Provided by: libnet-ipv6addr-perl_0.2.dfsg.1-3_all 

Net::IPv6Addr -- check validity of IPv6 addresses
use Net::IPv6Addr; Net::IPv6Addr::ipv6_parse($addr); $x = new Net::IPv6Addr("dead:beef:cafe:babe::f0ad"); print $x->to_string_preferred(), "\n";
"Net::IPv6Addr" checks strings for valid IPv6 addresses, as specified in RFC1884. You throw possible addresses at it, it either accepts them or throws an exception. If "Math::Base85" is installed, then this module is able to process addresses formatted in the style referenced by RFC1924. The public interface of this module is rather small.
Parameters A string to be interpreted as an IPv6 address. Returns A "Net::IPv6Addr" object if successful. Notes Throws an exception if the string isn't a valid address.
Parameters A string containing an IPv6 address string. Optionally, it may also include a "/" character, and a numeric prefix length, in that order. -or- An IPv6 address string. Optionally, a numeric prefix length. Returns What you gave it, more or less, if it does parse out correctly. Notes Throws an exception on malformed input. This is not an object method or class method; it's just a subroutine.
Parameters A string containing an IPv6 address string. Optionally, it may also include a "/" character, and a numeric prefix length, in that order. -or- An IPv6 address string. Optionally, a numeric prefix length. Returns What you gave it, more or less, if it does parse out correctly, otherwise returns undef. Notes This is not an object method or class method; it is just a subroutine.
Parameters An IPv6 address string. Returns Something true if it's a valid address; something false otherwise.
Parameters If used as an object method, none; if used as a plain old subroutine, an IPv6 address string in any format. Returns The IPv6 address, formatted in the "preferred" way (as detailed by RFC1884). Notes Invalid input will generate an exception.
Parameters If used as an object method, none; if used as a plain old subroutine, an IPv6 address string in any format. Returns The IPv6 address in "compresed" format (as detailed by RFC1884). Notes Invalid input will generate an exception.
Parameters If used as an object method, none; if used as a plain old subroutine, an IPv6 address string in any format. Returns The IPv6 address in IPv4 format (as detailed by RFC1884). Notes Invalid input (such as an address that was not originally IPv4) will generate an exception.
Parameters If used as an object method, none; if used as a plain old subroutine, an IPv6 address string in any format. Returns The IPv6 address in compressed IPv4 format (as detailed by RFC1884). Notes Invalid input (such as an address that was not originally IPv4) will generate an exception.
Parameters If used as an object method, none; if used as a plain old subroutine, an IPv6 address string in any format. Returns The IPv6 address in the style detailed by RFC1924. Notes Invalid input will generate an exception.
Parameters If used as an object method, none; if used as a plain old subroutine, an IPv6 address string in any format. Returns The BigInt representation of IPv6 address. Notes Invalid input will generate an exception.
Parameters If used as an object method, none; if used as a plain old subroutine, an IPv6 address string in any format. Returns An array [0..7] of 16 bit hexadecimal numbers. Notes Invalid input will generate an exception.
Parameters If used as an object method, none; if used as a plain old subroutine, an IPv6 address string in any format. Returns An array [0..7] of decimal numbers. Notes Invalid input will generate an exception.
Parameters If used as an object method, none; if used as a plain old subroutine, an IPv6 address string in any format. Returns The reverse-address pointer as defined by RFC1886. Notes Invalid input will generate an exception.
Parameters If used as an object method, network size in bits If used as a plain old subroutine, an IPv6 address string in any format and network size in bits. Network size may be given with / notation. Returns Network IPv6Addr of given size. Notes Invalid input will generate an exception.
Parameters If used as an object method, network and its size in bits If used as a plain old subroutine, an IPv6 address string in any format network address string and size in bits. Network size may be given with / notation. Returns Something true, if address is member of the network, false otherwise. Notes Invalid input will generate an exception.
probably exist in this module. Please report them.
Tony Monroe <tmonroe plus perl at nog dot net>. The module's interface probably looks like it vaguely resembles Net::IPv4Addr by Francis J. Lacoste <francis dot lacoste at iNsu dot COM>. Some fixes and subroutines from Jyrki Soini <jyrki dot soini at sonera dot com>.
This was originally written to simplify the task of maintaining DNS records after I set myself up with Freenet6. Interesting that there's really only one DNS-related subroutine in here.
RFC1884, RFC1886, RFC1924, perl, Net::IPv4Addr, Math::Base85, Math::BigInt