Provided by: librt-client-rest-perl_0.50-1_all 

RT::Client::REST -- talk to RT installation using REST protocol.
use Error qw(:try); use RT::Client::REST; my $rt = RT::Client::REST->new( server => '', timeout => 30, ); try { $rt->login(username => $user, password => $pass); } catch Exception::Class::Base with { die "problem logging in: ", shift->message; }; try { # Get ticket #10 $ticket = $rt->show(type => 'ticket', id => 10); } catch RT::Client::REST::UnauthorizedActionException with { print "You are not authorized to view ticket #10\n"; } catch RT::Client::REST::Exception with { # something went wrong. };
RT::Client::REST is /usr/bin/rt converted to a Perl module. I needed to implement some RT interactions from my application, but did not feel that invoking a shell command is appropriate. Thus, I took rt tool, written by Abhijit Menon-Sen, and converted it to an object-oriented Perl module.
This API mimics that of 'rt'. For a more OO-style APIs, please use RT::Client::REST::Object-derived classes: RT::Client::REST::Ticket and RT::Client::REST::User. not implemented yet).
new () The constructor can take these options (note that these can also be called as their own methods): server server is a URI pointing to your RT installation. If you have already authenticated against RT in some other part of your program, you can use _cookie parameter to supply an object of type HTTP::Cookies to use for credentials information. timeout timeout is the number of seconds HTTP client will wait for the server to respond. Defaults to LWP::UserAgent's default timeout, which is 180 seconds (please check LWP::UserAgent's documentation for accurate timeout information). basic_auth_cb This callback is to provide the HTTP client (based on LWP::UserAgent) with username and password for basic authentication. It takes the same arguments as "get_basic_credentials()" of LWP::UserAgent and returns username and password: $rt->basic_auth_cb( sub { my ($realm, $uri, $proxy) = @_; # do some evil things return ($username, $password); } logger A logger object. It should be able to debug(), info(), warn() and error(). It is not widely used in the code (yet), and so it is mostly useful for development. login (username => 'root', password => 'password') =item login (my_userfield => 'root', my_passfield => 'password') Log in to RT. Throws an exception on error. Usually, if the other side uses basic HTTP authentication, you do not have to log in, but rather prodive HTTP username and password instead. See basic_auth_cb above. show (type => $type, id => $id) Return a reference to a hash with key-value pair specifying object $id of type $type. The keys are the names of RT's fields. Keys for custom fields are in the form of "CF.{CUST_FIELD_NAME}". edit (type => $type, id => $id, set => { status => 1 }) Set fields specified in parameter set in object $id of type $type. create (type => $type, set => \%params, text => $text) Create a new object of type $type and set initial parameters to %params. For a ticket object, 'text' parameter can be supplied to set the initial text of the ticket. Returns numeric ID of the new object. If numeric ID cannot be parsed from the response, RT::Client::REST::MalformedRTResponseException is thrown. search (type => $type, query => $query, %opts) Search for object of type $type by using query $query. For example: # Find all stalled tickets my @ids = $rt->search( type => 'ticket', query => "Status = 'stalled'", ); %opts is a list of key-value pairs: orderby The value is the name of the field you want to sort by. Plus or minus sign in front of it signifies ascending order (plus) or descending order (minus). For example: # Get all stalled tickets in reverse order: my @ids = $rt->search( type => 'ticket', query => "Status = 'stalled'", orderby => '-id', ); "search" returns the list of numeric IDs of objects that matched your query. You can then use these to retrieve object information using "show()" method: my @ids = $rt->search( type => 'ticket', query => "Status = 'stalled'", ); for my $id (@ids) { my ($ticket) = $rt->show(type => 'ticket', id => $id); print "Subject: ", $ticket->{Subject}, "\n"; } comment (ticket_id => $id, message => $message, %opts) Comment on a ticket with ID $id. Optionally takes arguments cc and bcc which are references to lists of e-mail addresses and attachments which is a list of filenames to be attached to the ticket. $rt->comment( ticket_id => 5, message => "Wild thing, you make my heart sing", cc => [qw(dmitri@localhost], ); correspond (ticket_id => $id, message => $message, %opts) Add correspondence to ticket ID $id. Takes optional cc, bcc, and attachments parameters (see "comment" above). get_attachment_ids (id => $id) Get a list of numeric attachment IDs associated with ticket $id. get_attachment (parent_id => $parent_id, id => $id, undecoded => $bool) Returns reference to a hash with key-value pair describing attachment $id of ticket $parent_id. (parent_id because -- who knows? -- maybe attachments won't be just for tickets anymore in the future). If the option undecoded is set to a true value, the attachment will be returned verbatim and undecoded (this is probably what you want with images and binary data). get_links (type => $type, id => $id) Get link information for object of type $type whose id is $id. If type is not specified, 'ticket' is used. get_transaction_ids (parent_id => $id, %opts) Get a list of numeric IDs associated with parent ID $id. %opts have the following options: type Type of the object transactions are associated wtih. Defaults to "ticket" (I do not think server- side supports anything else). This is designed with the eye on the future, as transactions are not just for tickets, but for other objects as well. transaction_type If not specified, IDs of all transactions are returned. If set to a scalar, only transactions of that type are returned. If you want to specify more than one type, pass an array reference. Transactions may be of the following types (case-sensitive): AddLink AddWatcher Comment Correspond Create CustomField DeleteLink DelWatcher EmailRecord Give Set Status Steal Take Told get_transaction (parent_id => $id, id => $id, %opts) Get a hashref representation of transaction $id associated with parent object $id. You can optionally specify parent object type in %opts (defaults to 'ticket'). merge_tickets (src => $id1, dst => $id2) Merge ticket $id1 into ticket $id2. link_tickets (src => $id1, dst => $id2, link_type => $type) Create a link between two tickets. A link type can be one of the following: • DependsOn • DependedOnBy • RefersTo • ReferredToBy • HasMember • MemberOf unlink_tickets (src => $id1, dst => $id2, link_type => $type) Remove a link between two tickets (see link_tickets()) take (id => $id) Take ticket $id. This will throw "RT::Client::REST::AlreadyTicketOwnerException" if you are already the ticket owner. untake (id => $id) Untake ticket $id. This will throw "RT::Client::REST::AlreadyTicketOwnerException" if Nobody is already the ticket owner. steal (id => $id) Steal ticket $id. This will throw "RT::Client::REST::AlreadyTicketOwnerException" if you are already the ticket owner.
When an error occurs, this module will throw exceptions. I recommend using's try{} mechanism to catch them, but you may also use simple eval{}. The former will give you flexibility to catch just the exceptions you want. Please see RT::Client::REST::Exception for the full listing and description of all the exceptions.
Beginning with version 0.14, methods "edit()" and "show()" only support operating on a single object. This is a conscious departure from semantics offered by the original tool, as I would like to have a precise behavior for exceptions. If you want to operate on a whole bunch of objects, please use a loop.
The following modules are required: • Error • Exception::Class • LWP • HTTP::Cookies • HTTP::Request::Common
LWP::UserAgent, RT::Client::REST::Exception
Most likely. Please report.
RT::Client::REST does not (at the moment, see TODO file) retrieve forms from RT server, which is either good or bad, depending how you look at it.
This is version 0.50 of RT::Client::REST.
Original /usr/bin/rt was written by Abhijit Menon-Sen <>. rt was later converted to this module by Dmitri Tikhonov <>. In January of 2008, Damien "dams" Krotkine <> joined as the project's co-maintainer. JLMARTIN has become co-maintainer as of March 2010. SRVSH became a co-maintainer in November 2015.
Perl license.