Provided by: libnet-amazon-perl_0.62-2_all bug


       Net::Amazon - Framework for accessing via REST


         use Net::Amazon;

         my $ua = Net::Amazon->new(
               associate_tag => 'YOUR_AMZN_ASSOCIATE_TAG',
               token         => 'YOUR_AMZN_TOKEN',
               secret_key    => 'YOUR_AMZN_SECRET_KEY');

           # Get a request object
         my $response = $ua->search(asin => '0201360683');

         if($response->is_success()) {
             print $response->as_string(), "\n";
         } else {
             print "Error: ", $response->message(), "\n";


         Net::Amazon provides an object-oriented interface to's
         REST interface. This way it's possible to create applications
         using Amazon's vast amount of data via a functional interface, without
         having to worry about the underlying communication mechanism.


       "Net::Amazon" works very much like "LWP": First you define a useragent like

         my $ua = Net::Amazon->new(
             associate_tag => 'YOUR_AMZN_ASSOCIATE_TAG',
             token         => 'YOUR_AMZN_TOKEN',
             secret_key    => 'YOUR_AMZN_SECRET_KEY',
             max_pages     => 3,

       which you pass your personal amazon developer's token (can be obtained from
       <>) and (optionally) the maximum number of result pages the agent is
       going to request from Amazon in case all results don't fit on a single page (typically
       holding 20 items).  Note that each new page requires a minimum delay of 1 second to comply
       with Amazon's one-query-per-second policy.

       According to the different search methods on Amazon, there's a bunch of different request
       types in "Net::Amazon". The user agent's convenience method "search()" triggers different
       request objects, depending on which parameters you pass to it:

       "$ua->search(asin => "0201360683")"
           The "asin" parameter has Net::Amazon search for an item with the specified ASIN. If
           the specified value is an arrayref instead of a single scalar, like in

               $ua->search(asin => ["0201360683", "0596005083"])

           then a search for multiple ASINs is performed, returning a list of results.

       "$ua->search(actor => "Adam Sandler")"
           The "actor" parameter has the user agent search for items created by the specified
           actor. Can return many results.

       "$ua->search(artist => "Rolling Stones")"
           The "artist" parameter has the user agent search for items created by the specified
           artist. Can return many results.

       "$ua->search(author => "Robert Jordan")"
           The "author" parameter has the user agent search for items created by the specified
           author. Can return many results.

       "$ua->search(browsenode=>"4025", mode=>"books" [, keywords=>"perl"])"
           Returns a list of items by category ID (node). For example node "4025" is the CGI
           books category.  You can add a keywords parameter to filter the results by that

       "$ua->search(exchange => 'Y04Y3424291Y2398445')"
           Returns an item offered by a third-party seller. The item is referenced by the so-
           called exchange ID.

       "$ua->search(keyword => "perl xml", mode => "books")"
           Search by keyword, mandatory parameters "keyword" and "mode".  Can return many

DETAILS Net::Amazon is based on Amazon Web Services version 4, and uses WSDL version 2011-08-01.


       Responses returned by Amazon's web service can be cached locally.  "Net::Amazon"'s "new"
       method accepts a reference to a "Cache" object. "Cache" (or one of its companions like
       "Cache::Memory", "Cache::File", etc.) can be downloaded from CPAN, please check their
       documentation for details. In fact, any other type of cache implementation will do as
       well, see the requirements below.

       Here's an example utilizing a file cache which causes "Net::Amazon" to cache responses for
       30 minutes:

           use Cache::File;

           my $cache = Cache::File->new(
               cache_root        => '/tmp/mycache',
               default_expires   => '30 min',

           my $ua = Net::Amazon->new(
               token       => 'YOUR_AMZN_TOKEN',
               secret_key  => 'YOUR_AMZN_SECRET_KEY',
               cache       => $cache,

       "Net::Amazon" uses positive caching only, errors won't be cached.  Erroneous requests will
       be sent to Amazon every time. Positive cache entries are keyed by the full URL used
       internally by requests submitted to Amazon.

       Caching isn't limited to the "Cache" class. Any cache object which adheres to the
       following interface can be used:

               # Set a cache value
           $cache->set($key, $value);

               # Return a cached value, 'undef' if it doesn't exist


       By default "Net::Amazon" will attempt to use HTTP compression if the Compress::Zlib module
       is available. Pass "compress => 0" to "->new()" to disable this feature.


       "Net::Amazon" uses "LWP::UserAgent" under the hood to send web requests to Amazon's web
       site. If you're in an environment where all Web traffic goes through a proxy, there's two
       ways to configure that.

       First, "Net::Amazon" picks up proxy settings from environment variables:

           export http_proxy=

       in the surrounding shell or setting

           $ENV{http_proxy} = "";

       in your Perl script will route all requests through the specified proxy.

       Secondly, you can pass a user agent instance to Net::Amazon's constructor:

           use Net::Amazon;
           use LWP::UserAgent;

           my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
           my $na = Net::Amazon->new(
               ua            => $ua,
               associate_tag => 'YOUR_AMZN_ASSOCIATE_TAG',
               token         => 'YOUR_AMZN_TOKEN',
               secret_key    => 'YOUR_AMZN_SECRET_KEY',
           # ...

       This way, you can configure $ua up front before Net::Amazon will use it.


