Provided by: liblocale-currency-format-perl_1.35-1_all 

Locale::Currency::Format - Perl functions for formatting monetary values
use Locale::Currency::Format; $amt = currency_format('USD', 1000); # => 1,000.00 USD $amt = currency_format('EUR', 1000, FMT_COMMON); # => EUR1.000,00 $amt = currency_format('USD', 1000, FMT_SYMBOL); # => $1,000.00 $sym = currency_symbol('USD'); # => $ $sym = currency_symbol('GBP', SYM_HTML); # => £ $decimals = decimal_precision('USD'); # => 2 $decimals = decimal_precision('BHD'); # => 3 $thou_sep = thousands_separator('USD'); # => , $thou_sep = thousands_separator('EUR'); # => . $dec_sep = decimal_separator('USD'); # => . $dec_sep = decimal_separator('EUR'); # => , currency_set('USD', '#.###,## $', FMT_COMMON); # => set custom format currency_format('USD', 1000, FMT_COMMON); # => 1.000,00 $ currency_set('USD'); # => reset default format The following example illustrates how to use Locale::Currency::Format with Mason. Skip it if you are not interested in Mason. A simple Mason component might look like this: Total: <% 123456789, 'eur' |c %> <%init> use Locale::Currency::Format; $m->interp->set_escape(c => \&escape_currency); sub escape_currency { my ($amt, $code) = ${$_[0]} =~ /(.*?)([A-Za-z]{3})/; ${$_[0]} = currency_format($code, $amt, FMT_HTML); } </%init>
Locale::Currency::Format is a light-weight Perl module that enables Perl code to display monetary values in the formats recognized internationally and/or locally. "currency_format(CODE, AMOUNT [, FORMAT])" currency_format takes two mandatory parameters, namely currency code and amount respectively, and optionally a third parameter indicating which format is desired. Upon failure, it returns undef and an error message is stored in $Locale::Currency::Format::error. CODE A 3-letter currency code as specified in ISO 4217. Note that old code such as DEM, FRF and so on can also be valid. AMOUNT A numeric value. FORMAT There are five different format options FMT_STANDARD, FMT_COMMON, FMT_SYMBOL, FMT_HTML and FMT_NAME. If it is omitted, the default format is FMT_STANDARD. FMT_STANDARD Ex: 1,000.00 USD, 1.000.000,00 EUR FMT_SYMBOL Ex: $1,000.00 FMT_COMMON Ex: 1.000 Dong (Vietnam), BEF 1.000 (Belgium) FMT_HTML Ex: £1,000.00 (pound-sign HTML escape) FMT_NAME Ex: 1,000.00 US Dollar NOTE: By default the trailing zeros after the decimal point will be added. To turn it off, do a bitwise C<or> of FMT_NOZEROS with one of the five options above. Ex: FMT_STANDARD | FMT_NOZEROS will give 1,000 USD "currency_symbol(CODE [, TYPE])" For conveniences, the function currency_symbol is provided for currency symbol lookup given a 3-letter currency code. Optionally, one can specify which format the symbol should be returned - Unicode-based character or HTML escape. Default is a Unicode-based character. Upon failure, it returns undef and an error message is stored in $Locale::Currency::Format::error. CODE A 3-letter currency code as specified in ISO 4217 TYPE There are two available types SYM_UTF and SYM_HTML SYM_UTF returns the symbol (if exists) as an Unicode character SYM_HTML returns the symbol (if exists) as a HTML escape "currency_name(CODE)" For conveniences, the function currency_name is provided for currency name lookup given a 3-letter currency code. Upon failure, it returns undef and an error message is stored in $Locale::Currency::Format::error. CODE A 3-letter currency code as specified in ISO 4217 "decimal_precision(CODE)" For conveniences, the function decimal_precision is provided to lookup the decimal precision for a given 3-letter currency code. Upon failure, it returns undef and an error message is stored in $Locale::Currency::Format::error. CODE A 3-letter currency code as specified in ISO 4217 "decimal_separator(CODE)" For conveniences, the function decimal_separator is provided to lookup the decimal separator for a given 3-letter currency code. Upon failure, it returns undef and an error message is stored in $Locale::Currency::Format::error. CODE A 3-letter currency code as specified in ISO 4217 "thousands_separator(CODE)" For conveniences, the function thousands_separator is provided to lookup the thousands separator for a given 3-letter currency code. Upon failure, it returns undef and an error message is stored in $Locale::Currency::Format::error. CODE A 3-letter currency code as specified in ISO 4217 "currency_set(CODE [, TEMPLATE, FORMAT])" currency_set can be used to set a custom format for a currency instead of the provided format. For example, in many non-English speaking countries, the US dollars might be displayed as 2.999,99 $ instead of the usual $2,999.99. In order to accomplish this, one will need to do as follows: use Locale::Currency::Format qw(:default $error); my $currency = 'USD'; my $template = '#.###,## $'; if (currency_set($currency, $template, FMT_COMMON)) { print currency_format($currency, 2999.99, FMT_COMMON), "\n"; } else { print "cannot set currency format for $currency: $error\n"; } The arguments to currency_set are: CODE A 3-letter currency code as specified in ISO 4217 TEMPLATE A template in the form #.###,##$, #.### kr, etc. If a unicode character is used, make sure that the template is double-quoted. Ex: currency_set('GBP', "\x{00A3}#,###.##", FMT_SYMBOL) If an HTML symbol is wanted, escape its equivalent HTML code. Ex: currency_set('GBP', '£#,###.##', FMT_HTML) FORMAT This argument is required if TEMPLATE is present. The formats FMT_SYMBOL, FMT_COMMON, FMT_HTML are accepted. NOTE! FMT_STANDARD and FMT_NAME will always be in the form <amount><space><code|name> such as 1,925.95 AUD. Hence, currency_set returns an error if FMT_STANDARD or FMT_NAME is specified as FORMAT. With FMT_COMMON, you can always achieve what you would have done with FMT_STANDARD and FMT_NAME, as follows my $amt = 1950.95; currency_set('USD', 'USD #.###,##', FMT_COMMON); print currency_format('USD', $amt, FMT_COMMON); # USD 1,950.95 currency_set('USD', 'US Dollar #.###,##', FMT_COMMON); print currency_format('USD', $amt, FMT_COMMON); # US Dollar 1,950.95 Invoking currency_set with one argument will reset all formats to their original settings. For example currency_set('USD') will clear all previous custom settings for the US currency (ie. FMT_SYMBOL, FMT_HTML, FMT_COMMON). A WORD OF CAUTION Please be aware that some currencies might have missing common format. In that case, currency_format will fall back to FMT_STANDARD format. Also, be aware that some currencies do not have monetary symbol. As countries merge together or split into smaller ones, currencies can be added or removed by the ISO. Please help keep the list up to date by sending your feedback to the email address at the bottom. To see the error, examine $Locale::Currency::Format::error use Locale::Currency::Format; my $value = currency_format('USD', 1000); print $value ? $value : $Locale::Currency::Format::error OR use Locale::Currency::Format qw(:DEFAULT $error); my $value = currency_format('USD', 1000); print $value ? $value : $error Lastly, please refer to perluniintro and perlunicode for displaying Unicode characters if you intend to use FMT_SYMBOL and currency_symbol. Otherwise, it reads "No worries, mate!"
Locale::Currency, Math::Currency, Number::Format, perluniintro, perlunicode
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