Provided by: libmoox-configfromfile-perl_0.007-1_all bug


       MooX::ConfigFromFile - Moo eXtension for initializing objects from config file


          package Role::Action;

          use Moo::Role;

          has operator => ( is => "ro" );

          package Action;

          use Moo;
          use MooX::ConfigFromFile; # imports the MooX::ConfigFromFile::Role

          with "Role::Action";

          sub operate { return say shift->operator; }

          package OtherAction;

          use Moo;

          with "Role::Action", "MooX::ConfigFromFile::Role";

          sub operate { return warn shift->operator; }

          package QuiteOtherOne;

          use Moo;

          # consumes the MooX::ConfigFromFile::Role but load config only once
          use MooX::ConfigFromFile config_singleton => 1;

          with "Role::Action";

          sub _build_config_prefix { "die" }

          sub operate { return die shift->operator; }

          package main;

          my $action = Action->new(); # tries to find a config file in config_dirs and loads it
          my $other = OtherAction->new( config_prefix => "warn" ); # use another config file
          my $quite_o = QuiteOtherOne->new(); # quite another way to have an individual config file


       This module is intended to easy load initialization values for attributes on object
       construction from an appropriate config file. The building is done in
       MooX::ConfigFromFile::Role - using MooX::ConfigFromFile ensures the role is applied.

       For easier usage, with 0.004, several options can be passed via use resulting in default
       initializers for appropriate role attributes:

           Default for "config_prefix" in MooX::ConfigFromFile::Role.

           Default for "config_prefix_map_separator" in MooX::ConfigFromFile::Role.

           Default for "config_extensions" in MooX::ConfigFromFile::Role.

           Default for "config_dirs" in MooX::ConfigFromFile::Role.  Same warning regarding
           modifying this attribute applies here: Possible, but use with caution!

           Default for "config_files" in MooX::ConfigFromFile::Role.

           Reasonable when you want exactly one config file in development mode.  For production
           code it is highly recommended to override the builder.

           Flag adding a wrapper around the builder of "loaded_config" in
           MooX::ConfigFromFile::Role to ensure a config is loaded only once per class. The per
           class restriction results from applicable modifiers per class (and singletons are per

           Default for "config_identifier" in MooX::File::ConfigDir.


       Jens Rehsack, "<rehsack at>"


       Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-moox-configfromfile at", or
       through the web interface at
       <>.  I will be notified,
       and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


       You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

           perldoc MooX::ConfigFromFile

       You can also look for information at:

       •   RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here)


       •   AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


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       •   Search CPAN




       Copyright 2013-2015 Jens Rehsack.

       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
       either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or
       the Artistic License.

       See <> for more information.