       If something's going wrong and you want more verbosity, just bump up "Net::Amazon"'s
       logging level. "Net::Amazon" comes with "Log::Log4perl" statements embedded, which are
       disabled by default. However, if you initialize "Log::Log4perl", e.g. like

           use Net::Amazon;
           use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);

           my Net::Amazon->new();
           # ...

       you'll see what's going on behind the scenes, what URLs the module is requesting from
       Amazon and so forth. Log::Log4perl allows all kinds of fancy stuff, like writing to a file
       or enabling verbosity in certain parts only -- check for


       Results returned by Amazon can be incomplete or simply wrong at times, due to their "best
       effort" design of the service. This is why the test suite that comes with this module has
       been changed to perform its test cases against canned data. If you want to perform the
       tests against the live Amazon servers instead, just set the environment variable



       Because nobody wrote it yet. If Net::Amazon doesn't yet support a method advertised on
       Amazon's web service, you could help us out. Net::Amazon has been designed to be expanded
       over time, usually it only takes a couple of lines to support a new method, the rest is
       done via inheritance within Net::Amazon.

       Here's the basic plot:

       •   Get Net::Amazon from CVS. Use

                   # (Just hit enter when prompted for a password)
               cvs login
               cvs -z3 co Net-Amazon

           If this doesn't work, just use the latest distribution from

       •   Write a new Net::Amazon::Request::XYZ package, start with this template

               package Net::Amazon::Request::XYZ;
               use base qw(Net::Amazon::Request);

               sub new {
                   my($class, %options) = @_;

                   if(!exists $options{XYZ_option}) {
                       die "Mandatory parameter 'XYZ_option' not defined";

                   my $self = $class->SUPER::new(%options);

                   bless $self, $class;   # reconsecrate

           and add documentation. Then, create a new Net::Amazon::Response::XYZ module:

               package Net::Amazon::Response;
               use base qw(Net::Amazon::Response);

               use Net::Amazon::Property;

               sub new {
                   my($class, %options) = @_;

                   my $self = $class->SUPER::new(%options);

                   bless $self, $class;   # reconsecrate

           and also add documentation to it. Then, add the line

               use Net::Amazon::Request::XYZ;

           to Net/

       And that's it! Again, don't forget the add documentation part. Modules without
       documentation are of no use to anybody but yourself.

       Check out the different Net::Amazon::Request::* and Net::Amazon::Response modules in the
       distribution if you need to adapt your new module to fulfil any special needs, like a
       different Amazon URL or a different way to handle the as_string() method. Also, post and
       problems you might encounter to the mailing list, we're gonna help you out.

       If possible, provide a test case for your extension. When finished, send a patch to the
       mailing list at

       and if it works, I'll accept it and will work it into the main distribution.  Your name
       will show up in the contributor's list below (unless you tell me otherwise).

       There's a number of useful scripts in the distribution's eg/ directory.  Take "power" for
       example, written by Martin Streicher <>: I lets you perform a
       power search using Amazon's query language. To search for all books written by Randal
       Schwartz about Perl, call this from the command line:

           power 'author: schwartz subject: perl'

       Note that you need to quote the query string to pass it as one argument to "power". If a
       power search returns more results than you want to process at a time, just limit the
       number of pages, telling "power" which page to start at ("-s") and which one to finish
       with ("-f").  Here's a search for all books on the subject "computer", limited to the
       first 10 pages:

           power -s 1 -f 10 'subject: computer'

       Check out the script "power" in eg/ for more options.

       If you want me to include your modification or enhancement in the distribution of
       Net::Amazon, please do the following:

       •   Work off the latest CVS version. Here's the steps to get it:

               export CVSROOT
               cvs login (just hit Enter)
               cvs co Net-Amazon

           This will create a new "Net-Amazon" directory with the latest development version of
           "Net::Amazon" on your local machine.

       •   Apply your changes to this development tree.

       •   Run a diff between the tree and your changes it in this way:

               cd Net-Amazon
               cvs diff -Nau >patch_to_christopher.txt

       •   Email me "patch_to_christopher.txt". If your patch works (and you've included test
           cases and documentation), I'll apply it on the spot.


       "Net::Amazon" depends on Log::Log4perl, which can be pulled from CPAN by simply saying

           perl -MCPAN -eshell 'install Log::Log4perl'

       Also, it needs LWP::UserAgent and XML::Simple 2.x, which can be obtained in a similar way.

       Once all dependencies have been resolved, "Net::Amazon" installs with the typical sequence

           perl Makefile.PL
           make test
           make install

       Make sure you're connected to the Internet while running "make test" because it will
       actually contact and run a couple of live tests.

       The module's distribution tarball and documentation are available at


       and on CPAN.


       The following modules play well within the "Net::Amazon" framework:

           by David Emery <> provides a complete API for creating Amazon
           shopping carts on a local site, managing them and finally submitting them to Amazon
           for checkout. It is available on CPAN.


       The "Net::Amazon" project's home page is hosted on


       where you can find documentation, news and the latest development and stable releases for
       download. If you have questions about how to use "Net::Amazon", want to report a bug or
       just participate in its development, please send a message to the mailing list

       The source code has moved from to  The git URL is


       The hope is that makes collaboration much easier, and git is a much more modern
       SCM tool.


       Mike Schilli, <> (Please contact me via the mailing list: )

       Maintainers: Christopher Boumenot, <>

       Contributors (thanks y'all!):

           Andy Grundman <>
           Barnaby Claydon <>
           Batara Kesuma <>
           Bill Fitzpatrick
           Brian <>
           Brian Hirt <>
           Dan Kreft <>
           Dan Sully <>
           Dave Cardwell <>
           Jackie Hamilton <>
           Konstantin Gredeskoul <>
           Lance Cleveland <>
           Martha Greenberg <>
           Martin Streicher <>
           Mike Evron <>
           Padraic Renaghan <>
           rayg <>
           Robert Graff <>
           Robert Rothenberg <>
           Steve Rushe <>
           Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <>
           Tony Bowden <>
           Vince Veselosky


       Copyright 2003, 2004 by Mike Schilli <> Copyright 2007-2009 by
       Christopher Boumenot <>

       This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
       terms as Perl itself.