL", except that ampersands (&) are not escaped.  This allows you to use &-entities in
               your text strings, while having everything else safely escaped:

                   output $HTML "If A is an acute angle, then A > 90&deg;";

           Returns the previously-installed function, in the manner of "select()".  No arguments just returns
           the currently-installed function.

       auto_format ONOFF
           Instance method.  Set the auto-formatting characteristics for this HTML stream.  Currently, all you
           can do is supply a single defined boolean argument, which turns auto-formatting ON \fIs0(1) or OFF
           \fIs0(0).  The self object is returned.

           Please use no other values; they are reserved for future use.

       comment COMMENT
           Instance method.  Output an HTML comment.  As of 1.29, a newline is automatically appended.

       ent ENTITY
           Instance method.  Output an HTML entity.  For example, here's how you'd output a non-breaking space:


           You may abbreviate this method name as "e":


           Warning: this function assumes that the entity argument is legal.

       io  Return the underlying output handle for this HTML stream.  All you can depend upon is that it is some
           kind of object which responds to a print() message:

               $HTML->io->print("This is not auto-escaped or nuthin!");

       nl [COUNT]
           Instance method.  Output COUNT newlines.  If undefined, COUNT defaults to 1.

       tag TAGNAME [, PARAM=>VALUE, ...]
           Instance method.  Output a tag.  Returns the self object, to allow method chaining.  You can say "_A"
           instead of "/A", if you're into barewords.

       text TEXT...
           Instance method.  Output some text.  You may abbreviate this method name as "t":

                 $html->t('Hi there, ', $yournamehere, '!');

           Returns the self object, to allow method chaining.

       text_nbsp TEXT...
           Instance method.  Output some text, but with all spaces output as non-breaking-space characters:

                 $html->t("To list your home directory, type: ")
                      ->text_nbsp("ls -l ~yourname.")

           Returns the self object, to allow method chaining.

       output ITEM,...,ITEM
           Instance method.  Go through the items.  If an item is an arrayref, treat it like the array argument
           to html_tag() and output the result.  If an item is a text string, escape the text and output the
           result.  Like this:

                output $HTML [A, HREF=>$url], "Here's my $caption!", [_A];

       accept_tag TAG
           Class method.  Declares that the tag is to be accepted as valid HTML (if it isn't already).  For
           example, this...

                # Make sure methods MARQUEE and _MARQUEE are compiled on demand:

  the Chocolate Interface permission to create (via AUTOLOAD) definitions for the MARQUEE and
           _MARQUEE methods, so you can then say:

                $HTML -> MARQUEE -> t("Hi!") -> _MARQUEE;

           If you want to set the default attribute of the tag as well, you can do so via the set_tag() method
           instead; it will effectively do an accept_tag() as well.

                # Make sure methods MARQUEE and _MARQUEE are compiled on demand,
                #   *and*, set the characteristics of that tag.
                HTML::Stream->set_tag('MARQUEE', Newlines=>9);

           Instance method.  Normally, HTML streams use a reference to a global table of tag information to
           determine how to do such things as auto-formatting, and modifications made to that table by "set_tag"
           will affect everyone.

           However, if you want an HTML stream to have a private copy of that table to munge with, just send it
           this message after creating it.  Like this:

               my $HTML = new HTML::Stream \*STDOUT;

           Then, you can say stuff like:

               $HTML->set_tag('PRE',   Newlines=>0);
               $HTML->set_tag('BLINK', Newlines=>9);

           And it won't affect anyone else's auto-formatting (although they will possibly be able to use the
           BLINK tag method without a fatal exception ":-(" ).

           Returns the self object.

       set_tag TAG, [TAGINFO...]
           Class/instance method.  Accept the given TAG in the Chocolate Interface, and (if TAGINFO is given)
           alter its characteristics when being output.

           •   If invoked as a class method, this alters the "master tag table", and allows a new tag to be
               supported via an autoloaded method:

                    HTML::Stream->set_tag('MARQUEE', Newlines=>9);

               Once you do this, all HTML streams you open from then on will allow that tag to be output in the
               chocolate interface.

           •   If invoked as an instance method, this alters the "tag table" referenced by that HTML stream,
               usually for the purpose of affecting things like the auto-formatting on that HTML stream.

