Provided by: librdf-helper-properties-perl_0.24-1_all 

RDF::Helper::Properties - Module that provides shortcuts to retrieve certain information
Version 0.22
my $helper = RDF::Helper::Properties->new($model); print $helper->title($node);
Constructor "new(model => $model, %attributes)" Moose-style constructor. Attributes "model" The RDF::Trine::Model which data will be extracted from. The only attribute which the constructor requires. "page_properties" An arrayref of RDF::Trine::Node::Resource objects, each of which are taken to mean "something a bit like foaf:homepage". There is a sensible default. "title_properties" An arrayref of RDF::Trine::Node::Resource objects, each of which are taken to mean "something a bit like foaf:name". There is a sensible default. "cache" A hashref for caching data into, or a blessed object which supports "get" and "set" methods compatible with CHI and Cache::Cache. If you do not supply a cache, then a hashref will be used by default. Methods "page($node)" A suitable page to redirect to, based on foaf:page or foaf:homepage. "title($node)" A suitable title for the document will be returned, based on document contents. Called in list context, returns a ($value, $lang, $datatype) tuple. "description($node)" A suitable description for the document will be returned, based on document contents "html_node_value($node)" Formats the nodes for HTML output.
Most of the code was written by Gregory Todd Williams "<>" for RDF::LinkedData::Apache, but refactored into this class for use by other modules by Kjetil Kjernsmo, "<kjetilk at>", then refactored again by Toby Inkster, "<tobyink at>".
Copyright 2010 Gregory Todd Williams and ABC Startsiden AS. Copyright 2012 Toby Inkster. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.