Provided by: libnet-sieve-script-perl_0.09-1_all 

Net::Sieve::Script - Parse and write sieve scripts
use Net::Sieve::Script; my $test_script = 'require "fileinto"; # Place all these in the "Test" folder if header :contains "Subject" "[Test]" { fileinto "Test"; }'; my $script = Net::Sieve::Script->new ($test_script); print "OK" if ( $script->parsing_ok ) ; print $script->write_script; or my $script = Net::Sieve::Script->new(); my $cond = Net::Sieve::Script::Condition->new('header'); $cond->match_type(':contains'); $cond->header_list('"Subject"'); $cond->key_list('"Re: Test2"'); my $actions = 'fileinto "INBOX.test"; stop;'; my $rule = Net::Sieve::Script::Rule->new(); $rule->add_condition($cond); $rule->add_action($actions); $script->add_rule($rule); print $script->write_script;
Manage sieve script Read and parse file script, make Net::Sieve::Script::Rule, Net::Sieve::Script::Action, Net::Sieve::Script::Condition objects Write sieve script Support RFC 5228 - sieve base RFC 5231 - relationnal RFC 5230 - vacation Draft regex missing 5229 variables 5232 imapflags 5233 subaddress 5235 spamtest notify draft
new Argument : optional text script Purpose : if param, put script in raw, parse script Return : main Script object Accessors : ->raw() : read or set original text script ->require() : require part of script ->rules() : array of rules ->max_priority() : last rule id
parsing_ok return 1 on raw parsing success write_script Purpose : write full script, require and rules parts Return : set current require, return rules ordered by priority in text format equals $object->equals($test_object): return 1 if $object and $test_object are equals read_rules $script->read_rules() : read rules from raw $script->read_rules($some_text) : parse text rules use of read_rules set $script->rules() Return 1 on success find_rule Return Net::Sieve::Script::Rule pointer find by priority Return 0 on error, 1 on not find swap_rules Swap priorities, now don't take care of if/else/elsif Return 1 on success, 0 on error reorder_rules Reorder rules with a list of number, start with 1, and with blanck separator. Useful for ajax sort functions. Thank you jeanne for your help in brain storming. Return 1 on success, 0 on error delete_rule Delete rule and change priority, delete rule take care for 'if' test if deleted is 'if' delete next if next is 'else' change next in 'if' next is 'elsif' Return : 1 on success, 0 on error add_rule Purpose : add a rule in end of script Return : priority on success, 0 on error Argument : Net::Sieve::Script::Rule object
Rewrite a hand made script will lose comments. Verify parsing success with parsing_ok method before write a new script.
Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-net-sieve-script at", or through the web interface at <>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
Yves Agostini - <>
Copyright 2017 Yves Agostini - <> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.