               Warning: by default, an HTML stream just references the "master tag table" (this makes "new()"
               more efficient), so by default, the instance method will behave exactly like the class method.

                    my $HTML = new HTML::Stream \*STDOUT;
                    $HTML->set_tag('BLINK', Newlines=>0);  # changes it for others!

               If you want to diddle with one stream's auto-formatting only, you'll need to give that stream its
               own private tag table.  Like this:

                    my $HTML = new HTML::Stream \*STDOUT;
                    $HTML->set_tag('BLINK', Newlines=>0);  # doesn't affect other streams

               Note: this will still force an default entry for BLINK in the master tag table: otherwise, we'd
               never know that it was legal to AUTOLOAD a BLINK method.   However, it will only alter the
               characteristics of the BLINK tag (like auto-formatting) in the object's tag table.

           The TAGINFO, if given, is a set of key=>value pairs with the following possible keys:

               Assumed to be a number which encodes how newlines are to be output before/after a tag.   The
               value is the logical OR (or sum) of a set of flags:

                    0x01    newline before <TAG>         .<TAG>.     .</TAG>.
                    0x02    newline after <TAG>          |     |     |      |
                    0x04    newline before </TAG>        1     2     4      8
                    0x08    newline after </TAG>

               Hence, to output BLINK environments which are preceded/followed by newlines:

                    set_tag HTML::Stream 'BLINK', Newlines=>9;

           Returns the self object on success.

           Class/instance method.  Returns an unsorted list of all tags in the class/instance tag table (see
           "set_tag" for class/instance method differences).


       A small, public package for outputting Latin-1 markup.  Its default auto-escape function is "LATIN_1",
       which tries to output the mnemonic entity markup (e.g., "&ccedil;") for ISO-8859-1 characters.

       So using HTML::Stream::Latin1 like this:

           use HTML::Stream;

           $HTML = new HTML::Stream::Latin1 \*STDOUT;
           output $HTML "\253A right angle is 90\260, \277No?\273\n";

       Prints this:

           &laquo;A right angle is 90&deg;, &iquest;No?&raquo;

       Instead of what HTML::Stream would print, which is this:

           &#171;A right angle is 90&#176;, &#191;No?&#187;

       Warning: a lot of Latin-1 HTML markup is not recognized by older browsers (e.g., Netscape 2.0).  Consider
       using HTML::Stream; it will output the decimal entities which currently seem to be more "portable".

       Note: using this class "requires" that you have HTML::Entities.


       Slower than I'd like.  Both the output() method and the various "tag" methods seem to run about 5 times
       slower than the old just-hardcode-the-darn stuff approach.  That is, in general, this:

           ### Approach #1...
           tag  $HTML 'A', HREF=>"$href";
           tag  $HTML 'IMG', SRC=>"logo.gif", ALT=>"LOGO";
           text $HTML $caption;
           tag  $HTML '_A';
           text $HTML $a_lot_of_text;

       And this:

           ### Approach #2...
           output $HTML [A, HREF=>"$href"],
                        [IMG, SRC=>"logo.gif", ALT=>"LOGO"],
           output $HTML $a_lot_of_text;

       And this:

           ### Approach #3...
           $HTML -> A(HREF=>"$href")
                 -> IMG(SRC=>"logo.gif", ALT=>"LOGO")
                 -> t($caption)
                 -> _A
                 -> t($a_lot_of_text);

       Each run about 5x slower than this:

           ### Approach #4...
           print '<A HREF="', html_escape($href), '>',
                 '<IMG SRC="logo.gif" ALT="LOGO">',
           print html_escape($a_lot_of_text);

       Of course, I'd much rather use any of first three (especially #3) if I had to get something done right in
       a hurry.  Or did you not notice the typo in approach #4?  ";-)"

       (BTW, thanks to Benchmark:: for allowing me to... er... benchmark stuff.)


       $Id:,v 1.60 2008/08/06 dstaal Exp $


       Version 1.60   (2008/08/06)
           Fixed up the tests some more, updated changelog.  (Which I'd forgotten about...)

       Version 1.59   (2008/06/01)
           Better tests, better Meta.yml.

