Provided by: libnet-frame-perl_1.17-1_all 

Net::Frame::Layer::ARP - Address Resolution Protocol layer object
use Net::Frame::Layer::ARP qw(:consts); # Build a layer my $layer = Net::Frame::Layer::ARP->new( hType => NF_ARP_HTYPE_ETH, pType => NF_ARP_PTYPE_IPv4, hSize => NF_ARP_HSIZE_ETH, pSize => NF_ARP_PSIZE_IPv4, opCode => NF_ARP_OPCODE_REQUEST, src => '00:00:00:00:00:00', dst => NF_ARP_ADDR_BROADCAST, srcIp => '', dstIp => '', ); $layer->pack; print 'RAW: '.$layer->dump."\n"; # Read a raw layer my $layer = Net::Frame::Layer::ARP->new(raw => $raw); print $layer->print."\n"; print 'PAYLOAD: '.unpack('H*', $layer->payload)."\n" if $layer->payload;
This modules implements the encoding and decoding of the ARP layer. RFC: See also Net::Frame::Layer for other attributes and methods.
hType pType Hardware and protocol address types. hSize pSize Hardware and protocol address sizes in bytes. opCode The operation code number to perform. src dst Source and destination hardware addresses. srcIp dstIp Source and destination IP addresses. The following are inherited attributes. See Net::Frame::Layer for more information. raw payload nextLayer
new new (hash) Object constructor. You can pass attributes that will overwrite default ones. See SYNOPSIS for default values. getKey getKeyReverse These two methods are basically used to increase the speed when using recv method from Net::Frame::Simple. Usually, you write them when you need to write match method. match (Net::Frame::Layer::ARP object) This method is mostly used internally. You pass a Net::Frame::Layer::ARP layer as a parameter, and it returns true if this is a response corresponding for the request, or returns false if not. The following are inherited methods. Some of them may be overridden in this layer, and some others may not be meaningful in this layer. See Net::Frame::Layer for more information. layer computeLengths computeChecksums pack unpack encapsulate getLength getPayloadLength print dump
Load them: use Net::Frame::Layer::ARP qw(:consts); NF_ARP_HTYPE_ETH Hardware address types. NF_ARP_PTYPE_IPv4 NF_ARP_PTYPE_IPv6 Protocol address types. NF_ARP_HSIZE_ETH Hardware address sizes. NF_ARP_PSIZE_IPv4 NF_ARP_PSIZE_IPv6 Protocol address sizes. NF_ARP_OPCODE_REQUEST NF_ARP_OPCODE_REPLY Operation code numbers. NF_ARP_ADDR_BROADCAST Broadcast address for src or dst attributes.
Patrice <GomoR> Auffret
Copyright (c) 2006-2017, Patrice <GomoR> Auffret You may distribute this module under the terms of the Artistic license. See LICENSE.Artistic file in the source distribution archive.