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QwtAnalogClock -
#include <qwt_analog_clock.h> Inherits QwtDial. Public Types enum Hand { SecondHand, MinuteHand, HourHand, NHands } Public Slots void setCurrentTime () void setTime (const QTime &=QTime::currentTime()) Public Member Functions QwtAnalogClock (QWidget *parent=NULL) virtual ~QwtAnalogClock () const QwtDialNeedle * hand (Hand) const QwtDialNeedle * hand (Hand) virtual void setHand (Hand, QwtDialNeedle *) Protected Member Functions virtual void drawHand (QPainter *, Hand, const QPoint &, int radius, double direction, QPalette::ColorGroup) const virtual void drawNeedle (QPainter *, const QPoint &, int radius, double direction, QPalette::ColorGroup) const virtual QwtText scaleLabel (double) const
Detailed Description
An analog clock. Example #include <qwt_analog_clock.h> QwtAnalogClock *clock = new QwtAnalogClock(...); clock->scaleDraw()->setPenWidth(3); clock->setLineWidth(6); clock->setFrameShadow(QwtDial::Sunken); clock->setTime(); // update the clock every second QTimer *timer = new QTimer(clock); timer->connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), clock, SLOT(setCurrentTime())); timer->start(1000); Qwt is missing a set of good looking hands. Contributions are very welcome. Note: The examples/dials example shows how to use QwtAnalogClock.
Member Enumeration Documentation
enum QwtAnalogClock::Hand Hand type See also: setHand(), hand()
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
QwtAnalogClock::QwtAnalogClock (QWidget *parent = NULL) [explicit] Constructor Parameters: parent Parent widget
Member Function Documentation
void QwtAnalogClock::drawHand (QPainter *painter, Handhd, const QPoint ¢er, intradius, doubledirection, QPalette::ColorGroupcg) const [protected], [virtual] Draw a clock hand Parameters: painter Painter hd Specify the type of hand center Center of the clock radius Maximum length for the hands direction Direction of the hand in degrees, counter clockwise cg ColorGroup void QwtAnalogClock::drawNeedle (QPainter *painter, const QPoint ¢er, intradius, doubledirection, QPalette::ColorGroupcg) const [protected], [virtual] Draw the needle. A clock has no single needle but three hands instead. drawNeedle translates value() into directions for the hands and calls drawHand(). Parameters: painter Painter center Center of the clock radius Maximum length for the hands direction Dummy, not used. cg ColorGroup See also: drawHand() Reimplemented from QwtDial. const QwtDialNeedle * QwtAnalogClock::hand (Handhd) const Returns: Clock hand Parameters: hd Specifies the type of hand See also: setHand() QwtDialNeedle * QwtAnalogClock::hand (Handhd) Returns: Clock hand Parameters: hd Specifies the type of hand See also: setHand() QwtText QwtAnalogClock::scaleLabel (doublevalue) const [protected], [virtual] Find the scale label for a given value Parameters: value Value Returns: Label Reimplemented from QwtDial. void QwtAnalogClock::setCurrentTime () [slot] Set the current time. This is the same as QwtAnalogClock::setTime(), but Qt < 3.0 can't handle default parameters for slots. void QwtAnalogClock::setHand (Handhand, QwtDialNeedle *needle) [virtual] Set a clockhand Parameters: hand Specifies the type of hand needle Hand See also: hand() void QwtAnalogClock::setTime (const QTime &time = QTime::currentTime()) [slot] Set a time Parameters: time Time to display
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