       Version 1.58   (2008/05/28)
           Another attempt at cleanup, as well expanding the Meta.yml file.

       Version 1.57   (2008/05/28)
           Cleaned up the Mac-specific files that were getting created in the archive.

       Version 1.56   (2008/05/27)
           Added the start of a testing suite.  In the process, I found an error: HTML defines the tag
           'NOFRAMES', not 'NOFRAME'.  Both are currently in the tag list, but consider 'NOFRAME' depriciated.

           The test suite requires Test::More and Test::Output.

       Version 1.55   (2003/10/28)
           New maintainer: Daniel T. Staal.  No major changes in the code, except to complete the tag list to
           HTML 4.01 specifications. (With the exception of the 'S' tag, which I want to test, and is
           depreciated anyway.  Note that the DOCTYPE is not actually a HTML tag, and is not currently

       Version 1.54   (2001/08/20)
           The terms-of-use have been placed in the distribution file "COPYING".  Also, small documentation
           tweaks were made.

       Version 1.51   (2001/08/16)
           No real changes to code; just improved documentation, and removed HTML::Entities and HTML::Parser
           from ./etc at CPAN's request.

       Version 1.47   (2000/06/10)
           No real changes to code; just improved documentation.

       Version 1.45   (1999/02/09)
           Cleanup for Perl 5.005: removed duplicate typeglob assignments.

       Version 1.44   (1998/01/14)
           Win95 install (5.004) now works.  Added SYNOPSIS to POD.

       Version 1.41   (1998/01/02)
           Removed $& for efficiency.  Thanks, Andreas!

           Added support for OPTION, and default now puts newlines after SELECT and /SELECT.  Also altered
           "TELEM" syntax to put newline after end-tags of list element tags (like /OPTION, /LI, etc.).  In
           theory, this change could produce undesirable results for folks who embed lists inside of PRE
           environments... however, that kind of stuff was done in the days before TABLEs; also, you can always
           turn it off if you really need to.  Thanks to John D Groenveld for these patches.

           Added text_nbsp().  Thanks to John D Groenveld for the patch.  This method may also be invoked as
           nbsp_text() as in the original patch, but that's sort of a private tip-of-the-hat to the patch
           author, and the synonym may go away in the future.

       Version 1.37   (1997/02/09)
           No real change; just trying to make happier.

       Version 1.32   (1997/01/12)
           NEW TOOL for generating Perl code which uses HTML::Stream!  Check your toolkit for html2perlstream.

           Added built-in support for escaping 8-bit characters.

           Added "LATIN_1" auto-escape, which uses HTML::Entities to generate mnemonic entities.  This is now
           the default method for HTML::Stream::Latin1.

           Added "auto_format()," so you can now turn auto-formatting off/on.

           Added "private_tags()", so it is now possible for HTML streams to each have their own "private" copy
           of the %Tags table, for use by "set_tag()".

           Added "set_tag()".  The tags tables may now be modified dynamically so as to change how formatting is
           done on-the-fly.  This will hopefully not compromise the efficiency of the chocolate interface (until
           now, the formatting was compiled into the method itself), and will add greater flexibility for more-
           complex programs.

           Added POD documentation for all subroutines in the public interface.

       Version 1.29   (1996/12/10)
           Added terminating newline to comment().  Thanks to John D Groenveld for the suggestion and the patch.

       Version 1.27   (1996/12/10)
           Added built-in HTML::Stream::Latin1, which does a very simple encoding of all characters above ASCII

           Fixed bug in accept_tag(), where 'my' variable was shadowing argument.  Thanks to John D Groenveld
           for the bug report and the patch.

       Version 1.26   (1996/09/27)
           Start of history.


       This program is free software.  You may copy or redistribute it under the same terms as Perl itself.


       Warmest thanks to...

           Eryq                   For writing the original version of this module.

           John Buckman           For suggesting that I write an "html2perlstream",
                                  and inspiring me to look at supporting Latin-1.
           Tony Cebzanov          For suggesting that I write an "html2perlstream"
           John D Groenveld       Bug reports, patches, and suggestions
           B. K. Oxley (binkley)  For suggesting the support of "writing to strings"
                                  which became the "printable" interface.


       Daniel T. Staal (

       Enjoy.  Yell if it breaks.