Provided by: liblwp-authen-oauth2-perl_0.14-1_all 

LWP::Authen::OAuth2::AccessToken - Access tokens for OAuth 2.
Version 0.02;
This is a base class for signing API requests with OAuth2 access tokens. A subclass should override the "request" method with something that knows how to make a request, detect the need to try to refresh, and attmpts to do that. See lWP::Authen::OAuth2::AccessToken::Bearer for an example. Subclasses of this one are not directly useful. Please see LWP::Authen::OAuth2 for the interface that you should be using.
"from_ref" Construct an access token from a hash reference. The default implementation merely blesses it as an object, defaulting the "create_time" field to the current time. my $access_token = $class->from_ref($data); If you roll your own, be aware that the fields "refresh_token" and "_class" get used for purposes out of this class' control. Any other fields may be used. Please die fatally if you cannot construct an object. "to_ref" Construct an unblessed data structure to represent the object that can be serialized as JSON. The default implementation just creates a shallow copy and assumes there are no blessed subobjects. "expires_time" Estimate expiration time. Not always correct, due to transit delays, clock skew, etc. "expires_in" Estimate the seconds until expiration. Not always correct, due to transit delays, clock skew, etc. "should_refresh" Boolean saying whether a refresh should be emitted now. "for_refresh" Returns key/value pairs for $oauth2 (and eventually the service provider class) to use in trying to refresh. "copy_refresh_from" Pass in a previous access token, copy anything needed to refresh. "request" Make a request. If expiration is detected, refreshing by the best available method (if any). my $response = $access_token->request($oauth2, @request_for_lwp); "_request" Make a request with no retry logic, and return a response, and a flag for whether it is possible the access token is expired.. my ($response, $try_refresh) = $access_token->_request($oauth2, @request_for_lwp); THIS IS THE ONLY METHOD A SUBCLASS MUST OVERRIDE!
Ben Tilly, "<btilly at>"
We should support more kinds of access tokens.
Thanks to <> for their generous support in letting me develop and release this module. My thanks also to Nick Wellnhofer <> for Net::Google::Analytics::OAuth2 which was very enlightening while I was trying to figure out the details of how to connect to Google with OAuth2.
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